God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 768: serious

The seven hundred and sixty-eight chapters

For more than three months, Shi Yan has killed a lot of people and achieved a lot of achievements. However, compared with the other five forces, he is still a lot weaker...

The people he killed are all gods and gods. They have not been able to really kill the mighty king of the king of heaven. After each battle, he will disappear for a few days before he will appear.

Unlike other five forces, it will not be exhausted and killing, as if it will never be tired.

Judging how much merit is obtained in the Pole Ward, it is not measured by the number of murderers, but also by the realm of the murdered person.

In accordance with the rules set by the plating, killing a warrior in the double kingdom of heaven and earth, can be equal to ten people in one heaven and the realm, that Lily Anna and Oglas, the people killed, there are several in the king of God Heavy, this intensity is not comparable to the current stone rock.

His realm of realm, because of the true God, is limited, the king of heaven and two heavens, he still dare not challenge.

Only by looking forward to breaking through the realm of the king of God, can he be challenged beyond the level, and after winning, he can not be afraid of the self-confidence of others.

Now, he may be able to kill a god-two double-armed warrior, but it will certainly not be so easy, it will be injured, and it may be seriously injured. The imperial court has every danger and no peace.

When the warriors engage in war, they will cause horrible fluctuations and will attract the surrounding death row to gather.

Once others see you experiencing fatigue, being seriously injured, not going to say any rules, but will be hurting you to kill you.

Therefore, Shiyan, who has an accurate judgment of the situation, has not dared to challenge the king of heaven twice.

Not afraid of defeat, but fear that it will be hit hard, not worth the loss, will become the prey of the lurkers.

He has his rules of conduct, perhaps because of his cautiousness, so he can live well, gradually and powerfully advanced, accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity of breakthrough.

Today, under the accumulation of his forbearance in March, the opportunity to break through is finally coming.

A corner of the Purgatory Star.

Liana and Ogudo, looking down at the lake underneath, watching the people who fought in various regions, their faces were indifferent and cold, and there was no previous bickering.

The battle has come to the present, and it has gradually become clear. Unsurprisingly, the three men of Liana and the three of Oglas will achieve the ultimate victory and become the most murderous.

As for the two people under Yalan, Tiemu and Rochester, including Nadam and one person, although they are very relaxed, they have not encountered any difficult situation so far, but from the current point of view, it is difficult for them to win the final victory.

In the eyes of everyone, the three-month battle indicates the final result. The winner will be the three of Liana's three or the three of Oglas.

What makes everyone stunned is the gamble of Lianna and Ogudo, Shi Yan.

They are all looking forward silently, hoping that Oglas and Shiyan will meet in the Pole Wars and look forward to the battle between the two men.

However, the Pole Wars is extremely large, with half of the purgatory star, vast and endless, and the chances of meeting two of them are not great.

Unless, unless they are actively looking for it.

Oglas is now doing this. Whenever he kills a person, he will ask Shiyan's news before letting the person die. He hopes to get the position of Shiyan as soon as possible to carry out his **** slaughter.

He remembered Ogado's remarks, and his hatred of Shiyan also made him angry every day.

However, the people who met with Shiyan were almost ruthlessly killed by him. So, Auglas couldn't know the news of Shiyan, and he was quite impatient.

On this day, Oprah's opportunity came. He met the first martial artist of the Dark Spirit of the Dark Spirit, and he was the Emperor of the Heavenly King. The power of the original has been stronger than him, not to mention that Oglas is not just one person.

The fate of that person was doomed in the morning.

Frustrated, seriously injured, so that the soul and body were imprisoned.

At this time, Oglas did not rush to start, and his attitude was indifferent. He said: "Can there be a message from a true sect? The person is the weakest of us, and he will not summon the singer. If you know his position, tell me, I will leave you with the whole body."

The dark spirited strongman who was imprisoned by the soul and the gods looked desperate. He heard the name of Oglas and knew the other's ferocious means. Therefore, he only hesitated, he said: "I know his position. ”

Ogils’ eyes illuminate in vain, and I am moved. “As long as you tell me the general position, you can let you die without pain and let your body be complete.”

"I have seen him for a while after seeing him three months ago. His general position does know." The man was silent for a few seconds, and he knew that it was difficult to escape the killing of Oglas, even if it was hard. If the other party gives his soul out and uses the secret method to search for the soul, he still can't keep the secret. Therefore, he is very honest and will explain the position of Shiyan.


This person's body was torn into pieces by the innumerable golden light, and the blood splashed, such as the drizzle and the rain, scattered all over the place, and the blood was full of flavor.

Oglas did not leave his whole body. On the contrary, he sneered and vented, and the golden electric awns spurred out from the field of his god. He gave the man a hard time, and the flesh and blood were stirred into meat. .

"I finally found you." O'Glass hung his head, his eyes sullen, and suddenly said: "Change the position, it is time to take down the life of the kid."

The two warriors under Oguto’s majesty knew his heart, and he nodded, nodded and said.

A group of three, according to the direction that the person said, quickly went away.

"This child is cruel, there is no human touch, no rules, even the mortal people are cheating, very good, I like it." Tian Ni Star, the king of the kingdom of God, sings and laughs, will see the means of Oglas Clear and clear.

It is Zi Yao, a fascination in the beauty, a frown deep lock, a slightly uncomfortable face.

All along, Ogils has been polite in front of her, giving her a feeling of gentleness like a spring breeze, she has never seen the other side of Oglas.

Today, here, she saw the murderous means of Auglas clearly, and finally realized that Oglas was a person in front of her, and when she could not see, she would become another person.

In her heart lake, if she was put into a small stone, she would sway the silky shackles and secretly think.

The guy, who has never deliberately disguised himself, has shown ruthlessness from beginning to end. Compared with Oglas, he seems to be more acceptable.

She thought quietly, her look a little embarrassed, and there was a bit of a cold for Oglas's means.

The Lord of the Kingdom of God smiled indifferently, and he did not care. He laughed. "Yaer, do you feel a little lost? Oglas was a fierce name in the Kingdom of God. It was only after you became a singer. Have you seen this appearance?"

Zi Yao bitterly nodded. "When he was with me, he was very polite and very kind and welcoming to people. My purple star has always been taking care of him. All the mortals are also very fond of loving him. His sunshine is mild."

Plated amazed, "My silly daughter, it is because Oglas wants to pursue you, so it will show you the best side in front of you. Don't you know, he didn't meet you before. The fierce name? Or was you deliberately neglected?"

Zi Yao was silent and half-sounding, and said helplessly: "Maybe when I was with me, he was so gentle and so strong that I did not believe that the rumors outside were true."

With that said, she suddenly moved to create a new idea.

The bastard, who has always been in front of me, will not deliberately express his perfect sunshine. Instead, he often grins his teeth and says something annoying. Isn’t he really thinking about me? So I don't care about my perception of her?

Thinking about it, she had a faint loss in her heart, and she felt a little angry, and the beauty flashed a trace of anger.

"It's nothing, it's normal. When you father-in-law pursued your mother, it was gentle and courteous. I won't show her the evil side. Because I care, I will care for each other with my heart. Ogils is fierce. Hehe, but he is really good at you, but I can guarantee it." Plated with a smile, "It’s the kid, maybe it’s nothing to think about, it will show the original face, so good. If it can be used for you, it is not a hidden idea. It is not a good thing."

"I don't like other people pretending to be pretending to me. It's too hypocritical. It's too fake. I would rather Oglas show her true self. Don't wear a mask with me." Zi Yao suddenly looked up and looked at the Lord of the Kingdom of God behind him, "I I feel that it is easier to get along with people like Shiyan."

Plated Tianqi was silent, seemed to think of something, his eyes were complicated, and he was whispering for a long time. "... Maybe I was doing something wrong, your mother, because of this, because I found it to be ferocious. I am angry. Maybe, I don’t pretend to be myself from the beginning, but I won’t let her have a knot.”

Zi Yaomei blinked a bit. "Father, why did the mother die?"

The plated face is in vain, snoring, no more words.

In the heart of Zi Yao, she did not continue to ask questions, but the fire of curiosity in her heart would never be so easy to extinguish.

After a long time, the plated Tianqi once again opened, "Yaoer, if you can choose, Oglas and the kid, who would you choose? Oglas behind Ogudo, the kid, although practicing the death of the righteousness, can see It doesn't matter to the person. From now on, his potential is not as good as that of Oglas. He can help you, and it is even worse. I really want to pick one person. Who are you who want to survive?"

Zi Yao was stunned, his face was stunned, and he was so loud that he bowed his head and said: "I don't know."

"In fact, you don't have to choose. Only one of them can survive. They will help you decide for themselves." Plated with a smile, relaxed and not knowing what to think.


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