God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 795: Bloody battleship

The seven hundred and ninety-five chapter **** battleship

Feng Wei took Shi Yan seriously, there is no way.

Shi Yan does not go, she can not drive away, can only hide in the lake to bathe and wash, long time no see clean water, she does not want to let this opportunity to wash easily.

The clear water of the lake is that she is hiding at the bottom of the lake. Shiyan can still see the moving places of white, and the white is quite cheap.

Feng Qi body has been touched by him, and it seems to be a bit of a fate, not to avoid the suspicion of letting him take advantage of the small and cheap, self-contained grooming.

Shiyan lie on the raised stone, looking cold, after a while, suddenly laughed, and flew into the center of the lake, with Fengqi has a distance of tens of meters, soaked in the lake, looking up at the sky Starry sky, free and serene.

Feng Yu panicked a bit, I thought that Shi Yan would be guilty, secretly guarding, until she found that Shi Yan did not really want to take advantage of her cheap, only to relax.

This flame star field is separated from the gods' continent by infinite space. Even if he is not dead, he will not be able to sense the movement there.

A person alone in a strange star field, and finally have leisure, watching the like the same Xinghai, can not help but give birth to homesickness.

It has been a few decades since the advent of the gods and the mainland, and many memories of the other world have gradually blurred.

He lost his parents very early, and he did not realize his family in another starry sky. At that time, he was wild and intoxicated, trying to challenge the limits, looking for fun, no brothers and sisters, no life and death, no one deserves his wholehearted treatment. .

Instead, after coming to the Shen En Continent, he realized the affection of his family as another stone rock, and he was treated as a hope by Shi Jian and Shi Jia, and he was cared for in every possible way.

After his life experience, he came to the Shen En Continent, and he really burst into a dazzling light, feeling that life has meaning and pursuit.

Many things here have become an unforgettable moving process of his soul. Looking at the stars, the familiar and unfamiliar influences seem to come to life in his mind.

A little light, appearing from the top of the star sea, the light gradually becomes larger, faintly visible is a battleship appearance, stand out from the little stars, and quickly come to this side.

Suddenly woke up and shocked, he suddenly came to the lake at a rich position, and shouted: "There are battleships!"

Feng Yu panicked, busy with a leather jacket wrapped in a charming and charming body, eyes stunned and glanced at him, only looked up at the sky.

After the death of Pangga, Handi and Ganji, the jade of all three of them fell into the hands of Shiyan. The jade has a wonderful hidden truth of life fluctuations. Shiyan immediately took out a piece and held it in the palm of his hand, relaxing a little.

Feng Qi reacted and took out her jade and concealed the traces of her life.


The hard rock at the bottom of the lake burst, and a deep stone cave appeared. The stone rock could not be said to pull the plump, hidden in the cave at the bottom of the lake, and blocked the hole with stones, only revealing the cold eyes. The lake looks at the sky.

Hidden life fluctuations, the body is also hidden, the strong on the battleship, unless the source of the gods is extremely high, it is impossible to detect them.

"Who is it?" Shi Yan frowned. He was still not familiar with the layout of the Flame Star. He didn't know where this area belongs. Anyone often appeared, so there is a question, look at Fengfeng. Hey.

Feng Xiaomei is slightly embarrassed. "In this area, only the battleships of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce are occasionally passed, and there are also predators who are hunting for the supplies of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. However, compared with other areas, this is relatively peaceful, and there are few opportunities for battle meetings. ""

The stone caves that were smashed by Shiyan were not big. The two men were hidden in each other, their arms were leaning together, and their clothes were soaked and soaked, their arms were close together, and they could feel each other's body temperature.

Feng Wei’s face showed a strange color, and he subconsciously looked at the lower arm and frowned, and wanted to let it go.

Shi Yan immediately noticed, and smiled at her. "I haven't touched you anywhere. Is it necessary to see it?"

Feng Wei hated, biting his teeth, his eyes filled with resentment, whispered: "I swear, one day, one day, will make you pay the price!"

She didn't say anything, but with such a threat, Shi Yan suddenly laughed and smacked her on her face. The space on her body was so beautiful that she was slammed into her area.

When she was panicked, Shi Yan kept her in her hand, and let Feng Feng fall in his arms. He said with a smile: "I said, I am the most soft-hearted, if you want me and you. Father cooperation, other means are ineffective, beauty is the most useful. You and I have a husband and wife, and a marriage is enough to draw me."

"Ghosts believe in you!" Feng Qi gritted his teeth, was about to resist the struggle, suddenly his face changed slightly, low drink: "Blood head predators, Russell people! Be careful!"

Shiyan was stunned, and he stopped the slick movement, looked up at the sky, and his face gradually became heavy.

The gradually emerging battleship, six or seven hundred meters long, is made of strange taupe wood. The wood is blood-stained, and some areas are black and red. It is obviously dried with blood.

On the surface of the battleship, there are hanging **** gimmicks, all kinds of races, ranging in size, one by one, the **** head is smashed on the battleship by a thin rope, a rough look, **** head is afraid of count Thousands of people, extremely sultry, **** and terrible.

Above the battleship, a bright **** scorpion banner fluttered, the flag seems to have been soaked in blood, wet, still dripping blood, quite scary.

A famous warrior emerged on the battleship, and he looked around with vigilance. Every time he raised his head, he was very hot and savage.

"Blood-headed predators are a powerful force in the land of God's punishment. The leader is Russell. The source of God is a heavenly place. The power of God's punishment is second only to my father." "Russell's fierce name, like **** scorpion gimmicks, after his murder, he will cut off the head of the strong, as a trophy tied to the battleship. His **** battleship, made of blood phosphorus trees, Harder than gold and iron, it can hide the atmosphere above, fast and very difficult."

Russell, the leader of the **** head predator, is among the predators of the gods. Another strong person from the realm of the gods, this person is very hot, in the land of punishment, there are a few Dare to confront the awkward people.

“Is this the area where he is active?” Shi Yan frowned. “According to what you said, is there a few battles in the vicinity?”

"It's really rare, but it doesn't mean no." Feng said the girl, a little headache said: "Russell and the **** head predators, generally do not leave their crouching place, now appear here There must be a big move. I am sure that in recent days, there must be a battleship carrying goods through this place. Russell came one step ahead and prepared to ambush."

The stone rock looks dignified, and the two arms are surrounded by Fengqi. The strength of the body is dark and careful. Once the Fengqi has an abnormal move, it is necessary to destroy the flowers.

Feng Qi’s father is Feng Qi, but he is the real hero of the gods. He may have a very close relationship with Russell. If he knows that Russell is in his hands, his whereabouts are exposed, he is very difficult to escape. A robbery.

"You don't have to be so cautious." Feng Qi Feng Shuangfeng was deformed by his arm. If he was hit by an electric arc, the two sputums were unnaturally blushing, but they secretly gritted their teeth. "Russell is not in harmony with my father. Everyone knows that if he knows that I am being held by you, I will never save me, but will fall into the rocks."

Shi Yan sneered and laughed. She didn't believe her. She still hugged her and whispered to her ear. "No matter who he is, let's take a good look."

Fengqi is extremely angry, knowing that Shiyan is deliberately taking advantage of her, but there is nothing to do.

Being so held, the double peaks were crushed, she had a strong humiliation, and she couldn't help but think of the fragrant **** battle on the rock. At that time, various scenes appeared in her mind like a nightmare.

Before Shiyan, she had not experienced the man's nourishment. In order to be a fan of the star map, she personally came to the Purgatory Star when she was young. When she was conquered, she was furious and she first experienced the taste. During this time, I often think of it involuntarily and linger.

At this point, she was once again in close contact with Shi Yan, and was deliberately teased, even a little bit can not help herself.

Darkly squatting down, Feng Feng rushed to stabilize his mind, forced himself to calm down, did not think too much, and said: "You should let go first."

"Look, they are here, I think they want to use this land as a stronghold." Shi Yan ignored her and stretched her finger to the top of the head. "The mine is abandoned, but there are countless mines inside, and no extra effort is required. It’s okay to go directly into it. It seems that Russell is ready to make a big ticket. I don’t know who will be so bad, and he will give it such a premeditated plan.”

"Nature is the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. Russell and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce are said to have **** hatred. For so many years, I have been biting the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. I heard that he seems to have been a former nine-star chamber of commerce, and he was hunted down by the genocide before he fled to God. Near the land.” Feng Wei saw that he did not let go, but he couldn’t help but bite the silver teeth and explained: “The Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce wants to kill him for many years. If there are countless dangerous places to hide near the land of punishment, Russell has long been It’s dead. But now that Russell has reached the source of the gods, he has the capital to compete with the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. Over the years, he has stared at the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce like a mad dog. This should be no exception.”

"Oh, there is someone around you, I feel like I have one more eye, it should be a lot easier in the land of punishment." Shi Yan smiled, and the big mouth added a little in the lustful earlobe.

If Feng Qi is hit by electric shock, the plump body can't help but tremble, and the white skin is flushed with red.

Shi Yan smiled, and the eyes behind Feng Nian’s neck were calm and calm, and there was no real passion.

He has decided that he will try his best to conquer this woman and let Feng Hao follow his heart and become one of his arms to help him capture the new star field.


Ps: This chapter makes up for yesterday~~

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