God Of Slaughter

: Eighty-eighth eight


Cato and Kraft brothers were dumbfounded, and their faces were all puzzled. They suddenly silenced in the shops.

"How could it be in your hands?" Cato groaned for a long time before he whispered, "Isn't that talking about Fengqi?"

"Speaking long." Shi Yan smiled lightly. "Well, this is not a place to talk. I know that I have come over, I am afraid that her father will have an idea. We will leave here first."

The star map is of great importance. Only a strong force with a little power will try to get everything done. It will be willing to pay for it. It will not kill directly. It’s hard to say, or find one first. A safe place to talk is more secure.

"Alright." Cato is also very simple. "We first went out of the city, this city is controlled by Feng Wei, Russell, Barrett, and the media. They want to start with one person, some means And method."

Kraft also knew that the situation was not very good. Nothing was wrong. Immediately said: "Big brother, let's go first. Here I will arrange it."

When Cato was about to leave, his face changed awkwardly, his eyes showed a horrible color, and he shouted: "There are strong people coming! Source God! So fast!"

Kraft was shocked. "Is it abundance?"

"Ten have ***, Mom, really not worth trusting!" Shi Yan gloomy face, a little hesitant, gnashing his teeth: "Give me a yin, I will not let him easily succeed."

A force that twisted the space suddenly burst out of his body. He stood there, and the surrounding space showed fine gaps. The colorful glare, such as the spit of fire, wanted to be drilled out of the gap.

The magical light illuminates a bit, and the star map made of immortal wood, under the pull of his power, suddenly spurts out and flashes toward a gap.

A lot of power has passed away from his body. A glimpse of the essence of the gods, and the soul of the altar cut off the connection, attached to the immortal wood, hidden in the gap of the space.

Hesitating for a moment, he faded the blood pattern ring, thought of a turn, and put the blood pattern ring into the space gap.

Tearing a gap in space and placing objects in it is the strength of the space warriors. However, for Shiyan, it is still a bit reluctant to use, and the energy of the gods and kings is difficult to maintain their knowledge for a long time. Do not destroy, always keep in touch with the items that are in stock.

In the turbulent flow of extraterritorial space, the power of all kinds of space is too turbulent. Once the gods fall into it, it will gradually weaken and pass.

In particular, his glimpse of the gods is connected with the immortal wood.

This requires more sustained support of power.

Destroy is not an entity. It was a broken soul. It is much easier to maintain contact, and the power consumed is a thousand times.

It is also for this reason that after the remnant of the dying Lei Yan was exiled by him, he could easily find it back, not too reluctant.

However, when the relationship between the gods and the entity is reached, the entity is placed in the gap of the space, and once again, the required power is raised hundreds of times.

call out!

Immortal wood and **** ring, disappeared into the gap together, and a dense line of fine lines disappeared quickly.

Shi Yan’s face was dark and he shouted: “No matter who comes over, the purpose should be for the star map. You should not be too nervous for the time being. As long as the star map is still in my hand, the other party will not easily kill.”

Both Cato and Kraft, nodded secretly, and calmed down.


At the foot of the three people, the underground of the shop collapsed, and the slate was turned into a powder and dissipated. A majestic figure was drilled from the ground and the body was not dusty.

"Russell!" Cato's eyes changed, and he snorted, his voice hoarse: "What are you doing?"

The head of the **** head, Russell, grinned and screamed, and pressed one hand to the stone wall of the shop.

The ash of the ash on the stone wall gradually gathered and gathered. With the hand of Russell as the center, it spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye. I saw only those filthy dust, and thickly covered the walls of the shop.

The door of the shop was also blocked by a yellow wall, and the light was not exposed.

In an instant, this shop was stunned by the power of Russell.

Inside the shop, a block of colorful stones in the side cabinets exudes a faint glow, making the interior of the shop still visible, so that it does not reach out.

After Russell finished all this, he relaxed and took a handful. A white jade chair flew and steadily fell behind him. He sat down lazily, smiled blankly, and slowly looked at Shiyan. Open your left hand and say lazily: "Give me something."

"What?" Shi Yan frowned, pretending to ask.

"Don't pretend to be stupid." Russell smirked. "The star map is for me, I will leave immediately, and I will not bother you."

"Russell, don't deceive too much!" Cato screamed. "There is no battle for the city. This rule is formulated by you. Do you want to violate it yourself?"

"Rules?" Russell grinned. "I set the rules, I am naturally unconstrained, don't worry, Cato, you know my temper, this place is temporarily imprisoned, you can't escape. Star The picture is for me, I will naturally leave, we will not happen anything, how?"

Russell has a source of heaven and earth, and is a whole higher level than the most powerful Cato of the three. Once the battle, Cato, Shiyan, and Kraft join hands, it is difficult to escape.

Although the blood butchery has a fierce name, it is still inferior to Russell's big-name troll, so he didn't dare to take it, but he talked about it. This is a manifestation of lack of strength.

"The star map is not in my hand." Shi Yan's brow was deep and his face was dark, and he said with a faint faintness: "The thing is in Fengshun. When she returns to the heavens, she goes to the green ghost. You want a star map, look for her. Go, I am empty, if you don't believe it, you can take a closer look."


A magical emptiness ring worn by his fingers suddenly bursts open, and the same kind of items emerge from it. There are secret treasures of the collections of Yuankun, Yuanyun, Tissuo, Thunder, and Five Elements. The material floated in front of his eyes, arranged neatly, and dripped.

The illusion of the illusion is broken, and the items will be revealed one by one, and nothing will be hidden again.

Cato, Kraft brothers, looked at him with amazement.

Russell was also moved, frowning, and looked at the same secret treasure and strange cultivation materials.

"No, no, no." Russell snorted with a sullen face, his eyes glazed, and he explored the same kind of material secret treasure, and immediately coldened his face and said: "No!"

His goal is only a star map, other items are not in his eyes, seeing no star map appear, Russell secretly gritted his teeth, his face gradually looked bad.

"I am a magical ring, it has burst open, all the materials are in front of you, you can check it casually." Shiyan calmly and calmly, "I have nothing in my body, you will not see it. No, I don't have immortal wood to carry."

"He is not high enough, and with the richness of the gods and kings, can you hold the star map?" Cato sighed with a sigh of relief, following the words of Shiyan, saying: "The star map is naturally in the hands of Feng Yu, I listen. It is said that Feng Shun adults are not ruining the city at this time. On the other side of the green ghost, only Feng Wei is sitting in the town. If Russell is moving faster, he can catch the star map one step ahead of Feng Qi. ”

Russell’s eyes flickered, as if his heart was moving, and he grinned.

Cato was discolored, and the power of chaos in the body was condensed. He couldn’t help but violently said: "Russell, if you want to kill people, it’s not so easy. Fengqi adults should be on the way, if you want to waste time killing It can be done, but I am afraid I will miss the opportunity to get a star map."

Russell snorted, cold and fierce gaze, looked around in Shiyan, Cato, and Kraft, and said faintly: "You are lucky."


The ground cracked a passage, and Russell turned into a khaki smog, which penetrated into the passage and flashed away.

The layers of imprisonment in the shops were quietly dissipated, and they became yellow smoke clouds, which poured into the channel.

Kraft's **** licked on the soft collapse, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, and the color of fear in his eyes has not completely faded.

Before Russell left, it was obvious that the thoughts of the mouth were ruined. If it weren’t for Cato’s words, the three of them would not be able to escape.

"Mom!" Cato bit his teeth, face full of fierceness, "When Laozi breaks through the source of the gods, it is necessary to get back to today's scene! Russell of Dog Day, wants to kill us, but my brother is smart. Keep things in the gap, otherwise we can't live."

"It won't take long for us to leave and look for a safe place." Shi Yan is also cold in the back, uneasy, and has the luck of the rest of his life.

Russell, who is a source of heaven and a heavenly realm, stood there and gave him a vast sense of oppression. This person really wants to kill, even if he and the Cato brothers join hands, it is difficult to win, there is a great possibility of being defamed. .

If he was not prepared in advance, he would voluntarily break the illusion of the illusion, indicating that the star map was not on the body, and that there was a cato lie after the lie, and maybe Russell would really kill him and put them in the banned shops. The three men disappeared together, destroying all the traces of the battle, leaving people with no trace.

"No, give you a new magical ring, things will be collected first, we will go right away." Kraft faded a magical ring, far away to Shiyan.

Reaching out and grasping the soul of the gods, those suspended items slammed into the new magical ring.

Kraft’s magical ring is much larger than his original one, and there are many mezzanine layers that can be used to separate objects. It’s wonderful, and the value should be high.

"Thank you." Shi Yan nodded and didn't have much polite words. Don't look at Cato. "Are you going to arrange?"

"Well, come with me, first avoid the limelight and say." Cato turned and went back.

Shiyan immediately followed.


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