God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 785: Small role, big effect!

The seven hundred and eighty-fifth chapter small role, great effect!

What Shi Yan reached out was a strange enchantment formed by wood grain. The wood grain was connected, blue-brown, like a dense forest, and there was a grassy atmosphere from the inside.

Close your eyes, he seems to come to the depths of the lush forest, can smell the fragrance of vegetation, and feel the natural atmosphere.

Numerous wood grain intersections have become the ocean of trees, and the essence of wood is scattered, very dense and full of vitality.

At the same time, the other four people also put their hands on the enchantment.

From the direction of Fengqi, there is a golden glow, Ganji, Ponga, and Handi, respectively, with red fire, white mist, and yellow rustic overflow.

The power of the five elements!

Shi Yan just glanced at it, and realized in vain that the last layer of enchantment contained five lines of mystery, and there seemed to be wonderful feelings between each other.

The five elements of Jinmushuihuo's enchantment have always been wonderfully merged into one. The last layer of enchantment that connects the palaces implies that the five elements are subtle and very balanced. Once the balance is broken, unexpected accidents will occur.

After obsessing for a while, Shiyan was not in a hurry, squinting and meditating to understand the wonderful life on the wood grain.

Daddy, a thought flashed in my mind, his mind moved.

The death of the mystery suddenly appeared, the soul burial ground covered, spread from him, slowly covering the dense forest formed by the wood grain.

The wonderful wood grain of the pieces, the ecological force of the overflowing, under the influence of the soul burial ground, seems to be gradually taken away from the power, there is a vitality through the soul burial ground, gathered to the stone itself.

His deity, Huo Ran is full of vitality, the blood is extremely strong, the fine five elements of the vitality, turned into a pure power, into his blood skeleton.

The enchantment of the last layer of wood, under the influence of his characteristic ambiguity, was easily cracked. According to this speed, it will not be long before this final layer of enchantment will disappear.

On the other hand, there are four people who are so rich. When he cracks, he looks very dignified, shows signs of sweat on his forehead, concentrates on his mind, and dare not distract.

It can be seen that the power of the four of them is consumed very quickly, and the enchantment that is easily broken by Shi Yan falls on their heads, but it is not easy.

Four people, madly urging the power, the whole body shimmering, rushing into their respective enchantments, closing their eyes, carefully looking for the gap between the enchantments, filling with their own power.

The ups and downs of their cultivation are not the power of the Five Elements. Before the field of their gods was revealed, Shi Yan was not estimated, but he knew that the strength of the four people was very tyrannical. As long as they persisted, the power within the enchantment would be consumed. If you drop it, you can definitely break it and fly out.

When he looked at the four people, the wonders of his soul burial field had absorbed 77.88 of the energy of the wood contained in the last layer of enchantment.

Seeing that the last layer of enchantment is about to be broken, Shiyan suddenly stopped, the field of God disappeared, and he was not in a hurry. He looked at the other four easily, and did not immediately tear the layer of enchantment film.

He did not know what was in the five palaces and did not know the dangers.

Therefore, he did not want to rush into the first place. He planned to stay outside because he said that he was talking about it. First, figure out the situation inside, and then think about what to do.

very quickly.

Feng Qi four people, trying their best, finally broke the last layer of enchantment.


A burst of crisp sounds, ringing from the area where the four people are located, mixed with four colored spots.

Four figures, like a meteor, rushed to five palaces under the hustle and bustle.

The fastest, it was Ganji. He came to one of the palaces almost in the middle of a move, followed by Pogga and Handi. On the contrary, it was the most scrupulous of all people, pulling at the end.

Feng Wei waited for the three people to rush into it, suddenly stopped, and looked in the direction of Shiyan, the same blue ball, wrapped in lightning, suddenly flew to Shiyan.

Shi Yan stunned, and when the last one fell off the bondage, a hand condensed out the snake-like essence, reached out and grabbed the blue ball.

The ball is not big, one hand can be gripped tightly, the hand is extremely heavy, and there is a wonderful thorn that looks like a curled hedgehog filled with blue current.

The ball fell, and the power of lightning was condensed, winding like a rope to his arm.

The blue lightning and his essence are merged into one. Shiyan knows the movement and follows the method of the previous Feng Wei to tell a special secret method to connect an area inside the ball.

In a short while, he and the small ball reached a continuum, with the right to control, just like the manipulation of the Amethyst chariot, you can use the gods to directly sway.

The lightning of the road, combined with his fine elements, allows him to easily use the power of blue lightning.

This thing is that Feng Wei has thrown him specifically to deal with Handi. According to Feng Wei, the power of Han Di’s cultivation can be restrained by lightning, as long as he uses the power of lightning contained in the lightning ball. Covering Handi, the field of God of Han Di will be confused.

With the lightning ball in hand, Shiyan is still not in a hurry to leave, and regardless of Ganji, Ponga, and Handi, they have already played in the palace group, but they are far away from Fengqi.

Feng Hao nodded to him, not much to say, the figure suddenly blurred, the next moment, her image traces, also appeared in Ganji, Ponga, Handi, she appeared, unceremonious, immediately Ganji attacked.

In the field of the four gods, together in a palace, finally revealed, Shi Yan finally knows the four people, each of them cultivated what kind of power is righteous.

The main meaning of Ganji's comprehension is gravity. The gravity of his area is unfolding. The huge stones that build the palace suddenly tremble and seem to collapse toward the bottom.

In the gravity field of his god, gravity is lifted hundreds of times, and anyone except him will be affected.

The power of Pangga is to shrink the body arbitrarily. After the field of his **** is unfolded, the hands, feet and fingers can be stretched and folded at will, like a monster, deep in one hand, bones flesh and blood like a spring, violently stretching ten Times.

This is a kind of power that Shiyan sees, very rare.

The meaning of Handi is involved in the soul. In the field of his god, there is a ghost and a ghost. He is easily defended by him. When he enters the field of his god, the spirit seems to be dragged and uncontrolled. .

Shi Yan Huoran understands why Feng Qi will give him a thunderbolt, because the power of Han Di can be used to bind the ghosts, and this kind of creature is most afraid of the bombardment of lightning, the power of lightning, it is precisely Handy's field nemesis.

The fields of God of Ganji, Ponga, and Handi are all partial, but the most evil ones are not the three of them, but Fengqi.

The power of the richness is the voice!

The field of her gods spread out, and there were countless harsh voices in the area where they were, and those voices could be controlled by her arbitrarily, with a violent drink, and the fine elements attached to them, as fierce and fierce as a sword.

Pangga and Handi's powers fell into the realm of her gods, under her wonderful curse, or suddenly locked, or violently smashed, and could not have any effect on her.

These four people do not know exactly what is coming. The field of God is quite special. In that palace, the four people seem to have seen some treasures, attack each other, fight against each other, and do not pay attention to Shiyan.

Perhaps, in their minds, only the stone rock of the gods and gods is only a small role, and it is impossible for them to have any influence on the war situation, and they are selectively ignored.

Feng Qi in the four people, with a wonderful voice spell, actually suppressed the other three.

She screamed and screamed, and her screaming voice and strength condensed, forming a fierce edge that was hard to see by the naked eye. She ran across the square and covered the three people of Ganji, Ponga, and Handi.

Among them, only the special strength of Handi can bring trouble to her. Handi is in charge of the wonderful mystery of the soul, so that countless ghosts and evil spirits can be shocked to block the sounds of the sounds, not to be embarrassed.

The sound is not gravity, and it is not affected by the ambiguity of Ganji gravity. It is rampant in the field of his god, and Ganji is helpless.

Pangga can't do the same, even if his arm is long, once it is penetrated by the sound, it can only instantly close the limbs, reduce the body by ten times, and fully cope with the killing of those voices.


Suddenly, with the enrichment of one enemy and three, screamed in the middle of the three people.

I walked out of the enchantment and went up to the rocky rock on the edge of the palace. I heard a little hesitation and threw the lightning ball in my hand.

Hundreds of blue lightnings, like electric eaves, all flocked to the field of God of Handi.

Every blue lightning, falling into the realm of his gods, caused many ghosts and evil spirits to emerge from the blue smoke, and were restrained to die.

Even the field of God of Han Di, under the cover of those blue lightnings, is fragmented and does not seem to play its full role.

"The boy is looking for death!" Han Di was furious and couldn't wait to prevent it. The field of God was chaotic. He was hit by a rich mantra. The body was cracked with **** lips, and his face was full of anger, far away from the rock. , angry and raging.

The trauma of his field of God led to the horror of the fertile power, and that Ganki and Ponga were completely suppressed, and there was no way.

Feng Wei's face is bright, and when dealing with the two, the distraction is going to the area of ​​the palace to catch the hand, a rainbow of light, from her soft hand, straight to the area.

A piece of graphic debris like a turtle shell is covered in a magical array in the center of the area. The abundant rainbow light falls into it, the array is automatically broken, and the turtle shell-like fragments are seen. Into her hand.

In the meantime, the five palaces slammed into a shock. In the other four palaces, the array of four regions flew in an instant, connecting with the area where Feng Qiang was trying to grasp, and seemed to form a complete pattern.


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