God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 845: Killing people face to face!

The 845th chapter kills people face to face!

On the back of the land of divine punishment, the three great leaders of the League of Nations gathered to win the star map.

Shi Yan was sandwiched in the center, and did not show panic and uneasiness. He looked at Bonita in cold eyes and looked bad.

Monica, who is good at the soul, has not been able to confuse his mind. Seeing that the sky is to be sheltered, there is nothing to be done at the same time. It is impossible to estimate the true intention of Bitian.

"Bitian, what do you want to do? He is not the person of our alliance, colluding with the predator, and the Tianni Kingdom is also unclear. Do you really want to protect him?" Tuohai looked gloomy, annoyed with a stomach, "Before we came over, the ally told me that the star map is the first, and the rest are not important. Do you want to violate the will of the lord?"

"I am also in a position to fight for the star map, but Shi Yan... I have to protect it. The star map is not in his hand, it is not in conflict." Bitian snorted, as if to the ally of the League. There is not much fear. "Before Ogudo and Li Yuefeng, they are chasing Feng Qi, you can pass, I will not stop."

"The predator escaped from the land of God's punishment?" Monica's eyes lit up. "So, can we let go? Don't worry about the strong lurking in the dark?"

"That man... didn't continue to start, I think he only took care of the city's affairs. Once he left the city, he wouldn't ask." Bitian nodded.

Both Tuohai and Monica, listening to him saying this, are all moving, and their eyes are changing. It seems that they are ready to take a kick.

"Bonita, I will kill you sooner or later, I will!" At this time, Shi Yan suddenly reached out and pointed to the refining pharmacist. He said indifferently: "You can't live for a long time, you dare to come to God." Ground, you should expect to see me, I will not let you leave alive."

Bonita trembled with wrinkles on his face, fear in his heart, and looked at Tuohai beside him.

"Hey, your tone is arrogant, I want to see, you have the power to avoid me, kill Bonita!" Tuohai sullenly face, squatting to Bitian, "Bonita was invited by me, If you are a sheltered kid, if you dare to let go, I will not give you face and kill him!"

"Bitian, you and I are all people of the Alliance. You will not be against him because of him." Monica smiled and exchanged a look with the extension of the sea. It seems that there is a tacit understanding.

Although the same commander of the Alliance, Bitian is slightly stronger than the two, but it is also very limited, single-on-one, Bitian is not afraid, but if Tuohai and Monica join hands, he will be very difficult.

Seeing that Tuohai and Monica seem to have reached an agreement, he is also a little headache.

The main reason is that until this moment, he still can't be sure of Shiyan's thoughts. I don't know if Shiyan will come with him.

If Shiyan nodded and agreed to a marriage contract with his daughter Birou, he could let go and fight as much as possible.

If Shiyan is unwilling, he will take care of it in his own hands. It is not a good thing to catch, but it makes people laugh.

"My business, I will naturally deal with it, and I will not bother you." Shi Yan smiled calmly and said calmly: "The good intentions of Bitian's predecessors are under the heart, but I don't have the idea of ​​marrying my wife for the time being. Forgive me."

Bitian frowned.


Suddenly, at the fingertips of Shiyan, a strange silver fire was splashed, and a thunder lightning flashed across the sky, revealing a slender space gap in front of his eyes, among which there were colorful Huaguangfei.


The harsh and screaming sounds screamed out in the crowd, and the screaming whistling like a ghost, weeping, has a fascinating energy concept.

"not good!"

Monica's pupils shrank and couldn't help but scream and look at the direction of Bonita.

Tuo Hai also suddenly checked, his face changed, and he must condense his strength.


At the corner of Bonita, a pale beam of light flashed away, and on her wrinkled neck, a burst of blood suddenly burst out.


Two more white and white awns flashed, Bonita's head and heart, smashed and burst open.

Her soul altar and the gods were swept away by three pale rays and fell directly.

Blood is like rain, and the fluffy swaying down, the owner of the sixth medicine star, the god-level refining pharmacist of the League of Nations, did not have time to defend, and was directly killed.

The refining pharmacists are not good at fighting, especially those who are cruel and disgusting in the face of Shiyan. They are even more unprepared. They are smashed by three spurs with space and suddenly destroy the gods and souls. They died on the spot.

Tohai and Monica, who reached the source of the gods and the two heavens, were too late to guard. When the discovery was not good, Bonita was already dead, and there was no possibility of saving.

"She almost killed me that year, I killed her today, just revenge." Shi Yan said coldly, when he spoke, people had already drilled into the gap of the space.

Tuohai and Monica tried to release the power of the righteousness together, but when they were inspired, they saw that Shiyan disappeared into the gap of the space, and it disappeared and there was no breath.

The gap in the space has slowly healed, and no traces have been left behind.

The scene that was originally awkward suddenly became audible, and the bird was silent.

A warrior in the three kingdoms of the king of heaven, in the face of the three commanders of the League of Nations, bombarded Bonita in one fell swoop, and calmly left, which made everyone still indulge in horror, and could not react for a while.

Under the eyes of the public, he dared to slay without any scruples, and he could easily escape with a blow, which made many people completely stunned.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that the words that Xu Hai and Monica had just said were simply a joke.

The two wanted to suppress Bitian so that they could calmly deal with Shiyan. In the two people, Shiyan did not really pose a danger, but Bitian was a hindrance.

However, now that Shi Yan is in front of them, they have killed Bonita. Before they have not responded, they immediately leave with space gaps. They are simply coming and going, and they have not really put them in their hearts.

What is the realm of the realm?

Do not face up to you, so that you can never catch it, wait until the strength and realm of the day reach the same level, and then kill you, how can you?

The face of Tuohai and Monica suddenly became extremely ugly.

This is a naked face!

"I think... he doesn't need my shelter. What do you say?" Bitian was also amazed. After a while, he shook his head with a smile and secretly exclaimed.

The body of Bonita, without a trace of vitality, was not far from the side of Tuohai, and fell into a pool of blood.

The extension of the sea in the source of the gods, did not expect it, because Shi Yan had previously confused him with words, saying that Bonita could not live away from the land of punishment, saying that she would kill her sooner or later.

In the morning and evening, in the morning and evening, Tuohai couldn’t think of it. The so-called morning and evening of Shiyan is the next moment!

He did not think that he also misjudged Shi Yan’s swearing and strange space power, so that he did not take any precautionary measures against Bonita. This was stimulated by the power of space, and the bone thorn did not stop in time, causing The death of Bonita.

"He is more difficult than before. I believe that even if he meets again, he may not be your hands. If you are bent on leaving, you can't stop him." Bitian was silent for a while and said: "The battle is in punishment." In front of the land, I am going to pass, what do you say?"

"You are familiar, we naturally go with you." Monica was bitter and had a frustration for the first time, but deep inside her, she had a real interest in Shiyan.

The previous hot words were just the tricks she used to do. It was the same for any man. In fact, the depths of her heart are not particularly valued. But now, after being frustrated, her interest is really hooked up. The penalty may become very interesting.

"Well, you come with me, there are you, the possibility of getting a star map will be greatly enhanced!" Bitian took a deep breath and immediately rushed toward the front of the land of punishment.


Another place in the land of divine punishment.

A gap in the space blooms, and the stone rock is coming out.

With the improvement of the realm, with the continuous enhancement of power, with the insight into the true meaning of space, he has a deep understanding of the essence of space.

It is not difficult for him to tear the space and build a short-range space.

With this magical means of escape, he believes that he will fight with the strong in the future, and if he is really unable to do so, he can also leave calmly.

Only if power is not bound by imprisonment, he can tear the space and form a short-distance door, passing through hundreds of millions of miles.

From the gap in the space, he looked up at the upper Milky Way, where the battle was fierce, the predators escaped, and the people behind Ogudo and Li Yuefeng pursued. He knew that it would take a long time, and Bitian and Monica and Tuohai would also Join over.

The soul altar changed a bit. He fixed a direction, grinned and rushed toward a forbidden place.

On the outskirts of the land of divine punishment, there are many wonderful forbidden places. The forbidden place is also a star field. It is often filled with sinister secrets, some are in chaos, and some are in the forbidden land, so that the source is strong. Can't break it.

The predator dared to rush out of the land of divine punishment, just because he was familiar with the situation of the forbidden land, and this was a fearless adventure.

In the center of his soul, there is a source of Cato, as long as his thoughts change, the soul is chasing, you can rely on that source of contact, Cato is perceived.

Followed by that glimpse, he bypassed the fiercely engaged crowd, as a ghostly person, and slowly moved away from the land of sacred punishment, flew to a hiding place where Cato was.

He is in the shuttle, the space is very fluctuating, his body seems to swim in the space between the cracks, seemingly slow, in fact, much faster than lightning.

This is an insight into the space of the Olympians, the unique method of speeding, is also recognized, the fastest of all kinds of power.

After a short time, he broke into a gray mist layer and galloped for a while. His eyes were bright and cheerful, and he rushed into a forbidden place where Cato hid.


Ps: first more ~~

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