God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 839: Hot hand

The VIIIth chapter is hot

"Uncle Kashun, how dare you come out?" Zi Yao silently watched Ogils leave, she knows that from now on, this person will be with Ogudo, perhaps the biggest obstacle to her future.

But I don't know why, but she feels relaxed, as if the heavy load on her body has been unloaded, and she can't say it.

Oglas followed her for many years, for her, and he did not hesitate to violate the call of Ogudo, and gave Zi Yaoxing her orderly order.

However, Oglas is equally ambitious and follows her heart, she is also clear.

Because she loves her, because she wants to get her, Oglas can put everything down and do things for her, but since she knows that Oglas has carried a lot of small movements with her, knowing the true heart of Oglas, she is against Oglas. It is a bit uncomfortable.

Today, Oglas reminded her to let her be careful of Shiyan, let her start to deal with Shiyan, and finally angered her, so that he did not hesitate to say this.

"I dare to come out because I know that person, I won't be like to me." Katsien smiled indifferently, his eyes were magical. "The secret shot, one heart defends Liana, although I don't know why, but I know Her heart."

After a pause, Kashun’s voice was low. “The source of the gods who just gathered together, anyone has a killing effect on Liana, the richness of the city, Russell, Russell, Barrett. Naturally, Bitian and Li Yuefeng also want to kill Lianna’s heart, including Ogudo."

Zi Yao Qiao's face changed slightly and nodded secretly. "This is also the reason why I have to draw a line with Oglas. Ogudo is the hegemon of the kingdom of God, and he is very happy when Liana adults understand the meaning of the righteousness. This is contrary to the interests of the Kingdom of God. Oglas has a close relationship with him and will definitely stand with him at a critical time. They... seem to have other plots."

"Yes, Ogudo wants Liana to die. She doesn't want her to have a breakthrough. When the battle happened, he... suffered the most attacks and the most serious injuries." Kashun smiled and smiled: " And I, among the many people on the field, the only one who doesn’t want Liana to have something to protect her. Perhaps the person in the dark feels my intention, so... I didn’t start with me from start to finish, so much I Among the source of the sacred warriors, the most relaxed one is not affected at all."

As soon as this statement came out, Zi Yao’s eyes lit up and shouted: “You mean... that person is protecting Liana, will he be the predecessor of our country?”

"Impossible." Katsien smiled. "His Lord thinks too much. If he is a kingdom of God, the guys of Feng, Russell can't be so free in the city. It can only be said that he may Lianna is a bit of a relationship, but she has no friendship with the kingdom of God."

"This way." Zi Yao nodded and looked at the area from afar. "It looks like we don't have to worry about identity."

"Well, today's Tiancheng City is like a cloud, and Bitian, Li Yuefeng, and Ogudo are the two gods of heaven and earth. With their strength, they can no longer control the situation. There is such a strong in the dark. When they are in town, no one dares to start the war again.” Kashun smiled and said: “You are now clearing the boundaries with Oglas. If you want to come, the kid should not have any more heart, to His Royal Highness. The beauty and means of wanting to reunite the kid, shouldn’t it be difficult?”

Zi Yao Qiao's face suddenly red, whispered a bit, biting his lower lip and white him. "He's fine."

Katsien smiled and said nothing.


"Oh." In the central ruins, Oglas came alone and stopped next to Ogudo, saying: "I broke with Princess Zi Yao."

Ogudo, whose legs are covered with scars, is pale and smells stunned. "What happened?"

Ogils smiled and sighed. "She chose Shiyan."

Ogudo snorted. "Women are like this, especially women born in the royal family. In the eyes, they only have the power of interest. There is no truth at all. It seems that you have wasted your time, and nothing has finally happened."

"I woke up and wouldn't put that woman in my heart again." Oglas nodded.

"Well, this is also good, the heart is innocent to be able to take it to the next level. With your qualifications and ability, you will come from being in the kingdom of God. On that day, the woman... still will not escape your palm, premise Yes, you have enough power!” Ogudo said.

"I know, I will pursue strength with one heart, and like the shackles, seek breakthroughs, and seek martial arts for the ultimate meaning." Oglas is right.

"Let's go." Ogudo slowly stood up and glanced at the abyss in the middle of the ruins. There was no memory, U-turn and Oglas left.

Bi Yue and Li Yuefeng of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, who ignored the glance, also stood up and left without a word of silence.

Bi-soft Arad, as well as the warriors of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, gathered from all sides and followed the two strong gods of the two gods and quickly disappeared.

Feng Wei, a group of people, looked at them with cold eyes, did not stop, but his face was dignified.

Whether it is Ogudo, or Bitian, Li Yuefeng, all of them are the source of the gods and the heavens. The real power may be even better than Fengqi. At this time, the Tiancheng City is no longer the Big Four. To put it bluntly, the three men did not find the troubles of Feng Wei. They had to burn high incense, and naturally they did not dare to come.

Those who should not appear in the city of fine punishment, swaying away, many predators on the way eyes taboo, take the initiative to avoid, seems to be afraid of getting into trouble.

No one dares to detect the dark abyss. Although she knows that Lianna has great possibilities and is still hiding in it, everyone has chosen to forget. It seems that nothing has happened. They all take the initiative to avoid it and quietly leave. .

The secret shot is too terrible, and there is obvious awareness of Liana's consciousness. Unless he thinks that the realm is not afraid, he will cause the other party's anger and will not be able to eat.

"What's the noise on your side?" On the way back, Bitian turned around and asked Bihui Arad a bit strangely.

Arad’s look shocked, and he hurriedly told the previous story, his eyes full of excitement and admiration. “The big commander, you really look like a torch! The potential of the kid is terrible. I finally believe that if he and Miss Birou The combination will definitely help the big leader's hegemony."

After listening to Arad, Bitian also had bright eyes and praised: "The hero is a teenager."

Birou bites her lower lip, her face is different, and she doesn't know what to think.

"Soft, what do you think?" Bitian suddenly asked.

"What?" Birou stayed, and there was a snack in his head. "I just didn't hear it clearly."

"What do you think of that kid?" Bitian smiled.

"Yes... it's a bit powerful." Birou whispered, and the beauty was shining. "Beyond many guys I've seen before, it's much more powerful. I really looked away. If I knew he could have it that year." Today's performance, I will definitely keep him at all costs."

"Including marriage to him?" Bi Tian grinned and teased.

"Father! You don't make fun of me, it's really annoying!" Biruo shyly bowed his head, as if he was really tempted, and there was no strong resistance.

The woman in the flame star field believes in the strong, and the more arrogant young masters, the more they can attract their attention, and the edification of the beard is no exception. Today, Shi Yan’s performance really makes her look impressive. It’s a bit unpleasant, it seems to have been crushed by Shi Yan.

In her heart lake, there is also a strong figure on the shore, which has been disturbing her heart, making her a little difficult to calm down.

"Well, I am here to be the master. I will wait until next time. I will force him to marry him!" Bitian laughed and looked good.

"Hate." Birou whispered, no obvious resistance.


"Father, what happened just now?" Feng Qi and Feng Qi, both behind Feng Qi, could not help but ask.

"We tried to kill Lianna. I thought that the three forces would block me. I didn't expect everyone to agree on the same purpose. Finally, they joined forces to bombard them. Unfortunately, they were solved by the secret, but they hurt us all. Feng Qi took a deep breath and his face was a bit strange. "I didn't think that the three forces still have the dog biting the dog. In our days of punishment, the darkness will also attack Liana. Among them, there is also the **** of the gods." Guduo, ha, I was still worried that so many strong people will come. We can’t make a big deal, and now we have a lot of peace of mind."

At this time, there are three forces of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, the Tianni Kingdom, and the Alliance. Any force is enough to compete with the local forces of the city.

If the three parties join hands, Feng Qi may not be able to keep the star map, let alone detect it.

After this battle, Feng Wei realized that the three forces were hostile to each other and could never unite. When he and Russell, Jieshao, Barrett and others faced the three forces, they would be the same enemy. There will be no mustard.

Coupled with the mysterious powerhouse of the Heavenly City, the obvious secretly biased them, so Fengqi has the confidence, I feel that I can still fight.

"Shiyan appeared before, causing great movements..." Fengqi interjected, described the just what he saw, and his face was awe-inspiring: "Father, Shiyan is definitely a dangerous person, double-edged sword, well used. It is of great help to us, if one is careless... I am afraid that it will hurt others!"

Feng Wei listened carefully and his face gradually became dignified. "The kid is really tricky. I really didn't think he was so strong, it was too unexpected. Hey, what do you think?"

"As long as I am here, he will definitely not treat us as an enemy. If you find a new star field and give him a star of life, I think he will be grateful to us and will really like us." Feng said seriously.

"I will not be stingy, rest assured, he has proved himself, today's heavenly city, even the flames of the stars, who dare to smack him?" Feng Weizheng said: "His reputation should be quickly spread throughout the flames Starfield, no one will dare not regard him as the number one, I know how to do it."

"Thank you father." Feng smiled.

"He suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know when it would appear. This kid is really mysterious." Feng Qi sighed.

"He will appear, I think, when he appears again, it will be scary again, maybe ... will be more powerful!" Feng Qi muttered to himself, the beauty filled with deep feelings.


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