God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 843: Break

Chapter VIII

Ten ships of hundreds of meters long were built of taupe stones. When they saw it, the battleships seemed to be a narrow meteorite, but they were able to flick.

On every warship, there are warriors with a low realm standing, and a chariot-like chariot is parked.

Above a warship, the refining pharmacist Bonita is in the column. She is respectfully standing behind a thin old man. The old man has a gray long hair shawl, which is the extension of the three major leaders of the League, and the same name.

In addition, several chariots gathered, and a beautiful glamorous woman of the sea was standing and laughing. A blue silk was scattered like a waterfall, and it was hanging on a round, full-bodied buttocks. The beauty was blue-blue, watery and overflowing. Full of spring, provoke thoughts.

She is another big commander of the League of Nations - Monica, is the beautiful beauty of the entire flame star, just... a little notorious.

Both Tuohai and Monica are the commanders of the League of Nations. Compared with Bitian, the power of the League is only a bit weaker, and they are all powerful people with heavy power.

The two were entrusted by the ally of the ally, and in order to come to the land of the gods, in order to merge with the sky, it is necessary to capture the star map and broaden the territory for the ally.

However, the two have not yet entered the land of divine punishment. In the middle of the road, they discovered the anomaly of this place, a huge bloody.

Strong life fluctuations came from the blood, and the stars shone. The blood was like a huge blood-colored crystal, sparkling with fascinating blood, making people feel a little dizzy.

Both Tuohai and Monica stood on their own battleships, looking at the **** giants from afar, and their faces were a little dignified.

They sensed that among the **** giants, there was obviously a life that was undergoing transformation, and they could be cultivated in their realm, and they could not see the internal physical condition through blood. They did not know who it was, so hesitated. What action should be taken?

There are many mysteries in the land of sacred punishment. There are many mysteries. Even if it is Tuohai and Monica, as a squad, I don’t dare to be unscrupulous here.

What's more, they all received news before they came over. I heard that the **** of punishment was lurking with a strong horror, and even the brothers and brothers of Van Gogh dared to kill.

In this way, they will not even take the plunge.

"Tuohai, what do you think?" Monica laughed and voiced. The voice was magical. The men who heard it were all smug, and they were red-faced. If they were teased by a beautiful woman, they would have a physiological reaction.

They are in the area, on the back of the land of sacred punishment, and the front of the sacred land is undergoing fierce battles at this time, but because they are far apart, they can only faintly observe and cannot reflect all the scenes in their minds.

"What do I think?" The thin old man with gray hair and long hair frowned. "I don't want to waste time, either kill him or walk away. You are also feeling the battle ahead. You should know where you are." There is a change, can't you want to watch him break free?"

"You are a big brother, I listen to you, what do you say?" Monica's slender brows moved, eating and laughing, the blue eyes were infinitely infinite, like a lover. .

The warriors on the dozens of warships listened to her words, and their eyes were hot and they looked at her, seemingly wishing to swallow her.

This woman, with a smile and a smile, is like a ripe peach, which has a very strong appeal to men.

However, she seems to be extremely good at seduce the man's desires, all the words are full of teasing, making people crazy, can not help but be affected by her.

"Let me come to this one!" Tuo Hai snorted. "I don't want to waste time, go to the individual, break the blood and see where it is sacred!"

He gave a command, and behind him there was a strong man of the king of heaven and two heavens. One arm had no flesh and blood, only crystal bones, hands like sharp blades, releasing the burning sorrow, slamming Draw down towards the blood.


There was a strange sound in the air, and there was a white electro-optic light. He did not have a handful of flesh-and-blood hand knives, and he rushed to the power of the fierce.


The hand knife stabbed on the blood, and a circle of blood swelled, and the blood stunned.

The strong man of the king of heaven and the king of heaven, as if he had been hit by a giant hammer in the chest, the counterattack force uploaded by the **** man flew back to the collision. When the person was in the air, the chest splashed with blood and the bones burst open. Come.

A **** and strong suffocating spurt out from the inside of the **** scorpion, the horror of the horror is extremely impressive, comparable to the source of the gods and the strongest of the world.

Everyone is discolored.

Tuo Hai and Monica also looked awkward and frowned.

"It seems to be a tricky figure." Monica smiled and smiled. "I like it, it's fun and interesting. The land of punishment is really interesting. If you meet a practitioner on the way, you have such power, than our side." It’s too much fun.”

Tuohai's face is gloomy, but his eyes have a hint of jealousy. "How are you?" He looked at the returning warrior.

"The big commander, the strength of the other side is very strong, very evil, I ... I am not an opponent." The man lowered his head and smiled with shame.

"Go one more." Tuohai nodded and ordered again.

A **** of the three heavens, the power of the gold, the power of the devil, the horror of the devil, violently flying, a golden light from the palm of the hand, carrying the gold of the spirit, and bombardment to the blood.


The **** splash, the golden sharpness was instantly suppressed, and the demon strong who reached the triple kingdom of the gods could not bear it. For example, the kite that had broken the line was generally thrown away.

The extension of the sea is discolored.

Monica also stopped laughing and the beauty condensed.


Inside the **** giant clam, there was a strong and powerful heartbeat. Gradually, the blood stasis was torn apart and turned into a blood-colored powder.

Shi Yan's naked and strong body, suddenly appeared out of it, blood red, like cooked prawn, every muscle is shaking, there is a strong blood gas released, full of explosive power.

"A good man!" Monica exclaimed, her eyes sparkling, showing great interest, and Jiao Xiao repeatedly said: "Good brother, how can you cultivate here? What is your power? Curious look."

If there was no one from Monica, she flew out of the battleship and wandered around the orange-red ribbon. It was like a demon woman, and her body was swaying, her legs were swaying, her hips were gently shaken, and her body was beautiful.

The rock of the naked body, the lower part of the squatting body suddenly raised and stood up, highlighting the shackles, such as a long gun erected, a bit scary and scary.

Monica's face was blushing, and she was stunned and looked at his lower body with amazement. He couldn't help but scream and laugh. "Good majestic capital!"

"Hey! A shameless woman!"

"What a sigh!"

"Sure enough, it’s a slut!"

Many female warriors in the extension of the sea, an individual over the head, did not dare to go to see Shiyan, biting his teeth and smashing, and Monica smashed the body.

Monica didn't mind, she still laughed like a spring breeze. She was very happy and said with great interest: "Good brother, come to my sister, my sister will help you wear clothes..."

Her voice suddenly became soft and low, affectionate, can affect the human heart, let people involuntarily sink, drunk at her feet and do not want to wake up.

Shi Yan also showed a short-lived color, his eyes were hot, and an icy cold air spread throughout the body, which suddenly woke up, his heart was shocked, while he was on alert, he took out a blue suit and draped in On the body.

"It's you!" Bonita's screams rang in a timely manner.

"Who? Who is he?" Tuohai frowned, looking back at her, his face was solemn.

"Shi Yan, he is Shi Yan! Participated in the Pole Wars, took the star map out of the Purgatory Star, and gave him to the Feng Shui!" Bonita screamed, his face was full of fear and fear.

She was very impressed with Shiyan.

At that time, after the soft Arad two took Shi Yan from the sixth drug star, it was not long before Ziyao rescued. Arad and Biore apologized to her, and then Bonita began to pay attention to Shiyan’s trend.

In the following years, she obtained the performance of Shiyan in the Tianni God Country through various means. She knew that the stone rock boundary was rapidly improved and attached to Zi Yao. After the performance of the Tianni God Country, she had a long period of time. Time is hard to sleep.

Of course she remembers what she had done in Shiyan.

The strength of Shiyan made her fear and anxiety. She was afraid that Shiyan would retaliate against her and would return to the sixth drug star to take her life.

Some time ago, she was invited by Tuohai to come to the land of punishment. She heard more news about Shiyan on the road. The more she heard, the more she was afraid, the more she worried that she would be killed by Shiyan.

When I arrived, I came to the periphery of the land of God's punishment. I didn't really enter the city of heaven. I met the person I didn't want to see on the way. Bonita had a headache and said: "This person can't stay, and the predator." Going together, no longer the **** of the gods, can kill! And must be removed early!"

Her words rang like fireworks, and the people of Tuohai and Monica picked up and looked at Shiyan with surprise, showing a shocking color.

Many of the martyrdom women who admire the supreme power of the strong are even more beautiful, and each raises their heads and slams into him.

Women like tough warriors, especially those who are able to excel at a young age, let them pay attention to them.

Today's Shiyan is no longer a nameless junior, because the name associated with the star map has been rumored throughout the flames, and he and the entanglement of the enthusiasm, and the battle of the black horn, the performance of the city in a few days ago, Like a fierce wind blowing through the flames of the star field, so that countless women who worship the young and strong are heart-warming.

At this point, Shiyan suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, although it may be the enemy, or let the women sway, and more and more care about him.


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