God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Blood soul sea

Seven hundred ninety-eighth chapter blood soul sea

In the middle of the battle, the stone rock suddenly disappeared and turned into a streamer, and it rushed to the huge ship with empty crystals.

In the dark star river, the stars are shining, the **** rain falls, and the flames of the road are covered with flames and shadows filled with scars. They fall from the Milky Way and are completely extinct.

The battle between the **** head predator and the nine-star chamber of commerce has reached the stage of white-hot, Russell and Van Gogh, the two strongest people who have reached the source of the gods, occupying the most central battlefield, fighting with each other, fighting between the two Everything is extinct.

No one is daring to dare to stay in their power-struck area, all hiding far away, and the fear of life is affected.

Russell was prepared, and his murderers were bloodthirsty and faintly prevailing. The martial artists of the nine-star chamber of commerce, the martial arts, were suppressed, and they could not protect the ships.

Those predators, riding in chariots, in battle, once they succeeded in killing, they would gather all kinds of bright ore in the chariot, continue to scream and kill, roaring and laughing.

There are many warriors of the nine-star chamber of commerce, which have been torn into pieces, and the gods are turned into pieces. Some of the heads are cut off, and the predators are hanged on the chariots as their spoils.

Although the Van Gogh family is in a big situation, it can be considered that the Russell is a big mold, and it is deliberately targeted. Suddenly attacking, it seems gradually weak.

The stone rock is cold and rushing, and the shadows pass by, and from time to time, the body of a fallen star is brought to him, and the opportunity to absorb the dead has not dissipated the essence of the world.

In just ten occasions, dozens of corpses have been gathered around him, half in the true state of God, half in the king of heaven, and one or two strong in the kingdom of the gods.

Those deaths were turned into energy torrents, and they rushed into his body, causing him to swell and even sprout milky white smoke.

At first glance, he smoked and seemed to be burning, extremely strange.


The energy beam rushes ten times more sharply than the sharpest arrows. Those beams lasing the abandoned ore star underneath, leaving a bottomless cave on the star.

A corpse was entangled in one piece, and rushed forward under the force of his power. His figure was hidden under the body and finally approached the fragment of the huge ship with the illusion of crystal.

The silver metal pieces have three acres of land, and the top ten warriors are killing them. The nine-star chamber of martial arts is wearing a silver blouse. The vest has a nine-star pattern. At first glance, the **** head of the predator’s armband is also bloody. The head badges make them clear and able to quickly identify the enemy and me.

The appearance of the stone rock abruptly fell on the silver metal block, and when the line of sight turned, it looked at the bottom of the piece.

A fine crack appeared on the debris. The inside of the crack, the force that exposed the chaotic space, seemed to be able to ignite the space gap, which was extremely terrible.

The predators in the battle and the warriors of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce tried their best to avoid getting close to the crack, for fear of being easily killed by the other party under the influence of the chaotic space forces.

The appearance of Shi Yan suddenly attracted the attention of both sides of the war, and the two people took a look at him and his face was gloomy.

On him, there is no sign of the nine-star chamber of commerce, and there is no badge of the **** head predator. Obviously, this is an outsider.


The crisp explosion came, and the plump and charming body was exposed on the back side of Shiyan. Her slender eyebrows were twisted and she shouted: "Difficult!"

The belligerents, there are three warriors to reach the king of heaven and two heavens, one of them from the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, two of them are predators, and the remaining few are the kingdom of the gods. Any one, from the perspective of the realm, is inferior Stone rock.

At this time, forcibly intervening in, it is not necessarily good, and maybe it will be killed by the other party.

Feng Wei left the land of divine punishment for more than a hundred years. Many predators have long forgotten her. Those of Russell’s men don’t even know her. Just glance at it and don’t go too far.

The power was consumed by the stone rock, and the magnetic field of the life was also very weak. Without the horror of the gods and the three heavens, they were despised.

As for Shiyan, the King of Heaven and the Heavenly Realm have a clear vision and do not have a big impact on the fighting. The two sides only took a glance and did not pay too much attention. The two sides continued to be together.

A dry body is suspended around the rock, and a large amount of death gas merges into an invisible stream and injects into him.

Gradually, a cavity is violent and bloody, and it grows from his heart and spreads throughout the body.

The negative suffocation is like the essence. After a while, it becomes a cloud of snow, and a group of people gather to spread the crazy riots.

Feng Qi pretty face slightly changed, looked at those bloody, and looked at the look of Shi Yan, suddenly felt, did not act rashly, but also actively stepped back a few steps.


The predators of the two gods and kings in the realm of heaven and earth joined forces to squeeze the field of God and bind the same-level strongman of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. They slammed into the past and sneered at his head.

The kings of the nine-star chamber of commerce, when they saw the most dangerous moments, did not hesitate, but also exerted their full strength to jointly defend the enemy.

At this time, the rock of the rock was hot, and the refined body shrunk slightly, and a cluster of snow-capped cloud cotton lingered around the side of the body.

Soul burial field!

The field of God is displayed, **** scarlet and red, a little bit of bloodthirsty light, emerged from the inside of the eyelids, seems to suddenly merge with the cluster of snowy cloud cotton.


The **** cloud clusters splashed into a scarlet sea of ​​blood, completely covering a surrounding area.

An extremely evil atmosphere, flowing from Shiyan, all kinds of desperate, killing, sorrowful, **** negative emotions, crazy breeding, and soaring.

When I came to the Fengyan, not far from Shiyan's body, the soul sacrificed to the ground, and the beauty showed a trace of confusion, such as being eroded by the soul and discolored.

The **** sea surface gradually spreads, but she did not cover her. However, after a distance of ten meters, she felt that the soul was lost and affected.

The horror of the horror of the horror was separated, and it was separated from the stone rock by a hundred meters, and it looked at the piece.

The strange scenes suddenly happened.

The two sides covered by the **** sea, covered by the realm of the gods, at this time, as if they were congested, their eyes showed violent **** sorrows, lost their senses, and screamed at each other.

It is not the war between the predators and the nine-star chamber of commerce, but the war between them.

Between the predators and the predators, it seems that there is a **** sea enmity, a fierce battle, and a nine-star chamber of martial arts, and also a bite of teeth.

For a time, all the people shrouded in the **** sea and the realm of God are lost in their minds. Like a curse, there is only one thought in the heart: destruction is so living!

In just a few breath intervals, the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce and the **** head predators suffered heavy casualties, and half of them were ruthlessly strangled by their friends.

Those who are weak in strength, have their bodies broken, and the soul altars are smashed. Those smashed altars, fragments are attracted, the sky is flashing, and the strangeness disappears in the direction of the stone rock, like the void engulfed.

In the **** ocean, the stone rock is **** and scarlet, the look is awkward, and the corner of the mouth is chilly. It seems to be pulling in the subconscious, twisting and smashing, turning into a chaotic energy that distorts the soul, and rushing into the surrounding martial body. .

Suddenly hit by those **** entanglements, one by one is provoked the potential of life, arrogant, the body bursts out of the blood, the power is crazy, and the surrounding people are killed together.

Shiyan likes to enjoy all of this. In the sea of ​​blood, he even closes his eyes and walks in a leisurely manner. He excites the craziest side of those people and lets them violently confront each other.

The mad mad mob seems to be invisible to him in the **** sea, let him blame, no measure, and gradually, still fighting, only two people are left among the predators, the only two gods left. The king's two heavens.

The tragic deaths, the madness, temper, and resentment before dying, are also permeated in the **** sea, so that the desire to provoke the deepest killing of the soul is elevated.

A hundred meters away, Feng Wei just looked at the **** ocean, and felt that the soul was deep, and there was a kind of hysterical madness to climb, wanting to break through the reason, go in and kill.

She was eclipsed, afraid to look at it, and staring for a while, she would rush to stay away, and when the reason recovered, she dared to continue to look at it.

When she went to see it again, she found that there was no living in the **** ocean, and the last two were dead.

In the **** battle circle, Shiyan is bathed in the **** sea, slowly opening his eyes, there is no trace of humanity in the blood, only the most essential destruction of bloodthirsty, let the soul fear cold.

At this moment, Shiyan is not like a living being, more like a bloodthirsty god. The meaning of his existence seems to be the destruction of all beings.

Feng Qi's hands and feet are cold, his back is cold, and he suddenly realizes that the star map is in the hands of this person. Perhaps, it is not just a fluke.

Yin Hong's blood gradually dissipated under the evaporation of death, and a **** smog slammed into the stone cave, into the cave, and was quickly purified.

The **** sputum gradually returned to normal, and Shiyan’s face was faint. After a while, he took a deep breath, as if he woke up from the nightmare, it was also discolored.

Even himself, he was a little overwhelmed, looking at the scattered corpses next to him, his eyes dignified like never before.

The soul of the sea, the magical power of the death of the mysterious gods, can stimulate the negative desire of the human heart, the exhaustion of killing, only when the negative emotions are completely stimulated, can form the soul of the sea...

If the dusty memory is opened, a memory wave is apparent in the corner of the mind. In an instant, he realizes that the so-called blood soul sea is the magical power of the soul burial field. It is the ultimate mystery of martial arts. which performed.

The dozens of corpses he towed, the negative emotions of short-term perfusion were too strong, and he was forced to rush to go to the triple heavens, let the horrible negative emotions rush out together, and merge with the soul burial ground to form a so-called The blood soul and sea gods change, so that all those covered by the blood soul sea are insane in an instant, completely slandered for killing.

A series of thoughts passed through my mind. Shi Yan’s face was dignified and forced to calm down. For the time being, I dared not think too much and reached out to grasp the empty crystal in the fragments of the ship.


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