God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 780: Forbidden wonder

Chapter 780: Forbidden Lands

"I want to know why you can escape the lock of the Purgatory Token and be able to hide your life magnetic field? Also, this forbidden place, why can you easily enter?"

Shiyan stood by the stream, so he was not worried that the old man would kill him again. In his opinion, if the old man knew the current affairs, he should have his own understanding.

Sure enough, the old man did not dare to start, like him, slowly relaxed. "What you want to know is related to this stone."

During the speech, he took out a square stone from the cuff. The stone has a natural pattern, like a natural array, with wonderful energy. From a distance, the pattern is faintly active and exudes a faint light.

The old man smiled and threw the stone in his hand. "Do you try again?"

A glimpse of the gods into the purgatory token, strange, the old man's life magnetic field suddenly clear and obvious, appear in the purgatory token, can clearly sense the strength of his life.

Shi Yan’s eyes illuminate in vain, looking at the square stone, and he was surprised: “With this stone, you can isolate the induction of the purgatory token, so that I can not detect your existence.”

"Not bad." The old man smiled proudly and quickly put away the piece of Fangshi. "With him, he entered the Pole Wars and could not find me through the Purgatory Token. With it, the Pole Wars I can easily enter the ninety-nine places, and I don't have to worry about being blocked by the enchantment."

The piece of ash, disappeared in his cuffs, and Shi Yan’s induction to him was once again confusing. He could not lock him with the purgatory token, standing face to face, he let go of the gods, and could not sense the fluctuations of the old man’s life.

Fang Shi, seems to be able to hide the soul and the soul altar, it is really magical.

"Where did you come from?" Shi Yan came to interest.

"Hey, this can't tell you, I can only say that there are similar slabs, there are still a few pieces. In addition to me, others have got Fangshi, the most powerful madman of the Purgatory Star, experienced several times. The infernal field, this secret, we strictly guard, even the Lord of the Kingdom of God is plating the wonders, I don't know about it." The old man grinned. "This is also why, I participated in the five-pronged purgatory, one reason why I was not killed, really encountered To the invincible guy, I will hide in the forbidden place and take refuge."

Shiyan’s eyes lit up and nodded. “No wonder, it seems that you are in the Pole Wars, there are no small opportunities. There are ninety-nine similar forbidden places here, just like here, enchanting? ”

"Well, there are ninety-nine places. According to my guess, it should be the formation and hub of the Prison inquiries. The existence of the ninety-nine forbidden places maintains the balance of the Puritan, and the magical effect, only Through the square stone in my hands, I can enter safely.” The old man looked at him deeply, his eyes were a bit weird. “What makes me wonder is why you can enter? As far as I know, even if I don’t have a party Stone, in the kingdom of the gods, do not want to enter easily."

"I can't tell you either." Shi Yan smiled lightly. "Every one has his own secret. You don't want to say more, I naturally have it."

"I will take you to a place." The old man was silent and suddenly smiled. "In that place, you might be interested, oh, yes, my name is Jiang Ge, what about you?"


"You come with me, I will show you a place."

The old man who claimed to be Jiang Ge, regardless of the blood pollution, suddenly came to the interest, and walked out from the thatched cottage and moved toward the depths of the valley.

Shi Yan did not hesitate, nodded and followed silently.

The valley where the flowers bloom, the grasses are in the water, the water is flowing, the fish are swimming, and the peace and tranquility are like a fairyland on earth.

No matter how people imagine, they can't guess that there is such a wonderful place in the **** and cruel road of the infernal market. It seems that there is another world like the horrible and sinister forbidden land.

Jiang Ge seems to be very familiar with this place. While walking towards the valley, he faintly explained: "Like me, other people who get similar to Fangshi also have their own territory. Well, it is forbidden. There are five places, quite amazing, and you will know it later."

Shi Yan listened carefully and hesitated. Suddenly, he said: "If the three years of the infernal refinery is over, and you remain in the forbidden land, will it be discovered?"

Jiang Ge didn't look back, haha ​​laughed. "Guess guess?"

"The outside world will not find it?" Shi Yan said uncertainly.

"Nature will not find out. I tell you the truth, every time I finish, I will go out according to the normal process, but the other four guys, one who has never gone out, are all left in the forbidden place. The Lord of God, when they are dead, I don't know that they not only live well, but everyone has a harvest. I have their own insistence and have reasons to go out. The four guys are already about to treat the forbidden land as their home. They don't want to go out. Jiang Ge did not look back, and explained it casually.

Shiyan eyes flashed a strange luster, secretly horrified.

If it is according to the old man, in the Pole Wars, there are four people like him, and I also get a similar square stone, ignoring the ninety-nine forbidden places in this place, and settled in five special forbidden places. The trials of the many infernal purgatory, the realm and age of the other four are definitely not small, and they are all extremely difficult characters.

Because of the Fangshi, even the plating of Tianqi does not know their situation, can avoid the purgatory token, and stay in the Prison in the Prison for hundreds of years, what is the picture?

He soon got the answer.

Jiang Ge suddenly stopped, in front of his fingers, at the end of the deep valley, and shouted: "It is here."

Shi Yan suddenly stopped his body and stared to look at it. His face suddenly showed a very wrong color.

A majestic palace.

At the end of the valley, a palace is between the two peaks. The mountain peaks slanted to the sky, concealing the palace. The clouds above the palace are densely covered, such as the indelible ink, which hinders everything.

The palace exudes the light of the gods, such as the gold and iron jade piled up, beautiful, the center is erected with a root stone pillar, the stone column has a natural pattern, exudes energy fluctuations, a towering stone pillar, the palace Float up, like a fairyland.

At this time, they looked at the palace group at the nearest stone pillar, and gave birth to a feeling of incomparable smallness.

A burst of wonderful volatility emerged from the stone pillars of the palace, which dissipated and formed a wonderful circle of water, with at least tens of layers of water, each layer is an enchantment, incomparably mysterious The test, as if it contains the power of the heavens and the earth, makes people feel guilty.

Shiyan’s subconscious mind is going forward.

Jiang Ge suddenly screamed: "Be careful!"

Shiyan suddenly stopped, and looked strangely at him.

"The layers of ripples are all terrible things. I have been here for so many years, and I haven't broken them. Don't you risk?" Jiang Ge grinned, and screamed, "The rest of the four, like me, There is a palace in their forbidden land, similar to mine. The reason why they are not in a hurry to leave, what is the picture, you understand now?"

"Palace?" Shiyan is amazed.

Nodded, Jiang Ge's face was dignified. "I can tell you clearly that the five palaces of the Puritan are supposed to be built by the five generations of the former national division of the God of Heaven. The plating should know a little, but it should It is not clear. The former five generations of national teachers seem to intentionally conceal anything and do not want to know the Lord of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the Lord of the Kingdom of God will not know the secrets of this. I don’t know what they hide, but in our view, Everything in the palace must have something. The rest of the four thoughts, like me, are not in a hurry to leave, just want to know the secret."

Shiyan is eclipsed.

"If I have no reason, I will never leave this place, I will break the defense outside and enter the palace to see what is in it." Jiang Ge looks solemn, "Boy, I will bring you over, yes. I want to tell you, if you give me the purgatory token, I can give you the stone in your hand. I can't finish it. You can finish it, because I can't wait, I have to go out, it's an exchange, you are sure. No loss."

"You have Fangshi, can't you enter?" Shi Yan did not agree, but asked doubts.

"That stone can only enter me into the outer forbidden land, can not enter the palace, I have tried countless times, it is difficult to crack my strength and knowledge alone. Perhaps, my realm is not enough." Jiang Ge smiled.

"You can't do the three kingdoms of the gods, how can I?" Shi Yan laughed and shook his head. "I won't be yours. I want to be a **** one. Let me end up with this, and bind me with a secret. You Playing a good abacus?"

"Don't you want to know what's inside?" Jiang Ge frowned.

"Think, but I don't want to do nothing, don't want to waste time, die in such a place where a bird doesn't pull?" Shi Yan shook his head.

"The place where the birds don't pull?" Jiang Ge cried and laughed. "Boy, you really don't know your own way."

"How to say?"

"After the end of the three-year trial of the Pole Wars, in the Pole Ward, the keen sense of the energy of the heavens and the earth will disappear. Why is there a three-year period? It can only be supported for so long, that is, After three years, the Pole Wars will be like the other areas, and it will not bring any help to the realm. The ninety-nine places are forbidden, and the remaining 94 places are the same. They will temporarily lose their strength and disappear. Only the five forbidden places with palaces, even if the three-year period is over, will not disappear, and the keen sense of the energy of the heavens and the earth will always exist!" Jiang Ge lightly drink.

Shi Yan's expression suddenly trembled, and Huo Ran understood it and knew how much the old man gave the chips.


Ps: Sorry, I took my son to the vaccination in the morning, didn't write, and now I am working hard~~

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