God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Tianhe

The 801th chapter outside the Tianhe River

A wide area outside the Tianhe River.

There are a lot of colorful boulder floating on the Tianhe River. The smallest boulder is also a kilometer. It is bigger and bigger than a small island.

Those strange stones, floating on the Tianhe River outside the field, will not sink, very magical.

The rivers of the Tianhe River outside the area are gray and turbid, and there is nothing in the bottom.

The vast Tianhe, there is no end, do not know where to go, nowhere.

Beside the Tianhe River outside the area, there is a horrible space gap, which is filled with light of various colors, and there seem to be countless meteors flying.

There are countless space gaps, lingering on the outside of the Tianhe River, as if you are swallowing all the creatures of the monsters, it is heart-rending.

Shiyan and his entourage, at this time on a huge dark green stone on the Tianhe River outside the field, there is no living, no plants, dead.

The empty crystal, just beside him, has an acre of size, sparkling with strange crystal light, and when you look at it, you will find the interior of the empty crystal, and there are countless fine gaps, which are very similar to the gaps in the surrounding space.

Feng Qi's face is very strange, watching the scene beside him, for a long time.

Shi Yan was safe and self-sufficient. As soon as he appeared, he immediately sent a life to the violent, thorny, and wave-like three people. He immediately sat down and did not look at it.

After a long time, the energy in the hole was spilled, the body was tempered, the strength was strengthened, and hundreds of drops of undead blood were condensed. He woke up, his eyes were bright, and he looked at the Tianhe River next to him. The fine gaps in the space made a satisfying smile.

"Shiyan..." The snoring whispered, the sluggish eyes were gone, and although they were still thin, they had a little blood on their faces.

The violent screaming suddenly twitched, twisting his body and his face hurt.

The scented demon flower covering his whole body, shaking and twitching, took his life, and the demon flower was bright and violent, and the violent face became pale again.

When Bo looked at him with an annoyance, he couldn’t help but whisper: "The tyrannical adult..."

The violent temper only reveals a head, barely squeezes out a small face, and comforts: "Reassured, I can't die for a while."

"You, what happened in the end? Why did it fall to this end?" Shi Yan looked gloomy, looking at the three people, angry and screaming.

"On the star, I met with the warriors of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce and held our squadrons. They were all killed. Four of us were imprisoned and taken to an area. , mining for them." The thorns are bitter and bitter, slowly said.

"The days of the miners have lasted for about five years." Bo Ruo added a sentence, showing the hatred of the bones.

"I and the violent two, in this period, broke through and reached the king of God." Sighing and sighing, "I thought that this can be a comfortable point, knowing, but it is a nightmare."

"I also broke through to the Three Gods of God, but unfortunately, we can't even do the miners. It was imprisoned and became a personal medicine, and it was raised with blood in the body." "One day, one day, I want the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce to pay the price!"

"On the basis of the three of you?" In the flames, the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is one of the three major forces. The strong ones are like clouds, and the source of the gods are several, the gods and the three heavens. It’s a lot of bulls. You want to compete with the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. It’s too self-sufficient. Even my father doesn’t dare to have this rhetoric.”

In this case, if the three people are silent, they look dull and seem to know that they want revenge. It is definitely not an easy task.

The three will encounter instructions and look at Shiyan together and ask: "You..."

"After I was separated from you, I didn't have any good opportunities. I did some personal medicine for a while." Shi Yan sighed. "But I am better, I got rid of the shackles of fate and went to the gods of heaven..."

Shi Yan simply explained the situation, without too much concealment.

"You also reached the king of heaven and earth?" The temper is quite shocked. "You are much more than our potential. When I first came to the flames, it seems that... only the true God is in a heavenly world. In just ten years or so, you have actually broken through to the kingdom of God, which is incredible."

The thorns and the waves are also looking at the monsters and looking at him.

I spent some time in the flame star field, worked as a miner, and also made a personal medicine tripod. The violent and thorny knowledge is natural and extraordinary. I know that from the true God, to the whole world, to the whole world, to reach the king of heaven and earth. How hard it is.

Some warriors, perhaps hundreds of years, are not necessarily through this hurdle.

And he just used the district for about ten years!

Feng Wei stayed like a wooden chicken, listening to the exchanges of several people, his eyes staring at Venus, and there was an unreal illusion.

These guys are so perverted?

The violent, thorny, and waveless three can break through during the period of being a mineral slave, which is incredible enough.

And Shiyan, ten years, from the true state of God, into the kingdom of God, this is almost a miracle that has never happened in the flames.

Feng Yu understands that the other party cannot deceive her at this time, and there is absolutely no need for it.

This is the case, she is shocked and inexplicable, watching monsters generally look at Shiyan.

Who are you? Where did the guy come from? Why are you so perverted?

God's grace on the mainland is very poor. In there, violent, thorny, wave and so on are the peaks, breaking through to the true God, they are the most talented strong people on the mainland, or they will not stand at the peak. .

The cultivation environment of the flame star field is much better than the gods of the mainland, and there are **** crystals available. This is the talented wave, the thorns, the violent people, etc. After coming to this place, after a period of accumulation, there are many Breakthrough, it is not difficult to understand in Shiyan, I think it is still a matter of course.

But for Feng Wei, it is incredible, and I feel that this talent's talent qualification is outstanding to the extreme.

Especially the stone rock!

It is a miracle!

At this moment, Feng Wei looked at the look of Shi Yan and had a new change.

Maybe one day, this person can really stand on the peak of the flame star field?

Her subconscious mind.

"I will help you to destroy the demon flower." Shi Yan was silent, and when he snorted, he had to start.

"No!" Feng Yu suddenly woke up and screamed. "If you don't want them to die immediately, don't shake it!"

The violent, wave, and thorny tribes also screamed at the same time, "Don't!"

Shi Yan is stunned, frowning and looking at Feng Wei, "What is the problem?"

"Sucking demon flowers and their souls reach a wonderful connection, demon flowers die, their souls will also dissipate and annihilate." Feng Qi looks very dignified, "this sucking demon flower is very strange, sucking blood and soul power, able to bear Lingguo, for the strongest of the three kingdoms of the gods, has extraordinary uses. Once the spirits and demon flowers reach a connection with the souls of the warriors, there is almost no good way to eliminate them, and they will always absorb life and blood gas until the death of the warrior will stop. ”

"She is right." The violent sorrow smiled. "The refining pharmacist of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce once said that when we implanted the demon flower in our body, once we were bound by the demon flower, it means that we are already dead. It’s just that the time of death is sooner or later, and according to him, it can hardly be lifted."

"The demon flowers are destroyed, and their spirits will be destroyed. Once the demon flowers are isolated, they will wither and die, and they will also dissipate their souls." Feng Hao nodded. "You better not mess."

Listening to their explanation, Shi Yan’s face was ugly, and a violent punch hit the boulders under him.


Inside the boulder, suddenly there was a burst of sound, and the stone fragments flew, and a huge stone split into several pieces.

Feng Qi was shocked and looked at him deeply. "No wonder you said that even if I recover to the peak, I can't kill me. I didn't believe it before, but now, I believe."

After this physical body quenching, the refinement of the undead blood, Shiyan one foot into the king of God, the powerful force of the flesh, perhaps more than a few times more than the real **** of the two heavenly strong, fierce The power of the formation of the wrath of the earth shook, making Feng stunned.

"Is there no way?" Shi Yan turned his head and looked at Feng Wei, asking evilly.

Staring at his cold and killing eyes, Feng Qi is also a cold in his heart, his face changed, and he hurriedly said: "There are still ways. The strong source of the source, if it is a refining pharmacist, can intercept the demon flower and their lives. Contact, however, requires a lot of effort, and there are not many refining pharmacists at this level who will help."

"Shiyan, don't waste energy, we know that we can't escape, we can see you before we die, tell us about our experience, we are satisfied." The violent smile, mixed, "You just remember, We will revenge for us in the coming days, and we are also eye-catching under the Jiuquan."

The thorns are also a smile. In the Shenen mainland, both of them are the overlord. They have long been used to life and death. Even if they fall to this end, they are not soft.

"Are the remedy of the gods in the vicinity of the land of God's punishment?" Shi Yan snorted and looked at Feng Wei.

"There is a..." Feng Wei cautiously replied, "That guy is tempered, very difficult, and the method is also extremely hot, I think, even if he has that ability, he is not willing to help you. And your power I can't coerce him, I advise you not to take risks."

"I can't coerce, but if I exchange things with things?" Shi Yan cold channel.

“What do you have?” Feng Xiao smiled. “You can know how much power is needed to cut off the soul connection between the sucking demon flower and the personal medicine Ding. If you are careless, the soul will be hurt. For that level of refining For the pharmacist, the soul is the most terrible injury. He won't take risks for you. You don't have enough chips."

"Is this enough?" Shi Yan was cold and cold, and there was something in the palm of his hand.

Feng Meimei suddenly stunned, staring at the thing, could not help but say: "You are really generous!"

That is the star map.

"I only ask you, is this chip enough?" Shi Yan stared at her, not moving for a moment.

"There is more than enough, no one can refuse the star map." Feng Qi was puzzled, hesitated, and then cautiously asked: "Worth?"

"Worth!" Shi Yan smashed the iron.

I was violent, thorny, and waved, and I looked at the star map of Shi Yan in doubt. I don't know what is the mystery and my eyes are surprised.


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