God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Plot

Chapter 841

Cato is still trying to integrate the source of the inheritance. He did not realize that Shiyan was unknowingly ignoring him. He was afraid that he could not get rid of Shiyan’s bondage.

Shi Yan opened his eyes slightly, smiled and looked at him silently.

After an hour, the energy fluctuations of Cato calmed down a little bit, and sat for a while, and the soul altar was restored to stability, which opened his eyes.

His face was full of ecstasy, and he couldn't help but laugh. "How long will it take for Laozi to go further and condense the source god, and Russell, Barrett, and the mediators become the masters of the land of God's punishment. !"

Only the strongest source of the gods can become a real powerful force in the predators of God's punishment, and can have more envy and greater business.

Before he reached the source of the gods, his blood butchery was a fierce name, but in terms of outsiders, he was far less than the three of Russell, not to mention the confrontation with Feng.

However, once Cato reaches the source of the gods, there must be a place in the strong land of God.

"Congratulations to Big Brother!" Kraft also smiled heartily and looked excited. He seemed to see a new color in the future.

The two brothers struggled for many years in the land of divine punishment, and finally had the accumulation and status of today, but when Russell came, the power was released, and the two brothers felt small and had a feeling of being unable to make their own strength.

Russell of the source of the gods has a strong repressive power. In that shop, it is really necessary to ruin the heart, and one of them can’t escape.

If, if Cato was also active in the real world, Russell would not dare to be so arrogant, and the mind of the suffocating could not get up. All this was because power and realm were restricted.

“How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?” Shi Yan asked with a dim sum.

He wasn't sure if Cato was aware of his little hands and feet, for fear that Cato suddenly realized that it was awkward.

"Very good! Very good! No discomfort! Hahaha!" Cato laughed loudly, and he was very happy. He didn't find his source of soul. He was quietly captured by Shi Yan. Life and death can't really be mastered by him. It is.

"Oh, that's good, let's wait, wait for the news on the other side of the city, and then seek the following things." Shi Yan old **** is there, suddenly relaxed, squinting, his mouth smirking.


"This is the world of fines." Kashun's white gown, a silver mask on his left cheek, covering half of his face, smiled and explained: "The city is very loose, anyone can come in, I have come. As long as the power is hidden, it is not recognized by anyone, no one will take care of me. Heaven is the largest material for sale in the flames, and all kinds of secret treasures, ores, and good medicines are available here. Everyone can do whatever they want. Go shopping."

Zi Yao Ke Ke body is wonderful, the curve is seductive, the charming and unparalleled face, and also wearing a flesh-colored mask, the peerless style is concealed.

However, on the spacious streets of Tiancheng City, once the warriors who came and went saw her, they would still show the pig brother like the color and the soul. The eyes were hot and lingering on her graceful figure.

Just her exquisite and graceful curves are enough to attract men to indulge in it. It looks like a normal, but only makes her glamorous cover a little, but can't completely block her beauty.

Alan and Tiemu, and the three people of Oglas also concealed their looks. They followed closely behind Kashun and Zi Yao, and looked curiously at the shops on both sides.

They found that in many shops, there are secret treasures of the disappearance of the flames, and there are many strange cultivation materials that even the gods can't get, but it is not rare to sell them publicly here.

"It's a peculiar place." Zi Yao observed for a while, and said with amazement: "No wonder people say that the cultivation materials are in short supply. It may be worthwhile to come to the city to punish the city. I will not believe it, but today I believe. The Tiancheng City property may be more abundant than the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce."

"That is of course." Kashun smiled. "The city of heaven is very special. The predators of this place spread all corners of the star field. It is said that there are also predators who are active on the edge of the star field and explore a lot of strange things. The star point, the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce can not have this ability."

"Let's go to the destination first, that kid, don't know if it's not there..." Zi Yaomei shined and snorted.

Katsien nodded and said, "Come with me."

After half an hour, a group of five people came to Kraft's shop, stayed at the door, and looked at it.

No one is empty.

The shops are closed, and there is no life movement of the warriors. In the direction around them, there are a few people who are sneaking and staring at this one.

Katsien frowned, and quietly left with Zi Yao and others, and found a secluded neighborhood. He said, "The kid is not there. There are spies on the outside of the shop. There must be something new happening. Well, wait a moment, let's find a place to live, I am looking for someone to ask about the situation."

In addition to him, Zi Yao and others are the first time to come to the city, not very familiar with the situation here, let him arrange.

Soon, Kashun, with Zi Yao and others, came to the training ground of Safa. Kashunen let Alan, Tiemu, and Oglas find a place to live. He found it with Zi Yao. Safa.

"Carshouen is an adult." Safa respectfully knees on the ground, and when he meets, he is opposite and looks excited.

"Kraft over there, what's the situation? Why did you suddenly close the door?" Kashunen signaled him to get up and asked casually.

"It seems that Russell’s adult has been there. I sent people to stare and found that Russell’s power was exerted and the area was banned. It didn’t take long for Cato and others to sneak out of the city, now Knowing where to hide, no one can find it.” Safa explained.

Katsien frowned and asked again, and immediately told Safa to let him pay attention to the movements in the city. Once there was an abnormality, he immediately reported it.

After a few days, the Alliance’s commander Bitian, with a number of warriors such as Birou, concealed his identity and came to Tiancheng City. After finding a manor to live in, he arranged for people to inquire about the news.

Two days later, the Brahma of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce wore a mask, and a group of warriors also came to the land of punishment from outside the domain and entered the city of heaven.


Heaven is a corner of the city.

In a shop marked with the logo of the refining pharmacist, the thin refining chemist Jester paled, and there was a smoldering flame between the fingers, a subtle little flame, flying from the violent, thorny, and wave of the sea. return.

Three longan-sized medicinal herbs, directly in the violent three-person sea smashed apart, the medicinal power of the medicinal herbs spilled out of the medicinal herbs, turned into a pure vitality and integrated into their knowledge of the sea.

Jester’s forehead was sweating, and his expression was dignified by the sacredness of the gods. The violent three-person chest sucked the strange fluctuations of the demon flower, slowly flattened and cut off the lines of the soul.

After a while, Jester wiped the sweat and swung his fingers in the left hand.

A glimpse of the blue flames flew out, the three sucking demon flowers were covered, the blue faint flames burned, and the three sucking demon flowers slowly turned into ashes.

The savage three-skinned body finally showed up slowly after the demon flower dissipated.

Jester took out a piece of medicinal medicine, swallowed it, and returned to his eyes to restore the temper, and his look was exhausted.

Feng Qi and Feng Wei brothers and sisters, and the five warriors of the three kings of heaven and earth, sitting in the corner of the shop, drinking tea, always staring at this piece.


The skeletons of the violent, thorny, and waved three people came with a crisp explosion. The three men were pale and their eyes were crystal clear, and they were excited and surprised.

The sucking demon flower that bound them for a long time was finally completely removed, and there was no trace left. The feeling of no pressure made every three pores of the three people comfortable.

Feng Qi and Feng Qi ignored a look, smiled and stood up slowly toward this side.

"Thank you Miss Feng Wei." The violent three people were slightly stunned and sincerely thanked.

"Don't thank me, thank you Xie Shiyan, without his promise, I can't afford to pay you so much. Oh, you can get to know the kid, really lucky, to be honest, I envy you." He said seriously.

"Miss Feng Qi does not need to envy us, I think, if you encounter such a disaster, Miss Feng Wei, the kid should also save you at all costs." The violent smile.

"I don't believe that he will be so generous for me." Feng Qi shook his head and laughed. "Only you who have come with him are treated with him. Others, I don't think there is any treatment for this."

The violent three people looked at each other and smiled. They were glad that when they were on the mainland, they not only did not offend Shiyan, but also tried their best to reach out and help him. Otherwise, they could not survive today.

"Jester, I promised you the reward, will be on time, will not treat you badly." Feng Wei looked at the refining pharmacist who resumed the interest rate, and promised.

Jess, who was tired, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his eyes: "The action of finding a star map, count me, I can halve the reward."

"Do you know the star map?" Feng Wei was amazed.

"There is a bit of a prestigious leader who has received your father's message. I don't know?" Jester looked indifferent. "The reason why I am so pleased to help you save these three people is also to look at the star map. Now that they have recovered, we can talk about it. Well, the new star field should have many special spiritual medicines, and you, no one is familiar with the characteristics of the spiritual medicine, add me, very to you. Favorable. Otherwise, if you are willing to do so, you may let those spiritual medicines die in advance."

Feng Qi and Feng Wei ignored a glance and frowned slightly.

"You can't do the Lord. I knew that after you go back, you can talk to your father. I want to use his knowledge and mind to know that it is good to take me." Jester slowly closed his eyes and waved. Said: "Go, go."

Feng Qi nodded and said: "I will bring your words to my father."

"Let's go." Feng Xiaochong violently nodded, and then, along with the side guards, left the shop of the refining pharmacist.

When Feng Wei and others left for a long time, Jester suddenly blinked, his eyes violently, and he took out a piece of sound stone, and he landed on one knee, and the face was respectful and outgoing: "Master, I am sure that the star map was obtained." ”


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