God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 825: Hidden mysterious powerhouse

Chapter 825 The hidden mysterious powerhouse

The Vatican Night of the Source God’s Heavenly Realm was dragged to a great distance by a blow. It was already invisible and could not be seen.

In the stone alleys where the ruins are broken, the fog is lingering, and the cursing and roaring sounds of many warriors are heard. Those who are affected, struggling in the stone shards, screaming and looking for the hand.

At this time, Shiyan and Fengqi, in order to prevent the van Gogh from killing again, have quickly flashed off and shot at the green ghost.

In the sky, the other alley, a dilapidated house, the big commander of the League, Bitian, and Birou, Arad several people stood silently, looking at the gravel The eyes are extremely weird.

"The power that suddenly popped up is terrible!" Arad took a deep breath, his face paled, and looked subconsciously to the sky next to him. "Adult, will it be Feng Qi suddenly shot?"

“Feng Hao?” Bitian shook his head. “He is still in the business of the green ghosts, and there is no leisure time. Besides, he does not have this kind of power. Even if it is me, I want to easily control the Vatican night. It’s impossible for him to have the slightest effort to fight back. Feng Wei can’t even be.”

The same as the source of God's double heaven and earth, Bitian thinks that the power is stronger than Fengqi, so it is self-sufficient.

Even the source of the two gods in the source of the gods, he said that there is no such power, and how strong is the secret shot?

Arad and Biore are quietly silent, and their looks are dignified.

"It seems that the outside world has rumored that there are hidden powers in the city, and it is really worthwhile." Bitian eyes flashed with different light, faintly said: "The three forces joined forces to clean up the city for many times and failed to completely destroy the predators. In addition to having a forbidden place around, there may be... other reasons."

In this statement, Arad and Birou are discolored at the same time.

"Father, you mean... there are even more powerful warriors than you are here?" Bi Ruo Jiao drinked, and his face was unbelievable. "The plating of the gods is only a source of God!" The flames of the stars, the strongest of the source of the three gods of the source of God, not the three?"

"There are only three people known." Bitian frowned. "But unknown, who can say it?"

He squatted on the warrior, and his face was shocked and shocked.

"What surprised me is not the strong man hidden in the city of Heaven." Bitian sighed and his voice was low: "I am even more amazed at the real power of Shiyan!"

He said this, Bi-soft Arad only reacted, but also shocked in his heart, showing the color of alarm.

"When it was a battle with the Black Point, he obviously did not do his best. The vanishing night of the Vatican night provoked his potential and exposed the real power. In my opinion, even if there is no one in the dark, the kid Not necessarily will be killed immediately, he has the power of a battle." Bitian took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, "In fact, he is now only the king of heaven and two heavens, but the van Gogh is a source of God God, this guy is simply outrageous and must strive to be used for us."

Arad and Birou nodded abruptly.


Shiyan and Fengqi all galloped, and went straight to the manor house where the city was fined. When he saw his majestic buildings, his heart finally settled down.

Here, the strong also noticed the volatility of the war in the city, suspended the discussion of the star map, all came to the training ground of Shiyan and Black Point, and they all talked about it.

When Shiyan and Fengqi appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone. Fengqi was on the stone platform. At this time, his eyes were closed and he was still sensing something, as if he did not notice the return of Shiyan.

"Russell Russell, your good friend, Vatican is in the sky, and the person who just shot is him." When Shi Yan came over, his footsteps were still not stable, and he took the lead to drink lightly.

Russell’s face was cold and suddenly fierce. “I feel that my strength is familiar. It’s really he’s coming, good!”

His figure, as if the sand was integrated into the center of the earth, slammed the bottom of the earth, and suddenly disappeared. It should be to trace the traces of the Vatican.

Feng Qi woke up, his eyes moved, his look was a bit strange, and he frowned deeply.

"Father, we just wandered around the street, Van Gogh suddenly appeared, I want to give birth to you, I want to marry you, just when we are about to die, someone secretly shot us to save us..." Feng Wei simply explained the situation.

Feng Wei listened very seriously. When she finished speaking, she nodded and said: "You go to rest first. I will search for the van Gogh night in the city and will not make him better."

"Is it okay?" In the head of the predator, the blood butcher card sneaked up and asked about the status of Shiyan.

"Nothing." Shi Yan smiled and nodded slightly, and even left with Feng.

"I knew that the strongest of the three forces will not be honest. The return of the Vatican night is not surprising. It is just too urgent." Feng Qi took a deep breath and sank a bit. He waved: "Today is like this, Everyone is ready to prepare. In a few days I will call everyone to discuss the details."

Many of the predators were not the leader, and they said something polite and they left.

Feng Wei returned to his secret room and sent a message.

In a short time, the stone rock was arranged properly, and the secret room was opened. The sealed stone room was enchanted. No one could hear it here.

"Hey, you said that before you were killed, someone secretly shot, who knows who?" Feng Wei's face was dignified.

"I don't know." Feng Qi shook his head. "The other party seems to buckle the neck of the Vatican, dragging him all the way. Van Gogh is in the hands of the man. It seems that there is no resistance. It is terrible..."

The look of Fengqi is solemn. "It is even more terrible than you think. Even if it is the Father, there is no such power."

Feng Qiran, "Is it impossible, the other party is in the source of God three heavens? How is it possible? We are fined the city, will there be a strongman of this level?"

"It's really possible." Feng Xiao smiled. "Some things you don't know. For thousands of years, every day the fine city encounters an intractable disaster, it will be solved inexplicably. The most recent one, over 500 years. Before, the home of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce came in person, and it was necessary to sweep the city to clean up the predators. At that time, the loss of the city was heavy, the city was destroyed, and many predators were killed. It was thought that the city would be destroyed. At that time, I don’t know why the Li family’s family suddenly died and died. The strong man also died inexplicably...”

Feng Qi took another breath. "The city was supposed to be finished, but because Li Jiaqiang was violent, the mortal bureau was solved."

After a pause, Feng Wei’s look was unclear and said: “Similar things, there are still a few...”

Feng Haoran, full of horror, "Father, you are skeptical in the land of God's punishment, there is a terrible strong existence, even you ... can not detect it?"

"If the realm of that person exceeds me, you can hide the breath, I really can't detect it." Feng Qi nodded. "There is a mysterious strongman sitting in the town, and the three major forces should know, so too." Our place can exist until now, and it has not really disappeared. Otherwise, do you think that the three forces can really tolerate? Didn't our city be completely destroyed?"

Feng Wei is silent.

"This time, the man suddenly shot to deal with the Vatican night, it should be to help you and Shi Yan clearance, but I don't know if he is because of you, or because of Shi Yan..." Feng Qi frowned deeply and suddenly said: "You are all Who have you seen?"

"Jester, Kraft and Grandma Ferran, that... he left for a while, and he should have seen someone, but I didn't follow it, and I couldn't know." Feng Wei replied.

"Jester, Kraft is impossible, Ferran... The true **** of the three heavens, the sullen, never seen her have an abnormality, it seems that the mind is not so clear, it is unlikely. Perhaps, he should be seen midway Anyone who passed, maybe the man was shot because of him!" Feng Hao looked changed, seriously thought for a while, said: "...he is not simple, if you can tie with love letters He, for our use, will be our strong support in the future."

Feng Xiaoran smiled.

"Well, you go, I think about it again." Feng Wei did not continue to ask, said kindly.

Feng Qi immediately left.


In the spacious stone room, the side of the stone rock lies on the edge of the window, looking down at the crowd of the city, and playing with the dark blue stone ball from the Ferran shop, his eyes gradually light up.

A glimpse of the gods flew out, immersed in the dark blue stone ball, the stone ball shines not obvious, unpretentious, no fluctuations.

Wrinkled, he did not worry, staring at the stone ball carefully looked at it for a while, immediately running the stars, the soul of the altar slowly turbulent, with the exquisiteness of the stars to understand the inside of the stone ball.

At the same time, his starry light flashed out of the chest, turned into a firefly-like light spot, and quickly sneaked into the stone ball.

The operation of the stars and the righteousness of the stars, with the mind to depict the trajectory of the stars, seems to reach a delicate connection with the heavenly sea.

The injection of the energy of the stars makes the inside of the stone ball seem to be obscured by some ordinary people who can never see it. Gradually, the strict stone ball shows a small hole.


Knowing the sea can not help but shock, the left hand of the stone ball clinging to the starlight, his power is on the altar, as there is a delicate connection with the interior of the stone ball.

The starlight in the vast sea of ​​stars, like raindrops, falls off and all merge into the inside of the stone ball.

Inside the small hole of the stone ball, a dazzling starlight suddenly emerges, and the penetration is amazing.


The rock wall illuminated by the starlight burst into the hole, and the stone window that he stopped was smashed. Even his spacious stone room, which was illuminated by the starlight, was also hit by a hole, and the stone was crushed.

The exclamation sounded fiercely from the bottom stone chamber, and many of the warriors under Fengjing reacted and rushed to ask what happened.

Shi Yan looked surprised and touched the star-studded stone ball, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and his mouth gradually smiled.


Ps: Recommend the white bird's "God", there is a through train on the killing page, you can go and see, the books of the sky white crane are worth looking after, everyone pay attention!

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