God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 784: Dark chain

Chapter 784 Dark Chain

They are four people, and Jiang Ge seems to be different. Jiang Ge is as curious as the secrets in the palace, but he can't reach their level. He will not stay in this place because of the secret. He will not give up until he reaches the goal.

"It's very good. It seems that with such a kid, our speed will be much faster." The skinny old man, licking his teeth, smiled quite disgustingly.

"That is, our purpose is to understand the secrets of the palace. It is rumored that it was the establishment of the first five generations of the gods of the gods, and it is related to a mystery. I am not going out, it is for this secret. Feng Feng had the other three. "Want to come, are you as curious as I am?"

The three old men nodded at the same time.

"Kid, what's your name?" Feng Wei whispered.


"Well, Shi Yan, Jiang Ge put his responsibility on your head, then you replaced him. Yes, you are doing very well, continue to work hard, and break the remaining enchantments." Indifferently, a look of course.

Shi Yan frowned, sinking for a moment, suddenly smirked and stagnate in the enchantment.

The faces of the three old men suddenly fell dark.

"What temper are you making?" Feng Qi’s brows raised, his slender face, and his eyes barely revealing the bottomless light. “You are not interested?”

"Nature is interested." Shi Yan shook his head and said indifferently: "But I don't want to be kept in the dark. I want to know why you want to enter. You are different from Jiang Ge. Jiang Ge doesn't seem very clear about things. I see you, as if I know what's inside? Well, you maybe... aren't forced into the Pitlands?"

The four people frowned.

"I see, you should take the initiative to enter the Pole Wars, the purpose is to forbid the land here, right?" Shi Yan grinned coldly.

The four people of Fengqi suddenly silenced.

Half-sounding, Feng Qi hesitated a moment, the test asked: "Do you know, you know a little?"

Shi Yan’s heart moved and said calmly: “Yes, I am like you, and I came here specifically for this place. Jiang Ge’s framed with me and brought me into this place is actually what I want. As you know, I am also roughly Understand, hey, I just want to confirm."

"Do you have a jade card?" Fengqi is not easy to fool, snoring, "Five jade cards, one of us four, one of them in the hands of Jiang Ge. If you do not have a jade card, can you know?"

"I don't have a jade card." Shi Yan shook his head. "The jade card that Jiang Ge got was from our family. It was waited by our family. It was only after my family was gone for a while, and it was only after Jiang Ge got it. Although he got a jade card, he didn't know the real secret. I entered it here, and the purpose was completely consistent with you."

This lie, he took great pains and felt that it should work.

Sure enough, the four people who listened to him said that they were all moved, and it seemed that they really believed.

"It's no wonder that Jiang Ge didn't keep going. It seems that he didn't know much." The skinny old man blinked a bit and nodded secretly. "Since our purpose is the same, there is nothing to say, in the palace." The secret may be to change the pattern of the flames, and everyone should do it."

Feng Qi also nodded. "Kids, the most urgent task, or break the enchantment first. Your speed is extremely fast, let our enchantment also relax. According to this situation, we will be able to enter it." What to do, wait until the enchantment outside the palace is broken."

The other three nodded together.

Shi Yan pondered a bit, and did not continue to argue with them at this time, he has got the conclusion he wants.

The four people of Fengqi are specially made to ban the land here. This is no doubt.

Being imprisoned in the Purgatory Star is just one of their means. All four are the three kingdoms of the gods. Every one of them is very heart-warming. The means should be extremely fierce. With their ability, killing a participant and leaving is not Impossible, the reason why we are not going to go is for the same purpose.

He can change the secret of the flame star pattern, and he suddenly came to the interest.

He began to concentrate on cracking the remaining seven layers of enchantment.

A layer of enchantment broke open, he would rest and exchange with the four people. Through conversation, he knew that Feng Qi was from the most chaotic land of the flames, and seemed to be born.

The other three, thin as a skeleton, called Ganji, the military of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. The other two, one called Pogga and one called Han Di, are all people on the other side of the alliance. These four people did not have a native of the gods, which made him quite surprised.

The purpose of the five people was the same. Before the enchantment was not broken, the atmosphere between the two was not harmonious before entering the palace. There was no quarrel.

As the progress of Shiyan's side speeded up, the speed of enchantment cracking of the other four people seemed to gradually increase. Soon, in front of Shiyan, there was only one layer of enchantment.

At this time, Feng Wei spoke. "You can stop for a moment."

Shi Yan stopped in the water-like enchantment, suspended in the center of the layered pattern, calm in his face, horrified in his heart, but his face was not revealed.

"When we got four of them, we worked together to tear all the enchants and enter the palace at the same time." Feng Wei looked at him. "Now our enchantments on the four sides are still there, you forcibly break open, we will happen on all four sides." The chaos, when the five palaces could not be unsealed at the same time, everyone could not benefit."

Ganji, Ponga, and Handi also nodded at the same time.

Shi Yan didn't know what Feng Qi said, but he didn't take risks. He didn't know what was in the palace. He was afraid that he would sneak into it alone and suddenly suffered huge risks.

Therefore, he paused his movements, floated in the layers of water, closed his eyes, realized the feelings of the recent period of time, and revealed the layers of enchantment in his mind to comprehend the wonderful things in those enchantments. The mystery of the array.

Every wonderful array of methods contains different worlds and principles. The way to crack is to follow a little energy line, and to use his knowledge of the enchantment of the fascination, slowly unlock with the knowledge and strength.

In this process, he has a deeper understanding of the different strength characteristics of the world. His three forces have not deliberately made breakthroughs, but they have a new understanding along with nature.

Silence does not make a sound, he takes out Shen Jing, secretly restores strength, and quietly comprehends the peculiar power of power, regardless of the three people's urgent cracks.

Time flies and it is a long time passed.

On this day, Feng Qi took the lead to reach the last level. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Shi Yan, who recovered her silence. She did not speak, and she also took out Shen Jing.

Another time passed, the other three, also reached the last level, one by one, the eyes are shining, the feelings are moving, and the darkness is excited.

Like Shiyan and Fengqi, the three people are not in a hurry to carry out the crack of the last layer, and they all recover secretly, and gather the power to the peak of the peak with Shenjing.

Shi Yan, who had already recovered, quietly observed, and his face gradually sank.

The four people were cautious and careful. He looked at the bottom of his eyes. He was obviously anxious and excited, but he was stunned. He first adjusted his interest and resumed himself. He was at the peak of his life, and his intentions were obvious.

All four seem to know that the next step may be to use their full strength. Perhaps, after entering the palace, the harmonious relationship between them will be ruined in vain and can no longer be restored.

He knew in his heart that once the enchantment was completely cracked and they entered the palace with them, the war would be stimulated. Only the king of heaven and the king of heaven, in the five people, on the bright side, it should be the weakest. One party.

Shi Yan frowned deeply.

"Ganji, Ponga, and Handi are three, although they are the three kingdoms of the gods, Handi is the weakest, and the advanced time is the shortest..."

Suddenly, a fascinating soul wave swayed, quietly, across a layer of broken enchantment, from the direction of the rich, the demon woman of the ghost pattern, hanging her head, eyes open, quiet Look at him quietly.

At this time, the three men of Ganji, Ponga, and Handi were still recovering their strengths. It seemed that they did not notice the little tricks.

"You don't have a soul to communicate, your realm is low. Once there is a trace of soul fluctuation, they will immediately feel it." Feng Qi's thoughts continue to pass. "You can listen."

"The smashing of the enchantment, once we enter the palace group at the same time, the battle between each other is inevitable. You have the lowest realm, I don't know how you came in, but I believe that once you fight, you will die the fastest. ”

"I have a proposal. Once we rush into the palace at the same time, the other three people attacked. You and I will join hands. You help me to contain Handi. Well, don't worry about entering the war, don't worry about it, don't worry about the palace. Things. Although Hardy is the weakest, it is not something you can cope with. What I call the containment is that it will give you something. You perfuse energy to deal with him. As for Ganji and Ponga, you don’t have to take care of them. I will be the first to fight. If I can make a profit, I will not lose your share. If you agree, you can nod."

Shi Yan squinted and looked at her silently, and then slammed her head.

Feng Xiaozui smiled, his eyes lit up, and he told me how to use such things.

Among the four, it seems that her richest realm is the most exquisite, and the soul of the soul is also the most profound, so her soul communication, actually avoided the other three.


Ganji gently exhaled a smoldering gas, and the crystals in his hands crystallized into stone fragments, and he was refreshed. He glanced at the Fengqi next to him, and suddenly smiled low, and the smile was worthy of further investigation.

He looked at Feng Wei and glanced in the direction of Shi Yan. There was a clear contempt in the Huanren. It was obvious that Shi Yan was not regarded as a real opponent.

Soon, Pangga and Handi also woke up. When they looked at Fengqi, they were quite taboo. They seemed to know that this woman was not good at arguing, but when they went to see Shiyan, their eyes just flashed. And passed away.

Obviously, like Ganji, they also don't think that stone rock can pose any threat.

"Get started!" Feng Wei snorted.

Shi Yan bowed his head and reached for the last layer of enchantment. The other four were given according to law to carry out the final crack.


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