God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 800: Space riot

Chapter VIII Space Riot

call out!

An electric light flashed.

The violent and sinking body was suddenly shackled, and a detachment from the field of God squeezed the intersection and escaped from birth.

I was so violent that I felt that a strong blast had passed, and when I was slowed down, I suddenly found one more person beside me.

He recovered much faster than Bo Ruo. He just stunned and reacted immediately. He couldn’t stop ecstatic and exclaimed: "Shi Yan!"

"What about the giants?" Shi Yan's face sank into the water, some kind of murderous. "Which position is Gudasi? Let's not mention the other, save people!"

At this time, the battle between the Marauder and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce has reached a stage of intense heat. Both Russell and Van Gogh have fought a real fire, and their bodies are hung. The power formed by the two fluctuates and sweeps in all directions. No one dares to approach.

More slaves, covered by demon flowers, are sinking in succession. The movement of Shiyan is not much noticed.

In the case of the belligerents, the slaves who have exhausted their lights are not worth mentioning. When they die, they die. No one is distressed.

The violent eyes are deep, the face is not bloody, the fluctuations of life are weak and wilting, and the flame of life seems to be extinguished the next moment.

When Shi Yan was asking questions, his hands were pressed at the neck of the violent, the life was upright, and the vitality was forced to infuse into the violent body, helping him to temporarily stabilize and not die in a short time.

"Gudas did not support the present, and he has already left." The temper is quickly calmed down, and the face is bitter and sour. "The thorns should be alive. You should find him as soon as possible. Don't do anything."

"it is good!"

Shi Yan is carrying a violent hand, and the gods are like a shuttle. They shuttle through the sinking slaves and search for the fluctuations of the life of the thorns.

A beam of light flashed through his mind, the invisible space of the gods, and accurately grasped the new goal.

Without hesitation, he screamed and violently, and his figure swayed again and again, avoiding the fallen slaves and coming under the giant ship.


The silver gold and iron stones under the giant ship burst open, and more slaves were revealed. Among the sealed rooms in the bottom of the ship, the life fluctuations of the thorns were looming, and the situation seemed to be worse.


In the indiscriminate bombing of his power, the chamber suddenly turned into a shard of debris, and a face of a thin, thin, non-adult shape suddenly appeared.

It is the thorns.

The eyes of the thorns are sluggish, and the soul seems to have been pulled away. Seeing Shi Yan, his eyes have no focus, like a certain nightmare, can't wake up at once.

Reaching out and grabbing, a strong sucking force came, and the thorns and the sucking demon flower were caught together by him.

One hand was violent, and the other hand grasped the thorns. Shiyan mobilized the power to the extreme, and did not want to, and immediately flew out to the rich position.


Over there, Feng Hong's red lips squirmed, bursting out with a burst of notes, forming a power arrow visible to the naked eye.

Two sturdy figures, smirked, surrounded Feng Qi, and displayed the power of the righteousness, a pair of people to block the oysters.

As soon as the stone rock appeared, Feng Qi screamed: "Be careful! They recognize me!"

Both of them, two meters tall, wearing **** armor, bare arms covered with staggered scars, the repair of the gods and three heavens, is the most ferocious extra-predator of Russell.

Both of them know the identity of Fengqi, and when she sees her appear, she is very excited. It seems that she will make great efforts to threaten her father.

Feng Wei is among the predators. Although he is famous, Russell is not afraid. The strong man under his command will not choose to let him go because of the rich reputation.

On the contrary, once the oysters are caught, Russell can even get a substantial benefit by bargaining with Fengqi and Fengqi.

It’s a great achievement to take Feng Qi, and the two naturally won’t close their hands.

Bo Ruo's body, softly collapsed on the silver pieces, motionless.

In the view of the two predators, the slaves of a nine-star chamber of commerce, regardless of life and death, have limited value, so they will not be distracted, making Bo Ruo safe and sound.

"Space blade!"

Shi Yan suddenly calmed down, and saw that there was still a distance, violently releasing the realm of God, and suddenly violently drunk.

The blade of the space of the edge of the edge of the blade suddenly spurred out from the field of his god, aiming at the two predators of Russell.

The space is mysteriously unfolded, and the space is sharply blazed. It belongs to the piece near it. The narrow space blade seems to have a subtle connection with the empty crystal. The power of the space sharply rises and becomes long and fast, such as a hundred meters of sword. Cut it down.

The space blade can cut all the bodies. This is the horror of the space. Even if the two people have the three kingdoms of the gods and gods, they will see the space of the empty space of the magical crystals.

I dare not be too close to Fengqi, the two people met the ghosts, and quickly pulled away.

Shi Yan was sullen and his face crossed the space of the blade. He came to Feng Shou and threw the violent and thorny thorns. He and Bo Ruo put together, didn’t look behind him, and sighed low: “Help I will take care of it."

At this time, Feng Wei’s strength has only recovered by 50%. Although it is also the kingdom of the gods and three heavens, it is really necessary to fight the two predators, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to benefit, and they will be caught by the oysters.

She also understands the current situation. After hesitating, she will not continue to exert her strength. She will stand behind Shiyan and take care of the three men.

"Kid, who are you? You are not a nine-star chamber of commerce. You want to take a kick from my **** head. Are you tired of living?" A person who avoids the space blade and the area, is not afraid, smiles coldly. "If you understand the words, hand over Feng, I can let you live a path, or you will stay forever."

They saw it, the real realm of Shiyan, only the gods and gods.

Although the space is very different, but because of the huge awareness of the realm, the two are not afraid. Just be careful, first kill the stone rock power, and naturally you can easily win.

They take it for granted.

Shi Yan’s face was cold and he did not answer. He squinted slightly, secretly spawning the realm of the space of the gods, and the coverage gradually spread.

"Leaving to fight, it is unwise, and the powerful blood-headed warriors are not just the two of them." Feng Wei said with a low voice, "Look for an opportunity to leave! Otherwise, it will change later!"

It’s just two people who are full of enemies and have a little grasp. If more powerful people move closer and want to leave, it will be difficult.

When the two predators answered one person, the other seemed to have a message, telling Russell about the situation here.

The leader of the **** head who was still fighting with the Vatican night, after being acquainted with the commemoration, stunned and screamed: "Give me a richness! I want to live!"

He sounded loud and ordered to convey that more predators were moving closer to Shiyan, and they were crazy.

Feng Xiaoran was discolored, his eyes were panicked, and he was helpless.

If she still has the power of the king of the three kings of heaven, Russell is involved, she is still sure to leave.

But now...

Feng Qi’s heart could not help but sink, and there was a bitterness and helplessness.

The thorns are still awake, and there is no strength at all. The sucking demon flower on his chest is bright and strange.

The violent temperament was supplemented by the strength of the stone rock, and it recovered a little bit of blood. It was shocked to look at Shiyan, and the eyes were bright. It seems that I did not anticipate today's Shiyan, and there is such a terrible force.

"At this time, the fierce battle is indeed unwise. Let's go first." Shi Yan was silent for three seconds, calmly determined, and shouted: "Through them to the empty crystal."

After a swell of abundance, I suddenly reacted, and said nothing, I took Boro, violent, and thorny three people together and brought them to the empty crystal.

They have no cultivation space, and even if they fall on the empty crystal, it is impossible to stimulate the power of the empty crystal and form a spatial change.

"That boy's cultivation is the space of the righteousness, that piece of empty crystal, is on the top!" The **** head predator of the three-day realm of the **** of the previous speech suddenly reacted and could not help but scream.

The strong ones who are close to each other are also aware of what they are, and they are shocked and suddenly stop.

At this time, Shi Yan suddenly came to the empty magic crystal, both hands, pressed hard.

A series of horrific spatial changes, from the heart of Shiyan's two hands, mobilized the strange space magnetic field, which suddenly affected the four-sided space.

A space of sharp edges, once again soared several times, without the purpose of the horizontal volley, the surrounding huge ship fragments, instantly become smaller pieces, where the space blade crossed, one by one, the predators retreat.

The space collapsed and the strangely formed a colorful hole, including the empty magic crystal, the stone rock and the pedestrian fell a little bit, entered the colorful hole, and gradually disappeared.

After a slap in the air, they slammed and slammed into the hole of the radiant radiance.

The **** head plunderers came together and looked at them carefully. They found that there was no abnormality there. Shiyan and his entourage disappeared out of thin air. There was no trace.

"Mom, this kid really used the empty magic crystal to stimulate the space to move!" One person irritated and screamed, his face was helpless.

"The warrior who knows the mystery of space, in the past few hundred years, our flames have not appeared, the guy, what is the way?"

"Ghosts know that it is said that the generation of national teachers of the former Tianni God Kingdom seems to have made a profound deep sense in space. After so many years, who knows whether or not there is a legacy."

"Feng Yu disappeared for more than two hundred years. How did it suddenly appear? When she died, she would have died."

"She was a thorny rose in the land of God. I didn't expect it to be separated for so long. I didn't know why Fengqi hid her."

"Ghosts know."

A group of predators, surrounded by the disappearance of Shiyan and others, squatted for a while, seeing that there was no more waves, and they all fluttered with disappointment, venting their anger on the head of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce and continuing their violent attacks.


Ps: eight hundred chapters, today three more ~~

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