God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Scarlet Shield

The eighth hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of the **** giant shield

The core of the stars, more precious than the stars of the stars, many treasures of stars, the most subtle magical thing of a distant star, is the star nucleus.

Ferran told the mystery of the star nucleus without hesitation, and it looked strange. He felt that Shiyan’s cultivation of the stars was not clear, and it was a bit idiotic.

Shi Yan is awkward, smiles and does not know how to answer.

He came from the mainland of God's grace. There, there were few people practicing in the stars, and they knew nothing about the strangeness of the stars. He was ignorant of cultivation until now, and the knowledge was indeed very poor.

Even in the flame star field, the stars are very rare. Very few people succeed in cultivation, and they can be more profound.

He hesitated for a while, and suddenly looked at Fei Lan deeply. "Predecessors, how can you be so clear? Also, with your realm, why do you know the stars that I cultivate when I first saw me? How do you know that the star is right for me?"

This is the most puzzling place for him, and why he suspects that the secret shots will be Ferran.

Even the star of the flames of the ordinary strong people are not familiar with the magic of the stars, she is a true **** of the warrior, and a bit late, but clear, and can see his depth at a glance, is it not doubtful?

"I haven't eaten pork, I have seen pigs running? What's so strange?" Feilan's opaque eyes gradually showed a slight light. "I live so old, but the realm can't break through. The knowledge of the realm of the realm of the realm is naturally far stronger than you. The cultivation of the stars and the righteous have a unique atmosphere. The average person is not clear, but I know that there is nothing strange."

Shi Yan smiled and did not break the casserole to ask the end. But the doubts in her heart were not weakened because of her explanation. However, Fei Lan was unwilling to uncover it, and he should not ask the end.

"My body has changed a little..." Hesitated a moment, and Shi Yan said again: "...the star nucleus, which is integrated into my body, formed a star map in my dantian cyclone, and more A star, will there be a problem?"

This is the purpose of his coming today.

The star nucleus and the star martial arts merge into one. The nebula formed by his dantian cyclone is very wonderful. The speed of absorbing the energy of the stars is increased by five times. The feeling of using the power of the stars makes him extremely comfortable.

However, he does not understand the reason for this situation, and he does not know if there will be any drawbacks, so he is nervous, so he cares.

Ferran’s eyes, a little brighter, looked at him deeply, silenced for a while, and whispered: “Has the nebula formed...”

"Yes, a nebula has formed, the way it is formed... I can't see it clearly. I don't know if I have any anti-argument against me? Is there any danger that I don't know?" Shi Yan cautiously replied.

"What can be dangerous?" Ferran pulled the corner of his mouth. "Good luck kid, the nebula that formed so easily, you should know the mystery of the nebula? Rest assured, without any drawbacks, and your star will be perfect. The fit of the nebula means that your star is truly on the right track. In the future, as long as you cultivate well, you will certainly have something to do. The nebula is the same as the ancient tree in your body. The source of strength will exert a tremendous boost to your realm and power."

"I know." Shi Yan Yan Yan, suddenly relaxed, "a little drawback?"

"No, this is a step that must be experienced in the cultivation of the stars." Fei Lan smiled lightly. "It's very good. You are worth a thousand pieces of top quality. It's really worth it."

"I think so too." Shi Yan smiled and immediately silenced, and he measured what was in his heart.

After a long while, he suddenly turned and went backwards, pushing the stone door of the shop, making the shop not see the scene from the outside.

Ferran frowned slightly, looked at him with amazement, did not say anything, and seemed to want to see what he was playing.

When the shop was temporarily closed, Shi Yan took a breath and his face gradually became solemn. He came to Fei Lan and looked at the small shield. He suddenly shouted: "Predecessors, that little shield... Do you know what? Wonderful place?"

Ferran's face was dull and there was no abnormality. He shook his head and said: "I don't know."

"Can you... give me another sigh? I don't buy it, just take a look and ask the seniors to allow it!" Shi Yan's face dignified and asked seriously.

"Why?" Ferran frowned.

"Maybe, I can uncover some mystery and ask the seniors to help." Shi Yan insisted.

Ferran's lazy body slowly squirmed, frowning and coming to the grocery store, smashing the small shield from it, hesitating for a while before handing it to Shiyan. "Look, don't take me away." Although this little thing is not of much value, it has other meanings for me."

"Do not worry, you will be cautious, will not bring out this shop." Shi Yan hurriedly promised, and immediately stunned, very careful to play the small shield.

The small shield does not know what material is tempered, non-Golden non-jade, and it is heavy and chilly. There are no patterns on both sides of the front and back, and there are no bumps. It is common to see it loosely, and there is nothing strange about it.

Fingers caressed the small shield, Shiyan slowly closed his eyes and sensed by the soul.

The soul altar slowly swayed, and the soul floated above the soul altar. The strange imprint of the eyebrows brightened up a little, showing the air mass of the snow. The five **** clouds gradually became clear, and there seemed to be some strange power. Penetrate out...

The unpretentious little shield did not show light, but the side of the shield gradually appeared. Soon, the mark of a **** cloud appeared on the surface of the shield.

The five **** clouds in the small shield are exactly the same as the imprints on the forehead of his soul. There is no light, no power appears, but it gives a feeling of evil and strangeness, like a five **** eyes, peeping in the dark. It makes people feel uncomfortable.


A glimpse of the power of death blooms from the fingertips, gray, and the **** imprint of the little shield.


A **** flash of light flashed out of the imprint, the small shield came from the screaming screaming, the palm-sized shield, slammed into a giant shield of three meters high, two meters wide, one side of the blood color imprint The scarlet body is full of demonish blood.

On the other hand, there are countless fine and complicated patterns, which have become a very magical array, with an unpredictable energy fluctuation.

A delicate handle, which slowly emerges on this side, seems to be used exclusively for lifting.

The red light of the blood, and the light of the blood pattern, the light that shines out is the same. The **** imprint is clearly on the shield. The five **** clouds are arranged in a five-pointed star. They look at it like a **** giant that swallows everything. Mouth, it seems to be able to drown the energy source that devours everything.


The giant shield landed, the hard stone floor of the shop suddenly shattered, and the two-thirds of the shield, even if the sharp steel knife did not enter the bottom, only revealed a piece.

Shiyan is amazed.

The giant shield is more than a thousand miles. It is comparable to a mountain with a height of one kilometer. Even his physical strength cannot hold the giant shield so well that it is sinking directly into the ground.

At the back of the counter, Fei Lan, dim and dead eyes, lighted up, and immediately returned to normal, silently looked at him, without any expression, not too much surprise, did not speak a word, just looked at him, very calm Very indifferent, it seems that things have nothing to do with her.

Taking a deep breath, Shiyan reached out and held the giant shield handle, trying to lift the giant shield.


With a low slam, the strength of the stone rock skyrocketed, and the muscles and muscles of the body were like volcanic bursts, and the pure physical energy soared.


The giant shield lifted up one meter and slammed into the depths of the floor. Only a small section was revealed.

Shi Yan himself, also planted down, half of the body did not enter the ground, the side of the gravel splash, the hard land is like a tofu block, not too strong blocking power for him.

With his power, the brute force of the flesh, he has not been able to pull out the huge shield, and he has been pushed into the earth by heavy force. What is the point of this giant shield?

Shi Yan looked horrified, panting vigorously, and his eyes were full of shocks.

He is in the kingdom of the king of heaven, the strength of the body is strong, the power that can burst out is comparable to the peak of the god, but the shield is heavy, even he can't lift it, is it even heavier than the Wanzhang mountain? ?

Can't he be, can he be as heavy as a real star?

There is an inexplicable fear in Shiyan’s heart.

Being able to hold a giant shield and use it as an alien treasure, even a shield owner with energy to spin, what kind of horrible power can you really control the giant shield?

He is sure that even the source of the geniuses such as Kashun and Russell will not want to arbitrarily control the giant shield. Perhaps, Liana, can only barely try, whether it is skillful to use is unknown. .

Shi Yan suddenly stunned, his face dignified from the ground, and repeatedly breathed to calm himself down. After a while, he looked at Feilan and did not speak.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how it will be? I don't know this little shield, it's so strange. Before it changed, this little shield is still relatively light..." Fei Lan said lightly.

"The **** imprint on the shield, I have seen it, has something to do with me." Shi Yan said seriously.

"Well, look out, if there is no relationship, this little shield will not change." Ferran smiled silently. "But I still can't sell it to you. You give it to me, or give it." I put it back where I am, and I have no interest in the secrets of you. If you don't want to forcefully **** it, go back. I have nothing to say."

Shiyan is amazed.


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