God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Breaking the ice!

Chapter VIII chapter broke out of the ice!

The black horn did not win, and the look was dignified. He carefully sensed the fluctuations from the rock body and was shocked.

At this moment, the energy fluctuations from the stone rock body are not the ones that the gods and kings can hold. Even if they are the general gods and three heavens, perhaps the energy hidden in the body can not reach such a height.

The black horn is full of attention, without a trace of contempt, standing there and not moving, but the body is pouring out a huge cold fog, haunting the whole body, misty, and constantly spreading.

A breath of coldness, overflowing from the black horns, and thousands of square meters of training grounds were shrouded in the cold.

Click! Hey!

In the white mist, a glacier bursts from the depths of the ground and slowly rises out. It stands in the training ground.

The crystal glaciers are made of condensed underground water, with the extreme cold power of the black horns. They have the scent of ice and cold, and the crystal is bright and bright. It is located in the training ground and is full of radiance. .

The chilly atmosphere that emerged from the green ghost base gradually spreads and goes all the way to the city.

Many of the martial artists who were punishing the city were active on the hot streets. Suddenly they felt a chill, and they could not help but shudder.

Immediately, those people discovered the abnormality of the green ghost stronghold, hesitated a moment, and gathered together toward this piece.

The corner of the corner of Heijiao and Shiyan is a wide training ground outside the green ghost base. There are several stone gates to come in. Every door of the stone gate is guarded by the green ghost predators.

"Quiet!" A stone gate, a warrior of the Green Ghost Marauder, looked at Feng Wei and said: "They asked to come in and watch the game, not allowed?"

At the stone gate outside the training ground, there was a huge buzzing sound. Many of the strong men in the city were screaming and coming in.

Feng Brow wrinkled, looked around on the stone platform, thought about it, could not help but slightly down, said lightly: "Let them come in."

In this statement, everyone in Shimenkou was embarrassed, and he laughed and rushed in. It was just a glimpse of the effort. Many people surrounded the training ground and looked at the glaciers that emerged from the air. They were eclipsed and hurriedly asked people around them. In the end what happened.

In the crowd, there are several clusters of people hiding in the back side, carefully hiding, seemingly afraid of being noticed.

One of the clusters is Kashian, Zi Yao, Oglas and Alan, Tiemu, and five of them, Kashun, Zi Yao, and Oglas, all hide their appearances. After that, did not dare to lean forward, but just hide away from watching the battle.

"It's him!" Zi Yaozhen came in, just glanced, the ketone body trembled, secretly bite his teeth and drink lightly.

Kasiuen, Oglas and others looked at the situation and looked different. They all found the young people standing in the middle of the training ground, and after the glaciers, standing indifferently.

"Why did he fight with people?" Zi Yao was full of surprise, whispering in confusion.

"Friend, what's the matter?" Katsien frowned, his figure slightly a little bit ahead, and the five pieces of the middle of the gods were spread out, and they were randomly inserted into a predator's cuff.

"Haha, for the fight of Miss Fengqi. Barrett wants to marry Miss Feng, the rich man who promised that year, but Miss Feng seems to be in contact with the kid, and then..." took the benefits of Kashun. The predator, who painted and painted the matter, described it again and again, adding: "There was just a black horn and the kid started, and the kid did not show any defeat. This battle is wonderful, but you have to look at it clearly."

Katsune stunned, nodded slightly, quietly back, and lowered the voice to explain the situation to Zi Yao and others.

"Bastard, actually for a woman and Barrett's people, **** it!" Zi Yao listened to his explanation, a stomach upset, whispered, and the beautiful hatred and annoyed look at Shiyan, secretly gritted.

"Two heavens, the king of God is two heavens, this guy is really abnormal." Katsune secretly smiled, could not help but look back at Oglas, a little bit in mind, look strange.

O'Glass looked ugly and stood a little uncomfortable there.

"This kid is too powerful." Tiemu praised.

Alan echoed the nod.

"I know him!" In another group of people, there was a low drink from Birou. "Father, he is called Shi Yan. When we got him from the sixth medicine star Bonita, I used him as a medicine." Time, later he and the plate seal hook together, was taken away from my hands by Zi Yao. This guy, who killed our Feiji of the League, was extremely embarrassed, if not him, the seal can not go away! ”

Like Zi Yao, Birou also changed his face, showing quite ordinary, no past white and delicate.

"It's a personal thing." The confederate led the sky to nodded slightly, with a coat and a cloak on his head. "The realm is not weak, the king of God is two heavens, oh, yes, his realm is not low. How was it held by you? What about adult medicine?"

Birou: "..."

“Well?” Bitian returned to God and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

"In the beginning, he only had the real world of two gods." Birou said for a long time, only a little uncertain.

Bitian’s face snarled and he said, “Are you mistaken?”

"I am not sure. He did have only two gods in the past. Otherwise, no one can restrain him." Birou said with irritability, the beauty filled with an expression of incredulity.

"Arad!" Bitian gave a low drink.

"The big commander, Miss Soft did not make a mistake. At that time, he really only had the real world of the gods, or ... broke through on our ship, during the personal medicine trip." The refining pharmacist Arad was crying, looking It’s even more ugly than dead mother.

"You don't have such a person in this kind of character, but let the gods of the gods get rid of it, stupid!" Bitian whispered and screamed.

Both Arad and Birou were reluctant to help themselves. They looked at the figure in the training ground and didn't know what to say.


The black horns burst out of the air, and the whole body of the ice blade danced, and the field of God was released, and it was coming to Shiyan.

The glaciers that emerged, numerous ice cubes splashed out, poured into the field of his gods, forming more ice blades, and looked at them at once, such as the billions of ice skates stirring in the spin, deterring the extremes of terror.

"Ice storm!"

The black corner is bursting, the sound is soaring, and the 10,000 ice blade spins, forming a fierce and fierce ice blade storm, and wraps up a large training ground.

The glaciers disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless ice cubes rushed into the sky and merged into the center of the black ice blast storm. When they saw it, the scorpio was filled with sharp ice blades, such as the swaying of billions of people. The ice skates swept the world like a horror.

Many realms are slightly lower, and one face is stunned. One is afraid of the inaccuracy of the ice blade, and the other is the fear of the extremely cold gas infiltrating the god.

Hey! Hey!

The ice blades hit each other and spread all over the place. The training ground was completely covered by the ice storm, and the outsiders could not see the scene.

Only those who have reached the source of the gods can only see through the coldness of the ice storm.

Ice ribs, ice crystals, ice blades, and ice thorns raged in the blast storm, and the bluestone grounds were completely blasted. In the shards of sand and ice, the black horns were crushed by the ice storm. I will slam a figure.

Numerous ice ribs, ice crystals, and ice blades rushed over, forming an extreme heat and re-condensing into a glacier.

Gradually, the stone chips and ice debris dissipated, and the energy storms that ruined the earth gradually stopped, and the new glaciers formed in the center of the cracked training ground.

The crystal glacier is several kilometers high and hundreds of meters thick. Like a huge crystal clear and clear, in the middle of the glacier, the rock remains in a standing position. It has not changed at all, and it seems that it has never been moved.

However, his gods were shackled by thick glacier, and everyone stared and looked at them. They could still see the chilling whiteness of the stream, and continued to infiltrate into his body.

The black horns are cold-faced, above the glacier, looking down at the rock in the glacier, snoring and rushing to say: "Do you want to continue?"

Everyone is silent, and they look at Fengqi, and look at the ugly face of Fengqi.

Barrett sneered, and Yang Sheng shouted: "If you don't talk, the boss is acquiescing to kill you, let's do it!"

"Be careful!" At this time, the refining chemist Jester, who had been silent for a while, seemed to suddenly notice what he couldn't help but violently drink.


The reddish, orange-red raging flame, in the heart of the glacier, in the depths of the stone rock, suddenly flashed.

Just a second, the raging flames swelled out, and the glaciers were covered in an instant. The heat of the extremely hot flames was burned out from inside the glaciers, and the extreme cold power inside the glaciers was quickly removed.

The scorching flame slammed out and went straight along the glacier to the black-footed foot, wrapped around his legs and feet, and continued to rush to him. Soon, the black horns ignited a blazing flame, and the wolverines screamed, sounding like Not good.

The glaciers melted at a rapid speed, and the rock was easily taken out of the storm. The blood slammed in a flash of light, and the figure slammed into the black horn.


The harsh and screaming sound suddenly rang out, and in the void, there was a fine gap, and it seemed that there was a foreign body moving through the void.

The black horns are discolored, and they are aware that they are locked in the spirit by a force. No matter how they struggle, they can't get rid of it. However, he can't detect the direction of the locker and the pain is terrible.

Numerous starlights gather together, and a star-shaped broad sword is condensed in the palm of the rock. The stars seem to shine on the broad sword. There is a mystery of the starry sky. The mystery is very, and it turns into a meteor and a river. Go.


The black horn was hit in a smash, and the starlight splashed, and the body was thrown away.


Three bone spurs flashed in the air, piercing his heart and splashing blood.

Shi Yan's face was cold, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes. He continued to pursue it and continued to bombard.


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