God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 834: How can it be?

Heavenly City... Shady Predator Headquarters.

The gravel was scattered all over the place, and the spacious vast field of Zhongliyang was deeply immersed in a large piece. Barrett and Black Point were covered in blood, and the ugly face was sitting in the gravel pile, and the eyes were a little gray.

The Fengqi, Russell, and Jieyu who came to hear the news, all stood around the vast field, watching Barrett and Black Point in the wolf, and they were a little gloating.

Many of the shamans of the shady scene also looked heavy and watched the two leaders do not know what to say.

This battle of the fine city of the city has alarmed many people. Barrett and Black Point are bound by the invisible power, and they are thrown to the headquarters from the sky and the sky is being thrown to the headquarters. I have spread all over the place.

Everyone knows the battle between Barrett and Shiyan, and the battle takes place in the shops of Kraft. Naturally, it is not difficult to guess the time when Barrett and Black Point started.

Ke Shiyan, only the realm of the gods and gods, the Cato brothers are only the warriors of the kings of the gods. Barrett is the strong source of the source of the gods. Not only can he not get the wish, but fall into such fields. It’s really amazing.

Who is secretly in the hands of the hand, no one can be informed, but everyone knows in the heart, at this time in the city of the fine city, lurking a strong horrible strong.

This strong man is like an invisible giant shadow, shrouded in the sky above the city, overlooking the city, silently maintaining the order in the city.

It is strictly forbidden to fight in the city of Tiancheng. If anyone violates this criterion, it will be taught a lesson. Even Barrett, one of the four giants, is no exception.

“Is it very interesting?” Barrett was so annoyed that he looked at the people with a sizzling fire and secretly gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I did destroy the rules, what happened? Is it necessary to expel me from the city?"

From the faces of Feng Wei, Russell, and the three men, he pulled out an unfriendly shackle, and his heart was annoyed. The tone would of course not be polite.

"No, we are not coming to the school to ask for sin." Feng Qi pulled a smirk and laughed.

"Moreover, you have been punished, we will not continue to marry you. Hey, Barrett Barrett, your luck doesn't seem too good.

Since the beginning of the day, I have been depressed. ”

Introduction, Russell laughs and looks differently

It seems to be secretly mocking.

"You three are coming, willn't it be a joke?" Barrett's face

In the eyes of anger, "I thought that in the day of punishment, the four of us are the biggest. We didn't expect that we were just the commander of the order. In the dark, someone is stronger than us. It seems that in the way of controlling the city in his own way, you are willing to Being seized?"

"How can it be?" The helpless shook his head. "The situation is not strong. I have to bow my head. The other side is so inscrutable. It seems that we are not malicious. Why should we look for nothing? There is such a person strictly guarded, maybe not a bad thing."

"Yeah, what can I do if I am not convinced?" Russell smiled. "He can easily control you. We are not opponents. This person should have existed for many years. If you really want to deal with us, we can be comfortable." For so many years? Obviously, he just keeps the order in the city, just like our original intention. If so, why bother to find trouble?"

"How can I not know that there is such a character in the city of heaven?" Barrett had a strange face.

"We also know that it won't take long." Introducing Russell and Russell ignored it, and he was a bit stunned.

"I know the time is earlier."

Everyone was the most abundant, and took a breath. "But I always thought that it was just rumors, and I didn't really care about it. If there is no such thing as Vatican and yours, maybe... I am still only a rumor. But today people... I do believe it."

"Then you come over, what do you want to say? Want to persuade me not to swear in the city? Let me let go of that kid?" Barrett said.

"No, we didn't say it. If you want to continue, let's try it. We are happy to see what happens." Russell screamed and smiled. It seemed that he didn't mind that someone was in the city. Silently maintain order.

"I don't want to die so early." Barrett looked stagnation and his face was stiff.

Black Point is even more dejected, and said with a bitter face: "He is only a lesson, there is no real heavy hand, if there is another time, it is really not guaranteed."

"How about Shiyan? Is there anything?" Feng Wei, who was silent for a while behind Feng Qi, finally couldn’t help but worry, frowning and asking.

"He is a good boy!" Barrett angered and angered. "Feng, what good is he? But a guy with a better luck, there is no support behind him. Why did you choose him?"

Feng Qi pretty face is cold, "It has nothing to do with you!"

She has to come over, just want to make sure that Shiyan is safe and sound, and she is a little bit guilty about Barrett. She knows that there is nothing in Shiyan, and a heart is calmed down. Naturally, Barrett will not have a good look. .

"Jingle Bell!"

Daddy, from the rich cuffs, there was a humming sound for a while, low and rapid, such as mosquitoes and flurry.

Feng Brow wrinkled, one hand retracted into the cuff, closing his eyes and seemingly sensing what n

His face changed awkwardly, showing the color of horror, and could not help but sigh: "Vatican is dead!"

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked and looked at him incredulously.

"I just received the news that the owner of the family, Van Gogh, was on his way and came to the place where we were punished.

The Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is not too far away from this place. If you follow the realm of the Van Gogh, if you come all the way, you should arrive soon. Feng Qi took a deep breath and his face was more and more dignified. "The news came from inside the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. He said that the reason why Van Gogh was angry was because his brother-in-law was killed in our fine city." ”

"Dead is good! Dead is good! Haha!" Russell paused, and immediately laughed and laughed.

"Sure enough to die! Live!" Feng Wei is also beautiful, excited and cheering.

The predators who had eaten the Van Gogh’s losses, after hearing the news, were excited and laughed.

In the hearts of many predators in the land of divine punishment, the Vatican of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is the most annoying and disgusting family. Over the years, the marshals of the predators have spared no effort. If they can hide in the forbidden land, many predators will be killed. clean.

Russell and the Vatican have deep hatred, and the big brother who is rich is also killed by the power of the Vatican. There are also many friends and relatives of the predators, who are also dead in the hands of the Vatican.

Therefore, as soon as I heard the news, everyone was excited and couldn’t help but cheer.

"The Van Gogh is coming." Feng Wei was silent for a while, suddenly drinking low and his face was dignified.

The sly laughter, because his words suddenly stopped, everyone's face gradually darkened, eyes taboo, extremely nervous.

In the flame star field, the Van Gogh's homeowner Van Gogh and the plating of the heavens are the most terrible existence. The source of the gods is the cultivation of the three heavens. It is known in the corner of every star of life in the flames of the flames. The existence of the peak.

Now, such an extraordinary person, to visit the city of heaven, who can not be nervous?

"With our strength, it is really not the enemy of the Fanhe, how is this good?" Yushen hesitated, asked a little headache.

"Immediately organize the personnel and evacuate the city." Well, let the parties prepare for the first time. We will start at the fastest speed and go directly to the area named to the star map. We should have left." After a while, suddenly said: "If the strongest person in the land of our sacred punishment, one heart to protect the heavens, even if the Fanhe came over, it will not necessarily destroy this city that has stood for thousands of years, wait for us. Unlocking the mystery of the star map is even more powerful, and the Van Gogh is not terrible."

When this statement came out, it was immediately approved by the people, and they nodded and expressed their willingness to gather and evacuate.

"Father, Shi Yan, he... I don't know where to go." Feng Xiao whispered.

"So many people can't stay and wait for him, and there is not much time. If he comes before we don't leave, it's better... otherwise it will be." Feng Fu frowned. "He doesn't explore the star map, nor see it." It’s a bad thing, as long as we can gain something, his glimpse

... will not give him less. ”

Feng Wei also knows that everyone will not stay because of Shi Yan's adventure, listening to her father's statement, and can only helplessly nod, but my heart is still secretly anxious, I hope that Shi Yan appears as early as possible.

Another secluded manor in Tiancheng City.

Kasiuen and Zi Yao secret language, slamming his eyebrows, suddenly stood up and went to the small courtyard in the manor.

There, Oglas has already appeared, a smile full of sunshine, talking to one person.

"Okuto's adult!" Zi Yao rushed out, and when he saw someone coming, he felt a shock and slammed him.

"The Princess of the Princess is still beautiful and unparalleled." Augusto of the five princes grinned and said: "No wonder Oglas, the kid, even my own stay is not to be followed, I have to follow you. Oh, take care of each other. Reflecting, you and this kid are really perfect."

Zi Yao’s heart hates it, but his look is as usual, and there is no export answer.

"You are coming at the right time. The predators seem to be moving and want to leave the city as soon as possible." Kashun said casually. "Once they leave the city, they can be difficult in those forbidden places. They are even more Be familiar with that piece. If you want to do it, it will be best for these two days."

"Hands?" Ogudo shook his head, his face was not very good-looking. "I don't want to be like the Vatican, and I was killed by somehow."

Kasiu, Zi Yao, and Oglas, listening to him, are all shocked.

They know that the Vatican is inexplicably missing, but they don't know that the Vatican is dead, so it is very shocking. A warrior of the source of the gods is not a small one. Once killed, it will spread throughout the flames.

"In the city of heaven, there is a terrible strong man, this can be affirmed." Ogudo said with a dignified face, his attitude is also a little scared, it seems that he also has concerns, not dare to offend.

... (to be continued)

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