God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 833: Heart of darkness

Chapter 833 The Heart of Darkness

From the southwest side of Kraft’s shop, a thousand miles away, in front of a broken manor.

The three people of Shiyan sneaked into the road.

Only at the door, the stone gate of the manor was opened silently, and the old trees were withered, dead and lonely, without any fluctuations. In the depths of the manor, there were only a few old stone buildings.

Shi Yan's brow did not wrinkle, and he came in.

The Cato brothers ignored a word and did not speak, silently keeping up.

When the three came in, the stone door was automatically closed. A stone building inside the manor, the only stone door, was silently opened.

The Shiyan trio went in again.

There is no window in the stone building. There is only one door. When the three people come in, the stone door is closed, there is no light, and the darkness of the fingers is not reached.

A glimpse of the light emerged from the front of the stone building, a black shadow sitting on the high platform, opened the black brawl on the face, revealing a scary face covered with scars.

The Cato brothers just glanced at them, and they trembled with their legs, and their faces became extremely ugly.

They recognize this face!

The most brutal and mad woman in the God of Heaven, the head of the **** army, the head of the five princes, is famous in the flames of the stars, and does not know how much blood is covered.

Any enemy of the God of Heaven, as long as he sees him, will be chilling and fearful, and the Cato brothers will be no exception.

Shi Yan’s face was indifferent and slightly covered. “I have seen Liana, I don’t know if you call me over, what to order.”

Lianna on the high platform, dark blue eyes are dark, there is no slight mood swing, just watching him, silent.

She didn't talk, and an invisible pressure seemed to shrouded. The three people in Shiyan were all uncomfortable. I felt that in such a place, life seems to be unprotected at any time. It is even more terrible than facing Barrett and Black Point. How many times.

For a while, Liana slowly opened her mouth. "Is the star map taken out of the Purgatory?"

Shi Yan was amazed, but he did not deny it. "Well, it was brought out by me."

"...God." Liana groaned as if she was in a memory and was silent for a while, then said: "Do you know who saved you twice?"

"Know it." Shi Yan nodded honestly.

"Then you know, why did she rescue you?" Liana asked again.

After hesitating, Shi Yan glanced at the blood butcher Kato and Kraft. Uncertainly said: "Is it related to one of my imprints?"

"You are very clever, and luck is also very good. Only after coming to the city to punish the city is not long, I found her. It is really a good chance. It is no wonder that it can be passed down." Lianna nodded and glanced at the blood butcher, low He said: "Cato, what is your mark revealed to me?"

"What imprint?" Cato said inexplicably.

Shi Yan smiled and reached for his forehead and gestured to Cato.

Cato suddenly woke up, immediately urging power, running chaos in the realm of God, the doubles became blood red, the eyebrows an indifferent imprint, gradually clearing up, five **** clouds.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that you can save a few times." Liana's eyes lit up and whispered.

“Is it a few times for the insurance?” The blood butcher’s card is so stunned, so loud and loud, suddenly excited: “Is it, is it...”

He stayed in the land of divine punishment for many years, and was killed several times. He almost has to be devastated. But every time, in the battle, the opponent will suddenly exhaust, and it seems that he has cultivated a scorpion and gone into flames. In general, the power is temporarily released, but he is killed by him.

It was also because of the luck of those few times that he had gained a lot and gradually emerged among the predators and had his own team.

Very early on, Cato was wondering if someone had helped him, or else he would not be so lucky every time. Whenever he was dying, the enemy would inexplicably make a fool, let him think he got the favor of God, and God Let him die, destined to make him rise.

But today, Liana said so, he suddenly woke up.

It’s not that God is helping him, but someone is really there, and he rescued him several times.

"Shi Yan let you take 10,000 top grades of crystals, shouldn't it be? Your life, isn't it worth 10,000 pieces of top quality?" Lianna sneered at her face. "I don't know, you really thought you were lucky." How good is that?"

Cato’s body trembled, and his heart was filled with strong gratitude. His eyes were a little moist. He lost his soul and said: “It turned out to be her. She actually saved me several times. I’m so damn, I never wanted to understand... ”

Kraft was also completely dumbfounded, and suddenly realized that in his older brother, there must have been something unusual that he could not understand.

It was also at this time that he knew that his eldest brother had almost died once, but only because someone was rescued, he could live to the present and have the status and status of today.

That person is Ferran.

"If you don't have the mark on your forehead, and you know it, you are dead." Liana said indifferently.

"I know, I finally understood, thank you for telling me all this." Cato thanked him in a respectful manner, and the tiger eyes overflowed with tears.

No one knows his hardships. Over the years, he has struggled from an unknown small warrior in the land of punishment, how much suffering he has suffered, how many crimes he has suffered, and even his brother Kraft is not clear.

He knows that he can have today. It is not easy. He has always been grateful to God. He feels that he will not hesitate to die and live stubbornly.

But until today, he discovered that there was a pair of eyes in the dark, he was watching him, helping him to take care of him. This feeling of being cared for has never been seen in his life.

Suddenly told by people, waking up from the shackles, Cato’s inner feelings, it is difficult to express one or two words.

"I know that you destroyed my warship, why can you still live well, know why Ogudo wants to kill you, I want to protect you?" Lianna turned her eyes and looked at Shiyan.

"I already knew it." Shi Yan smiled lightly. "I guessed a moment when I found out that you used the power of the righteousness, thank you." He also stooped and bowed.

"Well?" This time, Lianna was surprised, and her eyebrows moved. "Can you understand so quickly? What do you rely on?"

"The dark power is righteous, I have seen it." Shi Yan explained.

Liana’s eyes lit up and she didn’t talk, just looking at him and waiting for his explanation.

"On the mainland of God, I got a war demon, a black iron shovel. As far as I know, it seems to be a dark, flamboyant avatar. I think... The darkness of your cultivation should be somewhat related to him. Asked Shi Yan.

"Is it brandy?" Liana shook her head. It didn't seem clear. "I have never heard of this person. He also cultivates darkness and righteousness?"

"Yes, exactly the same meaning." Shi Yan is also surprised. "If you don't know how to brand, why do you know the darkness? It's not right..."

With that said, he thought his mind and released the war demon from the blood.

He has never used it for a long time. The power of the war can be released is limited. The power of the whole world is only the power of the peak of the gods. It is far from enough to see him, so he has forgotten it for a while.

Liana’s eyes suddenly shone, and the power of darkness moved. Her figure had fallen to the side of the war, showing the color of excitement. “The heart of darkness, there is a dark heart in the body, God, I know, I know what the reason is!"

During the speech, her soul ritual swirled, and a wonderful attraction was released from her body.

In the dark heart of the warrior's chest, it turned into a dark group of light and flew out, and instantly fell into the chest of Liana. It disappeared at once and seemed to be part of Liana's body.

An extremely sinister and evil atmosphere, released from Liana, she sat down without a word, closed her eyes, seems to be trying to absorb the heart of the fusion of darkness, look serious and dignified.

The black iron shovel, after flying out of the dark heart, crashed into pieces and shattered into flying debris, becoming a dregs of the earth, without a trace of mystery and strength.

The war demon dissipated.

Liana was so brilliant, her eyes closed and her mouth was full of excitement.

"Brother, she seems to be... accepting the inheritance, as I was at the beginning." Cato said cautiously.

Shiyan nodded and saw the clue. The dark heart seemed to be extremely important to Liana, who cultivated the darkness of the darkness. It seemed to contain the subtlety of inheritance, and he was like the power of the star to cultivate the stars. , has a huge help.

At this time, Liana, like his original fusion of the star nucleus, merged with the dark heart, making it part of the body.

"What the **** is it?" Kraft was most confused. He found that everything he experienced today was full of mystery and surprise. He was blinded all the time. Just like dreaming, he didn’t know what he saw today. Is it true? It’s gone.

"...that, I am not particularly clear, I have to ask my brother." Cato also looked at it and looked at Shiyan deeply.

Shi Yan’s face is weird. He doesn’t understand it very well. There seems to be a line in the dark that will be implicated in the crowd. But he really can’t confuse the Cato brothers. Hesitated, and smiled: “Don’t worry, wait for Lianna. Woke up, we asked together."

The Cato brothers were amazed, but they did not continue to ask questions. They all looked at Lianna silently, waiting for her to blend into the dark heart.

Gradually, in the heart of Liana, who blends the heart of darkness, there is a little ambiguous imprint that gradually becomes bigger and becomes more and more clear.

Five **** clouds.

And the imprint of Cato's forehead is exactly the same as that on the small shield of the Ferran shop.

Cato looked shocked and pointed to Liana’s forehead in amazement. "This, this, this imprint..."

"Well, this is the imprint, and it really came out, I will know." Shi Yan had long suspected that after Liana’s forehead found the mark, she immediately became sure, smiling.

"Is it all related to this mark? Brother, don't you have this mark?" Cato was very surprised.

"Yes, I have it too." Shi Yan nodded. "It's just your mark, on the forehead of the god, and mine, in the center of the soul, this is the only difference."

Cato is stunned.


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