God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Ferran

Chapter VIII, Ferran

The owner of the shop, the old-aged old man, was asleep and slumbered, and slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were dull and dull, and he looked like a sullen look.

She has been tied to the realm of God for countless years, and she has never been able to break through to the kingdom of God. It seems to have been numb, losing confidence in the promotion of the realm, and pinning the rest of her life in this small shop, as if waiting for something.

Many people say that she is waiting for her man, the supreme predator who had been punished many years ago, disappearing into the edge of the flames.

That one, for thousands of years, like Feng Qi, is the head of the predator of the name of the **** of punishment, the power is more powerful than today's, the realm is also deep, the area of ​​activity has long been limited to the flames of the stars The plundering tentacles reach the edge of the star field and even swim in the merchant ship infested areas of other stars.

Perhaps, it is because he is too daring, too strong and too conceited, will be accidental, and never return from the edge of the flame star.

Over the years, many new predator leaders have re-emerged. However, including today's Feng Qi, there is no force and means of a predator leader, comparable to the man of that year.

The owner of the shop, the sullen old man, was the only woman who sold the looted goods in the city.

Originally, this shop was extremely famous and lively, just because the man disappeared for many years and gradually became silent. Until today, the shops are still famous, but the materials sold are scarce, and not many people come to visit, it seems to have forgotten. here.

Feng Wei stopped the tumbling of the items, frowned and came over and said: "Mr. Ferran, why not sell it?"

The old man named Fei Lan, who is generally a little power in the city, can know her real name.

"The little shield is the gadget that my man gave me. There is nothing special about it, but it is worth remembering." Fei Lan remembered the past and his eyes showed a hint of oceany tenderness. "When is he tired?" Tired, I came back and found that I lost something he gave me and would be upset."

Feng Qiming showed a moving look and was deeply touched.

Shi Yan also squatted and looked at Faylan carefully, and there was some emotion in his heart.

In the two of them, this Ferran is really stupid. For a person who has disappeared for a thousand years, he has been silently guarding the city in the sky. After so long, he still remembers the memory and even thinks that the person is still alive. Will come back again.

But this kind of affectionate, although stupid, can touch anyone.

Feng Qi was deeply touched. "That's it. If you don't sell it, don't sell it. This stone ball, do you sell it?"

The white jade palm is spread out. The dark blue stone ball is unpretentious. There is no trace of energy fluctuation. No matter how you look at it, it is just a sparsely formed stone. It is not special. It seems that you can't attract more people.

Ferran's opaque eyes glanced at the dark blue stone ball and did not immediately speak, silenced.

"Fairy Grandma, don't you sell this broken ball?" Feng Qi was amazed and felt strange.

She was not the first to come here. On the contrary, she often came here to hang out when she did not leave the city.

Generally speaking, the gadgets in this shop are very cheap, and before today, she has not heard of the fact that there are not for sale.

The small shield that Shi Yanyan chose, Fei Lan said that she would not sell it. Even this rotten stone seemed to be hesitant, which made Feng Xin’s heart very puzzled.

"Older predecessors, if you really don't sell it... then it will be counted." Shi Yan looked indifferent, silent for a while, suddenly said casually.

His eyes still fell to the stone ball and looked at the strange little shield.

Ferran rubbed his eyes, shook his head, sighed and muttered: "...the stone ball is taken, I always have to live, it is not the way to sit and eat the mountain."

"How many gods?" Feng Wei casually asked, and took a few pieces of top quality from the magical ring, want to hand over.

In her view, such a rotten stone may not even be worth a piece of top quality, but Shi Yan likes it, then another matter, she intends to give a top ten crystal, which is also a pitiful old man.

"How much do you think it is worth?" Fei Lan indulged and looked up slightly, but instead of looking at Feng Wei, he looked at Shi Yan.

Feng Haoran.

Shi Yan brows and suddenly silences.

After dozens of seconds, his brow stretched out and took a deep breath, looking at Feng Wei: "How much crystal did your father give you?"

"One thousand pieces are all top grades." Feng Hao's face is very strange.

"Leave it all." Shi Yan whispered.

Feng Qi Jiao body trembled, Ming Hao showed horror and doubtful light, heart and disorder.

A sparsely ordinary stone ball is worthless in her view, and the energy contained in a piece of top crystal is enough for a **** king to supplement the loss!

A piece of Shangpin Shenjing is in the city of Heaven, you can buy most of the holy medicinal herbs, you can buy a beautiful and moving female slave, you can rent a cultivation field for half a month...

Thousands of Shangpin Shenjing are definitely a lot of wealth. In the city of fine punishment, only the powerful predator leader can hold such wealth.

In order to win over him, Feng Qi is a **** one. Thousands of Shangpin Shenjing are thrown out, absolutely enough to be arrogant enough.

Feng Qi knows the value of Shen Jing, so it is unknown, so it is extremely doubtful, so hesitate...

"Give her." Shi Yan frowned and repeated.

Feng Qi is no longer hesitant, and he has faded the magical emptiness ring without saying a word. He gently put it on the counter, and kindly reminded: "Fairy Grandma, there is a thousand pieces of top quality in the magical air ring. You have to collect it, don't show your money."

Such a huge sum of money, if it is known, with the repair of the realm of Ferran's true gods, maybe it will lead to fire, so Feng Qi carefully mention her.

Fei Lan didn't seem to hear her reminder. The eyes without the spirit still stared at Shiyan. After a long while, she nodded slightly. She took the dark blue stone ball out and pushed it to the front of Shiyan. It belongs to you."

After she paused, she whispered as if she was talking to herself. "It is also suitable for you..."

"Thank you." Shi Yan smiled. Jane and heavy collected the dark blue stone ball, and took a ritual, then said to Feng Shou: "Let's go, we don't bother the old man."

Feng Qi was confused and obediently nodded. He left the store behind him.

Ferran's gaze, always condensed on Shiyan, until he disappeared, only regained his gaze, silenced for a while, lazy snoring, and continued to sleep.

"Why?" After leaving the shop, I forbeared for a long time, and I couldn't help but ask, and I was puzzled. "One thousand pieces of Shangpin Shenjing, enough for you to buy a vast manor in Tiancheng City, Just took a broken stone, is it really worth it?"

"I didn't know that the value was not worth it at first." Shi Yan smiled. "But the hesitation of the old man made me think... maybe I got the treasure. She didn't want to sell, she should know the value of the stone ball, you When I gave a thousand pieces of Shangpin Shenjing to her, I saw that she was not excited. It seems that there is something wrong with it. Do you know why?"


"Because she is too little."

"Should it be too? Is she still too little?!"

"I think she is too little, otherwise she will not be excited and excited. There is no reluctance. Only she should not use the stone ball to sell it to me. Maybe... there are other reasons. ”

Shi Yan is not sure. He faintly thinks that Ferran should know the wonders of the small shield. Maybe he still knows the thing of the **** cloud mark. The reason why Feilan is willing to sell the stone ball may be that he sees the small shield. Value related.

Of course, all this is his reverie, he is not sure, just a little premonition.

Feng Qi is not stupid. The reason why the doubts are unclear is because she can't find out the magical point of the stone ball. It is just a broken stone.

However, to Shiyan, she was so fascinated that she suddenly woke up and looked shocked. "You mean...Is there a strange thing about the stone ball?"

"It's a subtle connection with my star. I should be sure that the stone ball is not a product, I think... it's worth a thousand pieces of top quality, even far more than this price." Shi Yan thought for a moment, seriously said .

Feng Mingming shines, "What do you mean... Grandma Ferran, she knows the value of stone ball?"

"I think she should know." Shi Yan nodded.

"She only has a true state of God? If she knows, why not explain the mystery of the stone ball, and then sell it at a high price?"

"You should ask her, I can't think of it."


The two whispered and gradually came to a remote stone alley, and did not see a pedestrian walking in sight.

Shiyan suddenly stopped.

Feng Wei also stopped.

The wind has stagnated, and a dull pressure has slowly shrouded in all directions, as if the wind wall is blocking the pressure, and people must be locked up.

The power of the wind is upright!

Shi Yan and Feng Wei ignored one's eyes, and their faces gradually became dignified, quietly condensing the body's strength.

From the abnormal energy of the wind pressure, they know that the realm of the coming people is extremely high, and it should be the source of the gods.

The negative force released the eruption, the body instantly dried up, the eyes became scarlet, the negative arrogance, the death field gradually spread, tearing the pressure of the wind.

Feng Qi did not sit down, closed his eyes, and felt the change of the wind in silence. The lips squirmed and whispered something, screaming the deterrent power of the other gods.

Comers in the source of the gods, the power of fine ventilation, the righteousness, prepared, powerful, if there is a carelessness, it will be ruined, and even the soul altar will collapse.

Shiyan and Fengqi are both warriors with rich experience in combat. Once they realize that they are not good, they will go all out and do not hesitate to hesitate.

When the two were waiting for it, they were in the middle of the roadway in front of them, and there was a hurricane in the center.


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