God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Deer flower blooming

Van Gogh is like a jade person, full of crystal, hands like jade? . Ambilight, the body is clear, and the blood vessels on the back of the hand are clearly visible.


The bones are misplaced like the crisp sounds, and they come from the body of the Van Gogh. Without using the power of the righteousness, he still shows a powerful explosive force.


Just as a meteor cut through the sky, the Van Gogh is the only one who relies on the power of the gods to fly, and the speed is very fast, almost instantly coming to the front of Shiyan.

However, his goal is obviously not Shiyan.

If you are a big enemy, you can't help but violently drink: "Enclose him!"

Many green ghost predators flocked to each other and turned into a shadow to stop the Van Gogh.

The Van Gogh is quiet, and there is no trace in his eyes. He is calm and scary. His body is shuttled, and two jade-like arm snakes are walking.

His jade crystal hand, once touched a person, such as the sword of the edge of the blade, instantly penetrates the body of the blocker.

Hey! Hey!

The body of the Green Ghost Marauder was suddenly pierced into a blood hole, and he could not stop him from smashing. The direct body exploded and shattered, and the pieces of blood with pieces of blood spattered.

Passing through the fluffy blood, the van Gogh's eyes are sturdy, and the body is like a sharp knife, and it is invincible.

The flesh and blood of the body was swiped by his arm, and was torn apart, and immediately died.

In a blink of an eye, seven bodies were left behind, and there was no complete one.

Fanhe is eager to kill Fengqi, without any stagnation, like a beam of light, rampaging, and harvesting the blockers along the road one by one, getting closer and closer to Fengqi.

Many green ghost predators looked horrified and showed deep fear in their eyes. But no one took a step back, knowing that they must die, or killing him, not afraid of death, like a moth to fight fire, as long as Hey Fanghua.

The predator is the most affectionate person. Those who follow the feng shui will sell their lives to the rich, and the rich words will be the unbreakable truth for them.

Ming knows that they may be killed in an instant, they are still fearless and insane.

In the crowd, the Van Gogh is like a jade monster that smashes everything. It is surrounded by crystal light, and the golden gas is shot from the fingers, knees and arms, and it is invincible.

A marauder, such as a tofu block, was torn apart and could only stop him a little and could not give him more trouble.

The Fanhe is close to Fengqi and is close at hand.

Shi Yan was next to Feng Qi, his face was cold and his eyes were bloody.


Feng Wei hangs low and squats, the gods come to blow the thunder and roar, full of long hair to break off the hair bundle, no wind automatically, his face is extremely gloomy.

"Van Chou, I am not in the same position with you!" Feng Wei's electric light flashed, and the thunder shook, so he had to rush.

"Let me come." At this moment, the stationary rock stone suddenly whispered, and said: "You go to deal with others, to take charge of the overall situation, and the Vatican is handed over to me."

Feng Wei looked wrong.

"Shi Yan!" Feng Wei couldn't help but scream, and the beauty overflowed with fear and uneasiness. "Don't be stubborn!"

Shantou, a smile, Shi Yan madness, "Nothing, I am coming."

When the words fall, a **** suffocating sky, the body is red and bloody, his eyes are violent, and the body blew up a violent storm to Peng Pei, which is difficult to contain, and turned into a thick blood, Huoran rushed to Van Gogh, "Old man, you are old, don't use the energy of the righteousness, you can't hold it for a long time."

For the enemy to attack the heart first, this is his usual policy. At the moment of the storm, his harsh words broke out like a cannon. "After living so many years, the meaning is natural and exquisite, but you are too old, the body of God. Quenching is not as good as young people, you can't."

A **** hand, carrying a strong killing, despair, crazy atmosphere, like a flood of water, the Fanhe is far away.

Dead print!

The death mark, which is driven by negative forces, does not require the strength of the righteousness to match, and does not depend on the spirits of the gods, and when it appears, it is like a heap of blood and mountains, and it is extremely embarrassing.

The dead ink was oppressed, and the air came with a "squeaky" noise. A **** smell and killing, despair, and madness emerged at the same time. The **** suffocation, like thick blood, was poured from the sky.

The Van Gogh was discolored, and his eyes were calm, showing a touch of surprise.

Even if he reached the source of God's triple heaven, the soul altars were all imprisoned. How can the power of the gods, the three-day god, be used?

This is the place he can't understand.

After a moment of hesitation, the Van Gogh immediately resumed calmness and sighed with a smile. "Isn't the old boy who has never heard of it?"


The bones are fragile, and the Van Gogh shows a golden light. He is the essence of the gold. He is purely golden and sharp, and he is like a golden scorpion. The power is like a spear, and it is extremely sharp.


The golden scorpion smashed the **** handprints, the **** splashes of the blood, and the force of the golden jade collided, showing a light curtain.

Guanghua dissipated, Van Gogh’s clothes were broken, and a close-fitting golden fish cockroach appeared, covering the whole body, sheltering the body from splashing.

Stone rock is like a **** beast, **** bloody violent and murderous evil spirits, the body of the blood red, a violent suffocating enthusiasm like a train around the body, the dragon snake like a twist, the waist and the belly swallowing evil, whispering Sen Ran laughed, once again accumulated strength, and once again rushed.


Wherever his body passed, the iron and stone exploding under his feet, the gravel splashed, turned into a layer of stone powder, and driven by his power, gray, covered with the crane.

Van Gogh frowned and looked at himself and looked around.

At this time, the war between the predators and the three major forces is already in full swing.

There are many masters of the three major forces, among which Ogudo, Bitian, Li Yuefeng and others are all in the source of the gods, the gods are refined and fierce, and the use of the righteousness is also endless.

However, every source of the gods at the source level is surrounded by at least a hundred predators, rushing to death, not afraid of death.

Insufficient strength, the number of people to make up, the predators rely on a lot of people, not at a disadvantage.

On the contrary, once the battle is delayed, it will be difficult for them to stay in Ogudo.

In the end, it is very likely to be killed to death.

The situation is not optimistic.

Fanhe took a deep breath and said lightly: "You can't waste time."

"I think so too."

The sound of Shiyan bursts like a thunder, and a **** violent breath rushes like a cloud of blood. People are in it. He seems to be a purgatory demon. From every point, he suddenly flies out. Tentacles, demonized, evil.

At the same time, Shi Yan shot a flame in the **** cloud.

Every flame is a kind of skyfire. This unique life body has a special soul form and is not bound by the shackles. The power is unaffected.

Nine secluded soul flames, adjoining corpse fire, Suzaku real fire, ghost spirits, fires, earthly fires, and dying thunder, six kinds of natural fires, like the essence of the flame elves, dragging the bright tail, in the crowd The shuttle is flowing.

A three-powered warrior was imprisoned at the soul altar

In the case that the power can’t be released, once it is targeted by the skyfire, it will be extremely embarrassing.

Or burned to the body of the dead, or directly into the sea, to kill the soul altar.

When the fire broke out, it was still a fairly even battle, and suddenly there was a one-sided situation.

Not to mention the king of the king, it is the strongest who has reached the source of the gods, and under the cover of the skyfire, it is extremely embarrassing, left and right, and only escapes.

Also prepared to quickly solve the battle of the Van Gogh, at first sight of the situation, the first time the panic color, can not help but drink: "Return!"

In the Forbidden Soul, the soul altar is bound, and the power of the righteousness cannot be displayed. The three major forces are not the opponents of the skyfire. Only when they retreat to the outside world can they be guaranteed.

Van Gogh’s violent screams awakened many of the three powerful powers.

Without hesitation, even the Van Gogh, who was about to take full advantage of his shots, temporarily stopped the offensive and retired and returned along the same path.

Okudo and his party did not dare to continue their stay. Regardless of the fact that their enemies were killed, they rushed back at a rapid speed. From this stagnation, they directly returned to the squad.

Originally a fierce battle, because of the appearance of the skyfire, the situation was completely reversed and the haste was over.

In the Forbidden Soul, there are nearly half of the bodies of the three major forces, each of which is different in death, or the body is burned, or the soul altar is bursting, or the scorching by lightning.

Most of them are killed by the skyfire for a short time.

The predators also died a lot of people, but compared with the three forces, the number is much less, and they are instantly killed by Van Gogh and Ogudo.

The fierce battle of the original, a bit of an anticlimax, hastily ended, everyone is a bit stunned and looks awkward.

A cluster of flames, beating inside the forbidden soul, draws a beautiful and magnificent line of fire, gradually gathering, stagnating beside Shiyan.

The two eyes gradually returned to normal color, and the stone face did not have a hint of joy. On the contrary, there was a little dignity.

He did not look at the gradual coming of Feng Wei and others, squinting and staring at a stone monument in front of him, the stone-like pattern engraved on the stone seemed to become... more and more beautiful.

The three great forces and the murderers of the predators did not have a trace of fine airflow to him. At the time of the war, the death of those who died was turned into a gray thread, and gradually merged into a stone monument.

This is the piece that Shiyan saw.

The fairy flowers on the stone beats were originally just patterns, but now they are beautiful and beautiful, just like they lived, and even had bright colors.

The iron rope in the center of the stone beats, with a hint of crystal light, no rust, as if it has been washed away, there is a slight faint energy flow.

Many tragic people, flesh and blood fell to the iron rope, have been exhausted of flesh and blood, only a dry skin, even the bones are soft, and the bone marrow is like sucking dry.

The stone wrapped around, the flower pattern is fascinating, and gradually shows the beautiful luster, like a big mouth opened by the son...

"Not quite right." Shi Yan shouted.

Along his gaze, everyone looked at the stone-wrapped flower pattern, and the scented medicinal sorcerer Jesser was even more glorious. It seemed to be trying to remember what it was, and his face was shaking. The fear from the heart is uneasy.

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