God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 790: Supreme

The ninth ninety-ninth chapter

The raid killed Pangga, and the backhand gave Feng Feng a blow, so that Feng Qi was bruised and bruised, and he could not get out of the pit. It was slow, and this series of means was lightning fast.

Ganji's hand was penetrated by three bone spurs and nailed to the hard stone ground. Seeing the stone rock coming from the sky, Ganji's pain was incomparable, and the gas was almost vomiting blood.

No matter how he imagined, he did not expect that Shiyan’s heart was so gloomy and sinister, and the chain of starlight condensed suddenly came, and he was bound by his body, and Ganji was discolored.


He slammed it hard, regardless of the blood of his palm, and the gravity field rose again.

Two hundred times gravity!

Shi Yan hit it all at once, and his body was immediately affected by the gravity field. Huo Ran sank and fell to Ganji.

"The boy is looking for death!"

Ganji roared, and a huge stone at his feet suddenly flew out, like a shell, hitting a rock.


Penetrated by a chain of stars, the boulder exploded and the gravel spurred.

In the flying stone, the stone rock is like a broken bamboo, the face is cold, and the field of God is changing in vain.

Space is forbidden!

The spin-splattered stone stagnate from the air, motionless, and stopped strangely.

Even Ganji, who reached the kingdom of the gods and three heavens, was greatly affected by the mystery of the gods. As the eyes of the rock approached, the strength of the body suddenly stopped.


Ganji Yang Tianqi, his face rising red, forcing the power to force the space to ban.

The fine element is condensed into a light blade, which bursts out from the body of Ganji, and rises to the sky, all falling to the stone rock.

Shi Yan's face is unchanged, people are in the void, the meaning of the world changes, the sky is torn apart, and Ganji's countless light blades are swallowed down, and the momentum is once again changing the realm of God.

A huge handprint, like a door panel, smashed, and the hood of the skull was shot on Ganji.


When the death mark fell, the body of Ganji was slammed by a heavy hammer, and the body showed a clear notch, and the look suddenly wilted.

The mystery of death in the fingerprints, when rushing into the body of Ganji, is madly destroying his function, making the essence of his flesh and blood difficult to condense, and can only try to avoid it.

He and Pangga and Fengqi three people, after half a month of hard pursuit, the strength can not be restored, as soon as they came to this rock, the three men fought each other, and the power was consumed again.

Was attacked by Shiyan, and one hand was almost abolished, and it was given to death. It was really strong and was seriously damaged.

The vital function of the body, under the encroachment of death energy, is quickly consumed. The body of Ganji and the complexion are pale as paper, and the flow of blood in the corner of the mouth can't help but overflow.

Shi Yan didn't mean to change his mind. The mind screamed and the screams of the three bone spurs reappeared.

He himself is constantly condensing the energy of death, stimulating the power of the negative, and a huge death seal is revealed in the void, as if an evil eye, staring at Ganji, immediately slammed down again.


The sound of the three bone spurs, the harshness of the spurs, as if to spur the soul at the back of the Ganji, let Ganji cracked.


The death mark fell, and the area where Ganji was located, such as the tofu block, was hit, and the gravel became a powder. After the wind dissipated, the mask that Ganji’s ritual sacrifice was also deformed, and the pale and exhausted body suddenly appeared.

The bone spurs suddenly appeared, nailed directly into the chest of the Ganji, so that his internal organs were crushed, and the bones of the intestines flew out of the body.

This attack, Ganji is completely destroyed, the field of God disappears, and the hundred times of gravity field is gone.

"We can talk!" Ganji screamed, and finally his eyes showed fear and uneasiness, and he screamed in the sky. "Give me time for a speech."


The star giant hammer fell from the sky, such as the sky outside the meteorite landing, in the middle of the Ganji chest.

He finished the sentence in one sentence, and the body finally couldn’t stand it. It was completely blasted, and the broken hands and feet were thrown out of the body, and the body was completely degraded.

"Sorry, you have the cultivation of the gods of the Three Heavens, I dare not be cautious." Shi Yan said this, the man has fallen to the side of Ganji, the three bones are like three dazzling electric lights, spinning around him. .

Ganji’s flesh was destroyed, and the soul altar was not dissipated and dissipated. When I saw it in such a situation, I knew that it was difficult to continue confrontation, and I didn’t hesitate. When the soul altar flew out, I would leave the starry sky and save the soul. Come down.

Destruction of the gods, as long as the brand of the soul has not disappeared, he still has two choices, either boarding a new body to re-train, or integrating into the new life of pregnant women.

As long as the spirit is immortal, he always has hope. It is not impossible to obtain the realm of today's realm in time.

The soul altar is incomparably mysterious. In this world, the secret treasure that can completely destroy the soul altar is rare. Ganji’s three-layered soul altar, like a floating ghost, gnashing his teeth, and glance at the rock. I want to go away.


Shi Yan's face was cold and a little eyebrow. His soul altar also floated out. The second layer of the dark altar area suddenly gave birth to a strange evil.

Ganji’s three-tiered soul altar is constantly struggling, and the soul reveals the deepest fear, no matter how he struggles, he can’t get rid of the rock and roll, and engulf it in the black hole-like altar of Shiyan. The disappearance of the little bit disappeared.

The three-story soul altar was swallowed up by the strange and mysterious nature of Shiyan, and there was no residue left.


At this moment, an abnormal sound came, and the sound and strength condensed out, rushing out and reaching the chest of the stone body.

The gods who lost their souls to sit on the altar were quite weak. They were rushed by this force, and a fascinating blood flower appeared on the chest. The belly was swollen and bloody, and the chest broke open a cave.


Originally, there should be no surplus of force, wiping the blood of the corners of the mouth and the body, slowly floating out from the huge deep pit, and the eyes looked at the soul altar of the rock and rock suspension.

The mysterious powers that can swallow the soul altars, the unheard of seeing, the unheard of, the evil and the mysterious, never appeared in the flames of the stars, and no one has ever heard of such evil, so that Feng Qi is also scared.

"Boy, what kind of evil is your righteousness in the end?" Feng Hao was pale and held a thunderbolt ball in one hand. His expression was quite unnatural.

The voice of her speech, each word is integrated with the power of the righteousness, for a time, the grand voice oscillated, forming a violent shock wave, blasting toward the stone rock body.

Shiyan, who was also shocked by Fengqi, didn't want to think about it. The soul ritual suddenly sneaked into the body, regardless of the big hole in the chest, and formed the domain of God again with the space as the root.


One syllable character, once fell into the field of his god, was banned for a short time, Shi Yan did not talk, the ten fingers in the star burst, bursting those syllables, eyes cold.

Grab a hand, the piece of the star map, hidden in his palm, he did not look deep into Feng Qi, look very dignified, "it seems that I am as gloomy as I am, and you."

The state of Fengqi is much better than that of Shiyan. She was first dealt with by Ganji and Pangga. She was bombarded into the gravel and was inundated by countless stones. Shiyan added a dose of medicine to condense the stars. Iron fist gave her all of a sudden.

Even so, suffering from repeated stagnation, the blood is still strong at this time, the power in the body is constantly flowing, obviously there is still plenty of power.

The strength of this woman is also more than the imagination of Shiyan, and the horror is very.

"I still have miscalculated." Feng Yu sullenly glared at the face. "I counted Ganji and Ponga. They were targeted by their forces and were overwhelmed by tens of thousands of stones. I thought they could wait until they got the winner to clean up the mess, but they I didn't expect you to fall into the rocks and hurt me again."

She slammed into Shiyan. "The real heart is sullen, it should be you, no matter me, or Ganji, Pangga all stunned you, and now both of you are dead in your hands, the most unrespected of you, Instead, it took the initiative, I think under Ganji and Pangga Jiuquan, it will not attract attention."

Shi Yan smiled and shook his head. "I have the lowest realm. I don't want to make a trick. I am afraid that I have been killed by you."

He did not hurry to start, the blood veins in the chest broke a few veins, once the battle, will affect the flow of power, when he speaks, the undead blood is also urging, is quickly recovering the injury.

Feng Qi seems to be like his thoughts, and he knows that he is difficult. Similarly, Feng Qi has also been hit hard. Before the opening, he swallowed the medicinal herbs and quietly restored energy.

She has the king of heaven and three heavens. The medicinal medicine used is also a **** level. She believes that the speed of her recovery will be faster than that of Shiyan. Now Ganji and Pangga are dead. This place is uninhabited, remote, not Someone will pass.

In other words, she only has a rival to Shiyan. As long as she has killed Shiyan, she has achieved her goal perfectly.

"I have never heard of the evil mystery of the soul altar. I have been very curious. What is your way?" Feng Yu and Shi Yan keep a distance, and he is afraid that he will suddenly shoot, while talking and secretly guarding. With.

"I am also curious. There are secrets in the curious star map. It is worthy of your plot for a hundred years. It is worthy of your fight." Shi Yan smiled, and the star map appeared in his palm again. He looked down and glanced. Immediately, I looked at Feng Wei. "I wonder if I can solve it for me?"

"If you are willing to tell me, your method and mystery of swallowing the soul altar, I will tell you what is in the star map, how?" Feng Qi in front of his face, elegantly wiped the blood on his body.

Her clothes are very short, and they can't cover a beautiful scenery. Nowadays, they are ruined, and they are fascinating in spring. They are extremely attractive. The jade hands are swimming, and the white and white skin is covered with snow and white. The beauty of the state makes people sway.

"Come on, let's walk a little, talk about it." Feng Qiang models come, the legs are swaying, the spring is looming, and from her nose, she also has a nightmare-like note, which makes people crazy.

The soul of Shiyan is swaying, and the eyes can't help but heat up. If the evil fire is in the deepest part of the heart, the breathing gradually becomes heavy.

He knew in his heart that this woman had already secretly killed the killer. This is the voice of charm.


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