God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 831: Struggling

The 831th chapter struggles

The corner of the street outside the shop.

"Let's pay attention to the next time, don't clash with him. From the three people who took over the violent, they are on the line with him. You know his power, why bother?" Cato scolded.

"Big brother, 10,000 pieces of top grade Shenjing, so he was given a free and useful old lady, this is to squander your wealth!" Kraft blushes, resentment: "I don't want to see Looking at the hard work of my eldest brother for many years, he was given a little bit of funeral. Over the years, how many hardships did our brothers have to eat today? You and I have a lot of scars on the body, just earning 100,000 Shangpin Shenjing, he suddenly throws out 10,000 pieces, it is really wide, but those wealth is not his, are our brothers desperately exchanged? Ten thousand pieces of Shangpin Shenjing, you can buy ten A tiger shark chariot!"

"I naturally know." Cato nodded, but sighed helplessly. "But if you don't invest, how can you get a reward? Compared with the esoteric inheritance that he gave me, what is the 10,000 pieces of top quality?" When I break through to the source of the gods, the city of Heaven will have a place for me. At that time, I am afraid that no more wealth will come in?"

"Forget it, I said but you, just not reconciled. If he used to do serious things, but the old lady of Ferran, only the true state of God, I can not understand what role she can play, but also said that she is Let us be respectful, isn’t it a joke? I look at him and treat us as a subordinate. What is he? Although the individual is a little powerful, there is no tyrannical support. I can see if I can explore this star map. It’s hard to say that it’s alive.” Kraft shook his head.

"Maybe, he really knows that the old lady is unusual." Cato sank, his face dignified and seemed to think of something.

"No? Big Brother, do you think that Ferran has a strange place? Wouldn't it be convinced by him?" Kraft looked surprised.

“Is it so easy to be influenced by others?” Cato smiled. “Just because of his previous words, I asked my friend for a little something, knowing that there is a mysterious place in our land of punishment. The strong exists, I listened to other heads and said that the land of sacred punishment was almost collapsed many years ago, and it was inexplicably solved. And Ferran is the oldest person in our city, if there is such a Character, she is very suspect."

Kraft did not dare to agree. He smiled and shook his head. "Impossible, she wants to be so powerful. Why is it that the city is so bad? The flames are so big, aren’t you free to swim? And you will see the gods in the area?"

"The idea of ​​this kind of character is not guessed." Cato is also puzzled.


At this time, from the courtyard behind the shop, there was a violent rush from Shiyan, and a surge of violent energy suddenly rose to the sky.

When the Cato brothers stayed, they did not hesitate, and rushed toward the back of the courtyard.

In the courtyard, several ancient trees were growing, shaking silently, falling leaves, and stone rocks standing in the middle of the sky and the face was extremely dignified.

There was a hot air, and I didn’t know where it was coming from. The old trees in the backyard suddenly burned and the flames were raging.

In an instant, after the Kraft shop, the fire has spread, forming a bright red sea.

During the change of Shiyan's thoughts, an extremely cold force bursts from the body, and it is frozen into a frozen, crystal-like like a cold jade crystal. Every pore seems to have a cold current.

The singular banned enchantment, like the invisible net, all of the Kraft shops are shrouded, the hot flames soar, the temperature of the Kraft shop all the way up, the blood of the hot body will evaporate.

When Cato came to the back of the courtyard, his face suddenly changed and he screamed: "It is Barrett! He dared to make a fine in the city!"

Kraft couldn't help but scream. "Damn, I am a shop!"

The power of the extreme cold is filled, and the thickness of the body is three meters thick, which is used to resist the hot energy. The stone rock eyes are like ice skates, and they scream: "Dare to do it, don't hide your head and tail!"

A group of fire suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​fire, Barrett, a giant of the land of sin, appeared in the burning flame, his face screamed, and laughed wildly: "The kid feels very sharp, but unfortunately today you can't escape the road. ""


Tens of thousands of fire tongues spit out, like a flame ribbon, entwined with the body of Shiyan.


The ice layer, which is three meters thick, dissolves quickly under the burning of the flame ribbon.

"You are honest, don't look for it, or you will be rude." Barrett madly, and cold eyes swept the Cato brothers. "Don't move, I won't kill your brothers, move your fingers, it's with I am an enemy, never merciful!"

The extreme cold power flows to the whole body, and once the ice layer is melted, it is quickly condensed. Stone rock is trying to counter the burning of the flame.

At this time, he did not make every effort to look at Cato with a cold face. He just wanted to see how the Cato brothers chose at this moment.

"Big brother, we can... be on the wall." Kraft whispered.

"Fart!" Cato was furious, the soul altar slammed, and there was a sudden chaos and twist in the body. The numerous gravel and debris in Kraft's shop rushed out and gathered in the field of his god. .

"Looking for death!" The violent screams of the black horns came from the corner of the sea of ​​fire, and countless ice horns flew out and drowned toward the Cato brothers.

He lurked in the dark, just to prevent the Cato brothers from getting in the way. When they found out that the two brothers made the decision, they didn't hesitate to start. The energy of the ice blast exploded in an instant, forming countless ice cubes, ice skates, ice swords, and cards. The surrounding brothers are all covered.

"Kill it together!" Barrett was furious, and suddenly he snorted, like a giant flame, and immediately came to Shiyan.

A huge flame fist, as if the volcano bombarded, slammed into the body of the stone rock.


The thick ice layer condensed by the Xuanbing cold flame gave him a blow, and immediately shattered, and the ice particles splashed.

Shiyan snorted, as if he was bombarded by a giant hammer, his muscles and bones trembled together, and he couldn't help but ignite the energy of the undead blood. He entered the triple-day of the runaway, the **** red eyes, and the sky roared like a fierce beast.

The stars of the week circulated, and hundreds of millions of stars descended from the sky. In an instant, a star armor was condensed on his body, which perfectly matched the nebula.

The flames came and drowned his gods, but he couldn't burn the star armor that he had condensed out.

At the same time, Shi Yan had a forehead and the soul altar swayed.


Hundreds of thick and thunderous lightning bolts suddenly emerged from his body, and the long thunder and lightning writhed, such as the empty electric dragon, biting his way to Barrett.

A strange little flame, also instantly flew out from Shiyan's eyebrows, like the elf, jumping in the sea of ​​fire, the target points to Barrett.

The rock in the explosion, the body is dried up, and the energy of an evil scorpion soars, making him imposing as imposing as the demon. The power of the mystery changes, a savage grimace formed by a death handprint is formed, pain The screaming also rushed to Barrett.

At this moment, the strength of Shiyan’s whole body broke out, and the momentum was like a rainbow, which was not inferior to Barrett.

Barrett, who became the flame giant, took the attack of the source **** and the heavens. He did not kill the stone rock with a blow, and let Shi Yan counterattack it, making it even more violent.


The flames are condensed into fire snakes, and there are tens of thousands of them. They traveled from the field of Barrett's gods, carrying the essence of the flames, burning everything, and rushing toward Shiyan.

The hot high temperature made Kraft's shop melt completely in an instant, and all the items were burned together. The flames were so amazing that it seemed to be able to melt the soul altar once.


The field of Shiyan God changed again, and the space ambiguity spread out. Everything in his area suddenly stagnate for a second, and a huge space gap formed immediately, engulfing Barrett's half-flame.


More fire snakes came over and exploded on the stone rock body. He slammed all the way. If he was hit by hundreds of fists, his body bones were crisp and his face became red and bright, like a flame burning.

This blow is hard hit.

His real power, after all, is not as good as Barrett. It is such a heavy blow. If it is really pushed by the giant mountains, it seems to be awkward.

"Isn't you still dead?" Barrett's eyes were fierce, and the real fire was fired. For the first time, it was found that the guy who killed a **** and the king of heaven and earth would become so difficult.

In the roar of roaring, he climbed up again and again, releasing all the energy of his source of heaven and earth, and the horrible and violent atmosphere was simply earth-shattering.


The stone temple of the soul of the rock has changed again. The nebula in the body has a strong power of stars. It has reached a connection with the Jiu Xing Xinghe. In the nebula, the starry star has emerged from the nebula and appeared in front of the stone rock. .

Extraterrestrial stars, such as beams, converge on the stars, and the stars of the size of the rice become huge, such as the complete giant crystal ball, constantly extracting the power of the stars, dazzling eyes and stinging.

The star that appeared, had a wonderful connection with the spirit of Shiyan. Under the change of his fingers, he slammed toward Barrett.


As the mountain fell from the sky, the stars instantly fell to Barrett, and numerous fires and glare, Barrett's body was blown into the ground, and the breath was suddenly suppressed.

Just a moment.

In Barrett's violent roar, the earth was burned, and the flames rushed out of the ground. He seemed to ignite the flames of the earth, and rushed out again, screaming to fly to Shiyan.

One by one, the flame figure, exactly like Barrett, came to the sea of ​​fire, and they reached out to Shiyan, and they were about to tear him into pieces. Every flame figure had soul fluctuations, like Barrett’s. The flames are avatars, very mysterious and terrifying.


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