God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Forbidden

As a meteor, Shiyan turns into a gorgeous starlight, and goes deep into the sacred area of ​​the sacred sacred area.

All the predators, including the Big Four, released their strengths one by one, shouting and following.

The shining starlight blooms from the star map drawn by the immortal woodcut, and it is extremely dazzling. One of the stars' routes is clearly visible in the mind of Shiyan.

He refined the stars of the righteousness, and infiltrated the starlight in the body, as if the star map was ignited, and the star map that Fengcai could not see, he could see.

There is a star map guide, Shi Ruo all the way, the speed is very fast, until the time when the person behind him can't chase, he gradually slows down.

The fire of hope in the predator’s heart was brightened, and all the unnecessary quarrels were stopped. In order to be able to come out from the magical array that had been tied for half a year, they were full of strength and chased after all.

This speeding is March.

At the speed of most gods, flying for three consecutive months, I do not know how far away the shuttle.

One day, Shiyan took the lead to break free from the fog, and Horan fell to a clean stone.

His eyes suddenly violently stunned, and he was stunned at once, squatting there without saying a word, just frowning and looking forward, waiting for something.

Half a day passed, Feng Qi and a group of predators came, and fell to the stone as he did, and slammed.

"What's the situation!?" Russell suddenly screamed and looked worried. "My soul altar is imprisoned, and I can't move, and my heart can't show it!"

"Oops! I am the same, the soul altar is stopped!"

"Damn! What is this strange place, actually able to imprison the soul, any ambition is difficult to turn!"

"Isn't it brought to Jedi?"

Every predator who entered this piece had not had time to look around, and could not help but scream in fear. A chill filled the heart, and there was helplessness everywhere.

Whether it is the king of God, the true state of God, or the source of the gods of the level of Fengshui, once he fell to this piece, he immediately lost the magical power to display his righteousness, falling from the sky and standing on the stone.

In general, it is almost impossible to smother the soul of the soul, and to imprison the soul.

Feng Qi is in the realm of the gods and gods. With such a strong cultivation as a class, unless he is a high level, he will never be able to restrain his soul.

However, as soon as he fell to this area, his soul altar immediately stopped spinning, and the ignorance of one body stopped and it was difficult to release it.

The same is true of Shiyan.

The soul altar is like an invisible big hand, and it can't move at all. All kinds of ambiguity and continuity of the soul seem to be cut off. Space, life, death, and stars are all stopped, and can no longer be released as desired. Come.

In the eyes of everyone, it is a vast expanse of stone, cutting very smooth, the stone under the feet is cold and hard, as carved by sharp objects.

At the far end of the line of sight, a hundred-meter-long stone monument is visible, standing on the stone ground, like a flag on one side.

"There is a place where the soul can be banned. There is an inexplicable force that covers the sky. As long as it falls, no one can release the power of the righteousness. Only the strength of the flesh can be revealed." Shiyan was silent for a while, looking back, holding the star Figure, Chong Fengxi said: "Here, it is the star icon, it seems... it is the forbidden place!"

Feng Haoran.

Russell, Jieshao, Barrett, and Jester were also shocked, and they looked around and looked around.

"Is it already in the forbidden place?" For a long time, Feng Wei asked.

Shiyan nodded. "Yes, we shuttled through the magical array for three months and finally came to the forbidden place. I think the wonderful land is in this place..."

"Looking at the situation in the past." Feng Qi took a sigh of relief and said seriously: "Everyone is careful, don't let go, if there is something wrong with it, remember to consult Shiyan first."

Everyone triumphed.

The magical array of the four giants of Fengqi can't be broken. Under the leadership of Shiyan, every predator has an answer, knowing that the abundant ability here is not enough to preserve them.

Instead, stone rocks of unknown origin may be able to protect them from death at a critical time.

Everyone looked at Shiyan’s gaze, and Huo Ran had a different meaning.

"Cato, come over and join me." If no one is standing by Shiyan.

Cato grinned and proudly took him to him. The predators who followed Cato were excited and knew that their leader had found a good backing.

"Feng Yu..." Shi Yan indulged, and whispered a word.

"Go, it’s safer to follow the kid than to follow us." Feng Xiao smiled and said to her daughter generously: "We can come here, relying on Shiyan, if you can find the star icon, Shi Yan is the first achievement."

No one has any objections.

Shiyan has proved this with his ability.

Feng Xiao smiles and is very obedient to Shi Yan and Cato. "You guys are really mysterious. Even the magical array that my father can't solve, you can break it. It seems that you are more suitable as a leader. ""

"But with the help of the star map, I don't have the reputation of your father. There is no foundation among the predators. Of course, I am not interested in being the leader of the predator. I am satisfied if I can find the star of life." Stone rock is calm.

"Let's go, the soul ban here is only temporary. When you cross this place, everything will recover. Don't panic." Feng Qisheng shouted and immediately took the lead and walked toward the front of the stone monument.

After half an hour.

The group of people came to the direction of the stone, the face changed all, and the eyes were terrified.

Thirteen hundred meters high stone entanglement, each stone is engraved with cumbersome and difficult lines of formation, naturally born, anyone staring at the stone tablet to see more eyes, the soul will be deep, there is a kind of sinking Hell-like despair.

The refining pharmacist Jester, staring at the stone tablet for a while, his face was pale and his face was cold and sweaty, and his consciousness seemed to be confused.

It is a rock stone that is proficient in the array. It is staring at a stone stone for a while. It is also cold and cold. If it is invaded by evil forces, it can't help but succumb to the desire to kill.

Under the forcible mooring of Xuan Bing's cold flame, he was sobered up and couldn't help but violently drink: "Don't look at Shijie!"

His voice went straight to Jester's mind.

Jest Horan shocked, violently woke up, and the corner of his mouth blew a trace of blood, shivering and shouting: "Listen to him! Don't look at the stone!"

Above each of the stone blocks, there is a wire rope with a thick arm, and the iron rope is rusty. The top is also engraved with a wonderful rune, which is 100 meters long and extends to the center.

This piece has thirteen hundred meters of stone beats. Each stone tablet is characterized by complex and difficult patterns. The patterns are like the demon flowers of Weikai, the irons are embedded in the flower, and the thirteen iron cables extend. The area is a piece of ice crystal stone.

The stone platform is smooth and crystal-clear, and the head of the 13 rusty rusted iron ropes has a barbed hook and air-dried blood. They all fall on the ice crystal platform.

Thirteen hundred meters of stone monuments, surrounded by ice crystal stone, each piece of stone beats a wire, extending to the ice crystal stone platform, the end of the iron wire is obvious, the barbs and hooks are gloomy and strange.

Under the stone winding and cryolite platform, everyone seems a little small, and the 100-meter stone monument is like a hill, revealing inexplicable pressure, people can not help the soul chills fear.

A fierce look, thirteen hundred meters of stone beat and ice crystal stone platform, connected by iron rope, like a huge spider web, seems to contain some kind of horrible mood, people are awe.

"What is this stone platform, it is quite wonderful." A predator talked to himself, and took a hand to touch the cryolite table.


Someone couldn't help but scream.

The crowd was horrified.

I saw the man, the body was frozen at the speed visible to the naked eye, and as soon as he became a crystal ice sculpture, he suddenly burst and turned into a piece of ice, and the soul altar and the body instantly annihilated, leaving nothing to breathe.

All the predators are like ghosts, and fear goes backwards.

One of them accidentally slammed a rusty iron rope. He fell to the iron rope with one foot. The body of the god, such as flowers, quickly withered, just a glimpse of it, there was no life, and a layer of skin softly collapsed, flesh and blood. It can be like a 100-meter stone that has been infiltrated by a wire rope and flows along the wire.

The stone is engraved with a demon-like pattern, and it is brightly lit, revealing a glimmer of light.

The rust on the iron wire, through the flow of his flesh and blood essence, the strange disappeared, becoming crystal bright, extremely evil.

"Don't touch anything!" Jester couldn't help but scream, his voice full of fear and uneasiness. "This is a prison-like prison. On the ice crystal platform, there must be one person! 13 iron ropes Into his flesh and blood, so that he can not break free, but also extract his body and flesh and blood, the cold force of the cryolite stone, so that he always suffers, has been consumed by power, there is no effort to fight this prison Power! Don't touch it if you don't want to die!"

Jester’s screaming, let a lot of people who have lost their hands and feet, immediately stopped in the same place and did not dare to move.

If it is bound by the body, it is generally.

The four giants of Fengqi were completely stunned and their faces became extremely ugly.

Thirteen hundred-meter-high stone monuments, thirteen iron ropes that instantly ruined the flesh and blood of a **** king, a cryolite platform that makes the gods and kings smash into ice, and occupies thousands of square meters of prison, just for imprisonment. one person.

What kind of power is this person?

"Look ahead, more stone monuments, more prisoners!" The dynasty discolored, pointing in front of people.

Everyone stared and his face became extremely ugly.

On the front side of the line of sight, there are more stone iodines. Each stone code is connected with iron ropes. There are stone platforms in the stone monuments and stone monuments. There are iron ropes on the stone platforms, similar to the forbidden areas, at least dozens of each. There is a strong person in it.

... (to be continued)

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