God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 810: Ring of spirit

The Eighty-one Tenth Chapter

The left hand is virtual, the fingertips are bright and bright, and the finger is pulled and pulled. A space gap such as paper is torn, and dazzling streamer bursts out from the gap.

With his eyes open, there are fine lines in the bark, and the space on the side of the body is twisted and chaotic. The force rolls in the veins and reaches the palm of the left hand. The fingertips penetrate into the gap of the streamer.

God knows the light, slowly looking in the gap, across several spatial mezzanines.

The breath of blood lines, like a little starlight, slams in his spirit!

The soul altar suddenly swayed, revealing the unpredictable beauty of the outside world, a force of suction, and the connection between the electric and the blood.

call out!

A ring flew out and steadily fell into his palm and was re-weared by him.

Without rushing to close his hand, his knowledge stayed in the turbulent flow of space, continued to search, and reached a link with the star map.

However, when he tried to pull the star map out of it, he obviously felt that the star map was more than a million miles, and the soul was a little hard, and there was no ease to pull the blood ring.

After a pause, he felt it for a while, gradually strengthening the power of the soul, turning it into an invisible tentacle, and wrapping the star layer.

Squeeze hard!

Soul energy is consumed madly.

The space reveals layers of ripples, such as ripples in the water, and the ripples are beautiful.

In the circle of space ripples, the cracked space gap, a little bit of cracking, the space in which the turbulence is abnormal, seems to be ejected from it.

His face was slightly pale, and his strength was quickly consumed. Shi Yan was exhausted and concentrated, and he did not dare to relax.

The Cato brothers looked at him with horror, and glanced at the gaps in the space from time to time, secretly releasing the gods. However, when the gods touched the turbulent flow of the space, they would be trapped in the mud, and they could not reunite.

The two brothers suddenly changed their faces, and they no longer dared to detect them at random. The gods all gathered back, and they took a few deep breaths and settled down beside them.

The rocky forehead of Shiyan flashed, and the fine cracks in the eyes became more and more obvious. The space energy of the sharp edge of the wire penetrated out and reached the space gap.


With a low drink, he burst into a dazzling crystal, as if a huge crystal was illuminated by the sun.

A violent adsorption force, slammed from his palms, the space gap, the star map that was put into it appeared a little bit, and the inch was re-drilled.


The mouth spit out the turbidity, and wiped the sweat on the forehead. The rocky and tired of Shiyan was on the ground, and the posture was slightly embarrassing.

Although Cato was in a hurry, it was obvious that he was so hard and did not say anything. He sat down on one side and looked at him deeply, waiting silently.

Taking out a piece of Shenjing, Shiyan took advantage of the power. After a while, slowly opened his eyes and smiled tiredly. "Fortunately, there is no accident."

"Take a star map, is it really so powerful?" Kraft secretly surprised. "Can the ring, why can it be easily recovered? I see you, it seems that there is no waste at all?"

Not only is he puzzled, but even Shi Yan himself has some fog in the clouds, and he is not clear about the situation.

The same is the item, the recovery of the blood-grain ring almost does not consume his soul power, and when the gods reach a connection, they immediately return from the space, but the star map... but it cost him a great price.

"Stupid, that is the secret treasure of the brothers' life, the same mind, naturally can be easily recovered." Cato thought he understood, white his brother, a layman's explanation.

"What is the difference?" Kraft shook his head and didn't believe it.

"Don't talk, let me be a little quiet for a while." Shi Yan frowned.

The two brothers immediately shut up.

Fingers caressed the blood pattern ring, Shiyan soul consciousness penetrated in. "The guy wants the remaining inheritance, you are there... no problem?"

"There are three things, you have to remember, I only squat once, when I pass on the delivery, I will sink again, not so much energy to retell." Inside the **** ring, the idea of ​​martial arts came.

"The first thing, in my inheritance, is that when the man merges and inherits, you will sneak into the law, urging the wonders in your mark, and taking the soul of the person as a source. He is the source of the soul. You get, the imprisonment is in your mark, life and death will be controlled by you and become your obedience."

"Second, the next time you swallow the soul altar, the benefits should not be exclusive. The shattered souls will be shunted, and I will be partially restored, so that I will have more energy to say a few words next time. Also, It is good for you to engulf the soul altar as much as possible. It is better than the power of the god. This warrior of the star field should not know anyone about your secrets. Don't worry too much. Try to quench the soul. The altar is to make the soul sacrifice indestructible."

"The third thing, reunite the skyfire as soon as possible, let the fire of heaven merge, and before the source of the realm of the gods, the skyfire should be tempered with the technique of the **** of fire, which will allow you to break through the source of the smooth source, the soul of the soul. The source soul of the fusion of the skyfire is much stronger than the source soul of the general source of the gods. The magical use is endless. Remember, it is necessary to gather the skyfire and complete it before the peak of the gods."

After the martial arts commanded three things, they prepared to condense and pass them on.

"Who are you? And, I don't understand anything, can you make it clear?"

"I am just a remnant of the soul. Most of the memory is lost. Only after a gradual recovery can the memory be gathered from the endless void. Now, I can't give you too much help and confusion."

"At least, let me know, what obligations do I have?"

"Powerful! Constantly powerful! Fast advanced breakthrough! This is the most important thing for you now! OK, I don't waste time, and I will tell you, but also condense the inheritance, limited energy... ..."

The martial arts unilaterally cut off the soul communication, and soon, a memory volatility penetrated into the depths of Shiyan’s mind.

The law is quite a mouthful. It seems that there is no real meaning. It is just a wonderful display of various syllables. Shi Yan feels a bit, completely unclear, and has to forcibly memorize it, not to forget it for a while, or to miss it.

The **** ring on the finger, quietly dissipates the faint halo, and the ring spirit pushes the energy to give the inheritance of Cato.

Cato was inexplicably excited, looking forward to the color of his face, squatting, waiting anxiously, smirking and laughing.

After he was partially passed down, he immediately hid and cultivated. After a long time, his power was on the right foot. He himself also had the cultivation of the king of heaven and three heavens, only one step away from the advanced stage.

As long as he has the remaining inheritance of the righteousness, he believes that if he is given a good digestion for a while, he will be able to ask the source of the gods and become another strong person in the land of punishment, and compare with Russell, Barrett and Dijon. It can also let Russell pay a price.

Only a powerful force can win the dignity in the land of divine punishment. He has been here for many years and is well aware of this.

"Big brother, congratulations to you this time." Kraft was also excited, haha ​​laughed. "After this, the big brother will be able to become the master of the land of God, and think excited! Haha!"

"Russell's mad dog, I will definitely make him look good!" Cato sneered, his eyes **** and brutal.


The rainbow is overflowing, and there is a shock energy in the blood pattern ring. A source of inheritance suddenly appears in the palm of the rock. It is chaotic, misty, and unclear. There is magical chaos.

Cato's body trembled, and he immediately calmed down, and his eyes looked at the source of the heat, for a moment.

Shi Yan smiled lightly, and bound the source of inheritance with the vitality of death, and slowly drifted to Cato.

Until the source of the disappearance disappeared in the eye of Cato, Cato slammed into a shock, showing the power of chaos and distortion. The field of God spontaneously formed, forcibly sucking the waste outside the domain and forming a chaotic magnetic field.

Cato closed his eyes and sat down at once, holding his breath and immersed himself in the mystery of the source of the inheritance, trying to fuse the soul and become part of the brand.

At this time, Shi Yan also sat down slowly, squinting, and cautiously watching the changes in Cato.

Cato shivered and shivered, a wave of chaotic twisting power, spread around him, seems to be adsorbing the residual energy outside the domain to enhance the strength of the body.

His soul altar, which appeared from the depths of his eyes, was brilliant, like crystal, which was crystal clear and very strange.

Shi Yan looked at it carefully, until he found out that his soul altar was spinning, and the spirit of the upper part merged with the source of the inheritance. He felt a move in his heart and silently recited the martial law given by the imperial spirit.

As soon as the law swayed in the sea, it was like a thunder bombardment in the sea. He knew the waves in the sea. For example, the thunder and the roar of the souls of the souls would die, and the gods would drink with the law, and they would move toward the soul. The wonderful imprint inside is pouring in.

Knowing the sea and the waves, the soul is not moving, the mark on the forehead, like the dark sun, condenses a glimpse of the gods.

The mouth continued to be sung by him slowly, and a wonderful incitement slammed into contact with Cato’s soul altar, a light that came out from his eyes and merged into Cato’s eyes.

A chaotic soul source, along the light, flew out of the soul of Cato, and disappeared, disappearing in the forehead mark of Shiyan.

In an instant, the origin of the soul from Cato became his embarrassment. It seems that as long as the thoughts are moved, Cato can be easily erased, leaving him with a sense of sorrow.

Shi Yan was amazed, and he was frightened by the vicious scheme of the spirit of the ring. This means of binding the shackles was really a poisonous abnormality.

He knows that from now on, Cato can no longer get rid of his bondage. Life and death are controlled by him. As soon as he reads, Cato will be completely destroyed and completely dissipated.


Ps: It’s three more, can you come to Zhang?

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