God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 782: Meditation

Chapter 788: Desperate

Ogras, Damon, Alan, Tiemu and others, all appearing one by one, gathered under the call of plating.

Shiyan never appeared.

Liana's face became more and more ugly.

After a long time, the participants who entered it all arrived, only one stone rock.

Ogudo suddenly laughed. "Liana, our bet, is it counted?"

Rochester, Kashun, Dalle, and so on, all look at Liana, look strange, Rochester and Dall, obviously a little gloating.

"Hey, I thought that Shiyan would win. I didn't expect to actually die in it. It was a miscalculation. I still want to wait for him to come out and make a good fortune in this godland. It's a pity." Rochester shook his head and seemed quite right. regret.

"If Shiyan is dead, someone must get the Purgatory Token, I am looking at it." Lianna snorted and stunned Ogudo. "He is really dead, I will naturally offer a star of life." Give you."

"Silly" Ogudo laughed.

When they spoke, they were far from the plating of Tianni Star, silent, and suddenly said: "Let's go."

Zi Yao's face was gray, and the color of the sorrow was sorrowful. He stood up silently.

The mirror in front of the plating is a little bright, and the light is shining. The center shows a crack. He and Zi Yao suddenly disappeared.

In the next moment, in the lake where you can see the scene of the infernal scene in the Purgatory Star, the plating of the heavens and the purple glory suddenly revealed, discerning one direction, plating the heavens with a thought, moving with tens of thousands of miles It appears directly in the gathering of the five major princes.

"His Majesty"

Including the plating of the music, the five princes squatted on one knee and respectfully called.

Those entrants, Oglas et al., two knees landing, full of respect and awe, expressed their humility.

"Get up." Plated nodded, calm and natural, "Who is the winner?"

"Rika." Plated music took the lead to stand up and point to the woman who Liana left. "She kills the most."

Plated with a slight smile, "the fortunes of the Kingdom of God."

A magical empty ring, falling off his fingertips, flew to Lika, "five creations of God, when you break through the source of God, the best effect, can give you the power of endless soul. God-level four-piece armor, and your body can be combined to make your combat strength."

Rika's face was ecstatic, and she took over the magical air ring and thanked him again and again. "Thank you for your gift, you will do your best for the kingdom of God, and you will die."

"You don't have to thank me, this is what you deserve." Plated a smile, and his eyes fell on the plated music. "After blocking the Pole Wars, um, this time the temper is over."

"It's still one person." Plated music answered.

"He has arrived." Plated Tianqi turned his head and looked behind him and said: "Come out, get the purgatory token, naturally exempt you. From now on, the world will be big, let you gallop, you are free."

Liana and Ogudo, while looking behind.

Jiang Ge slowly appeared, his face was calm and his knees on the ground. "Thank you for your gift."

"Is you killing Shiyan?" Zi Yao screamed and screamed, his face was fierce, and the beautiful cold light of the beautiful eyes made people feel guilty.

Lianna is also a cold, dark blue eyes, like a snake, letting the soul sway and fear.

Jiang Ge's face changed and he calmed down. "I didn't kill him. He broke into a forbidden place and was torn into energy by the energy. I just picked up his purgatory token."

"Forbidden land?" Plated strange wrinkled, but did not ask, waved, not waiting for Zi Yao, Li Anna to say anything, "Let the Purgatory Token, you leave now, from now on, will not Someone has asked your crimes."

Jiang Ge said nothing, immediately placed the purgatory token on the ground, respected the plating of the heavens, and suddenly rose to the sky, seems to be afraid of the blame left behind, and soon disappeared.

Lianna and Zi Yao, both of whom are glaring at him, the hatred in their eyes is extremely obvious.

O'Grass's smile on the face of the sun, taking the initiative to go to Zi Yao, polite and polite, "Is it all right?"

Zi Yao's eyes are quite complicated. I watched Oglas's bright smile like the past. I don't know why, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Oklas is her obedience, following her for many years, for she can give up everything, She really had no reason to make trouble, nodded, she said: "I am fine, but Shi Yan rescued me after all, he suffered an accident, I really feel a little uncomfortable."

"Shiyan collusion blood butcher, trying to murder the princess, the princess does not have to be sad for him, not worth it." Oglas said seriously.

Zi Yao's face is cold. "I don't care what others say, but in the Japanese star burst, he saved me between him and Cato. It should be a little bit of a source, but he is not a collusion." .

"Your Highness says yes, that is, I believe in Your Highness." The smile on O'Grass' face was a stagnation, and he stunned before he replied casually. In his opinion, Shiyan was dead anyway, and he did not pursue it. Necessary.

"Liana, can we gamble on our bet?" Ogudo laughed and had a good temperament.

"When you leave the Purgatory Star, you send someone to my territory. I will give you a star of life." Liana's face was ugly, and she snorted and her eyes were cold.

"The matter is over, what should I do, do not continue to stay in the Purgatory Star." Plated Tianqi said a word, Chong Lianna nodded and said: "Come with me, I have something to say to you." ""

Anna nodded.

"You and Oglas return to Zi Yao Xing, get ready, go to the Jiuxing Business Association in a while, go to see the Vatican, and complete the things that I have explained." Plated Qiqi looked at Zi Yao.

Zi Yao nodded silently, and his emotions were quite lost. "Father, I have to stay in the Purgatory for a few days, then set off."

"Well, you can count on your mind. Although Shi Yan is your right hand, he will die when he dies. Don't think too much. There are too many things in the Kingdom of God. Don't distract yourself for too long." , nodded to Lianna, and immediately left, through the lake, return to Tianni Star.

Soon, the four princes of Ogudo and Rochester, Kashun, and Dal, each arranged and re-started, seemed to have something to do, and did not stay too long.

Plated music has blocked all entrances and exits of the Prison Inspur, and insisted on the various treasures of the Purgatory Star to ensure that there will be no accidents and leave from here.

Zi Yao stayed in the Purgatory Star for seven days and walked silently at the exits of the Pole Ward. It seemed to be looking forward to something.

She did not let Oglas accompany him. One person walked around the Pole inferno. For seven days, there was no discovery. Every day, the look was gray and the mood was low.

No miracles happened.

Seven days later, the heart was so helpless and purple, the sadness left from the Purgatory Star.

She did not know that she had surrounded a closed entrance, very close to the forbidden land where Shiyan was located. As she approached her, she could see Shiyan in a while.

It is a pity that the forbidden land has the magic of isolating all life-sensing. She can't touch Shiyan's life movements at all, and she can only leave with the deep regrets from the Purgatory Star.

Time is in a hurry, the Purgatory Star regains its peace, the descending power has long since disappeared, and the closed Pole inferno field is dead.

Inside, ninety-nine forbidden places disappeared into ninety-four, one of which still exists and has infinitely banned land. The rock is in the deepest part of the valley, and the layers are forbidden.

The majestic palace, hidden in the deepest part of the forbidden land, was isolated by the mountain peaks and concealed by the rich clouds. No one outside knows what is hidden.

He is getting closer and closer to one of the huge towering pillars.

Two years have passed.

In the past two years, he has been cracking the mystery of the enchantment, covering the enchantment of the palace, a total of forty-nine layers, so far, he has cracked twenty layers.

Every enchantment is a wonderful array of magic, which contains the great magic between heaven and earth.

The reason why Jiang Ge could not be broken for two hundred years is because Jiang Ge is not a refiner. He has limitations. He uses his knowledge of the gods to solve those enchantments. It is naturally slow.

Stone rock is different.

He has a natural advantage. In the same year, the refinement of the refinement of the various wonderful methods of exploration, he accumulated unimaginable experience and wealth.

A layer of enchantment is composed of countless small arrays. Although it is subtle and magical, it can be a refining division that reaches the level of God. The dedication of God's input comes in and cracks. Although it is not too fast, the direction is right.

If Jiang Ge knows that Shi Yan, who has such a terrifying power in the kingdom of God, is still a god-level refiner, I don’t know if Shi Yan will stay in the first place, and use those enchantments to bind him.

The layered enchantment, every time the crack, his understanding of the refiner will reach a new height, the formation of those enchantments, contains the most wonderful reason between heaven and earth, in the process of cracking, His realm is solid, he can be washed and purified, and his soul is sublimated.

Here, it is almost more sensitive to perceive the essence of the heavens and the earth, and to concentrate on the enchantment and bring benefits to his realm.

When a layer of enchantment breaks open, his realm will be refined, and the soul altar will benefit. The three forces will be subtle. When he realizes the mysterious energy of heaven and earth in the enchantment, unconsciously, subtle changes occur. .

He had already forgotten the frame of Jiang Ge, devoted himself to it, indulged in it, and broke the enchantment as the most wonderful journey of martial arts.

The mentality has changed, the benefits he has gained are greater, and the speed of cracking is gradually accelerating.

On this day, forty-nine layers of enchantment, he cracked into the forty-two layers, and suddenly felt that there was a wonderful shock in the palace.

At the same time, the other four places in the Prison inferno were in the forbidden land, and the other four gods who were doing the same thing, the three kings of the three heavens, also found an abnormality, and the expression suddenly trembled.

.... . . .

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