God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 867: Protoss

In the illusion of the periphery of the Forbidden Soul, there was a thunderous sound of earth-shattering, as if there were any horrible creatures that broke out of the cage and preyed in the magical array.

Van Gogh, the strongest of the three major forces, went back and returned, and they all returned to the forbidden platform.

When these people came to the banned soul platform, many of them were injured, and there were still a few people who lacked their necks and legs, blood and blood, and fear. [bsp; Shi Yan and others in the swaying area of ​​the sky, the face looked weird and looked at the cranes and other people, listening to the horrible horror of the outside, but not a trace of happiness.

There is a demon flower in the banned soul table. I thought that the phantom array was relatively safe. It was expected that the same was full of danger. For a time, everyone was desperate and helpless.

Fan He and others entered the banned soul station, and took a look at the position of Shi Yan. They were also exposed to the unseen color of the shock. I don’t know why they are heavily defended.

They soon knew the reason.

The demon flower that entered the magical array, solitary, re-floating back to the forbidden soul.

One of the three kings of the gods under Oguto's majesty, one arm broke, and his face was pale and bandaged. He couldn't help but find that his mind was uneasy. When he looked up, he found a fairy flower wrapped in a weirdo. Fly.

He subconsciously opened his mouth, wanting to call something, but the words have not yet been sent, and the body has been swallowed up by the buds of the demon flower.

Hey! Hey!

The scalp and numb chewing bones came from the buds of the demon flower, the blood splashed, the bone **** was spit out, and the man died on the spot.

The devil's flower is more and more bright, the strange face, the flesh and blood is more condensed, but his eyes are still closed.

Fan He and others were shocked, showing fear and seeming to realize what.

"Get out!"

Bitian screamed.

A strong man under his knees, in the eyes of his eyes, reacted slyly and hurried back.

However, in the banned soul station, his escape speed can not catch up with the pursuit of the demon flower.

Everyone saw it, and watched him being swallowed up by the demon flower, and the chewed bones died in an instant.

The demon flower seems to be unaware of exhaustion, digested for a few seconds, and acted again.

For a time, the three major forces of the martial arts screamed and screamed in the shackles.

These people did not know the evils of the banned souls. Some of them accidentally stepped on the iron ropes on the ground, and the blood was drained. Only one human skin was removed, and the soft and collapsed rocks were on the cold stone.

Fortunately, the cold air on the cryolite table, the Xuanbing cold flame to absorb, if not, there is another person to pour the mold, directly frozen into ice.

The strongest of the three forces, screaming again and again, without the backbone of the heart, try to avoid the demon flower.

But the demon flower, but it seems to have long eyes, every time you swallow a person, you will choose a new target. Although the banned soul platform is large, it is extremely fast. No matter how widely the three major forces are distributed, there is always one person suffering.

People are constantly engulfed by demon flowers, and Van Gogh and Ogudo are helpless. They cannot release their power here, only escape their lives.

Even so, no one dared to leave the forbidden platform and print it to the outside.

It seems that the danger outside is even more terrifying than the demon flower in the banned soul station!

The predators did not ridicule, did not gloat, and they experienced the painful lessons of the past, and they all felt the same.

At this time, the sufferings of the three major forces seemed to be their future destiny. They watched the three major forces of the warrior being engulfed by the demon flower, and the demon flower became more and more bright, and the stranger inside the demon flower became more and more rich, and many people were panned. A desperate coming out.

"Bitian predecessors, let your people come over, I protect you innocent, it is still you do not kill Cato's human feelings." At this time, Shi Yan suddenly screamed.

In front of him, the fire sea tears a passage, allowing one to go straight.

Bitian stunned, looking at him from afar, his eyes showed a splendid look.

Birou looked excited and waited for her father to order, the first one rushed over.

She is closer to the demon flower, for fear that she will become the next target. At this time, she can't think too much, and she rushes straight into the crack of the fire.

The raging fire and the hot energy are overwhelming and seem to be able to burn everything.

When Bilu came in, there was no abnormality in the sea of ​​fire, and the crack did not really heal.

Among the three major forces, Birou was the first to be safe and sound, and came to the predators.

"Shi Yan! What are you doing?" Barrett roared.

Russell, a group of people, including many predators, also came to anger, looked at him, and his face was cold.

Shi Yan frowned, Shen Sheng: "I owe Bitian people, now it is repayment, who do you have opinions?"

After a pause, he whispered: "If you have opinions, get out of me! I don't wait!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the predators were silent and no longer dared to say a word.

If it is not in the banned soul station, if there is no demon flower, those who refute the plunder will be furious and even shot!

Only, here, the life of all the predators is equivalent to being pinched in his hands!

If he is unhappy, he will drive the rebels out of the sea of ​​fire, which is equivalent to adding a piece of flesh and blood to the demon flower, which can be imagined.

So, though full of anger

But no one dares to say more

A strong man under Li Yuefeng's majesty, chased by the demon flower, panic-free, suddenly eyes bright, seems to see the hope in general, toward the flame gap of the stone rock.

However, his figure entered the gap of the sea of ​​fire, and the fire suddenly received.

His body was suddenly overwhelmed by the hot flames, and his body was burned directly in the smoke of the fire.

"I want you to come in?" Shi Yan looked cold and faintly said: "Besides the people of Bitian, who dares to enter, die!"

Kasiu and Zi Yao and others did not care among these people. I don’t know why there was a delay. Therefore, among the people, there is only one in the sky.

In addition to Bitian, whether it is Okudo or Tuohai, Monica, or Li Yuefeng, Fan He, etc. of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, are enemies, he will naturally be polite.

He was so cold and cold, and he had the same thoughts. Many people who had to rush into the sea of ​​fire had changed their faces and calmed down.

Only the people of Bitian, showing joy and excitement.

"Go." Bitian was a little hesitant. At this time, regardless of his practice, he would anger the Van Gogh, and he said, "Go to Shiyan."

Arad and others, listening to him saying this, one by one, like a big man, rushed up in ecstasy, along the cracks of the flames of Shiyan, gathered on the side of the predator.

However, they all kept a little distance from the predators and looked cautious, fearing that the predators would suddenly kill.

There are not many people in Bitian, but the number of predators is huge. In the state where the soul altar is banned, it is not difficult for the predators to kill them, so they are afraid.

"Without my approval, whoever dares to make a random shot, give me out!" Shi Yan's face was cold as a knife, and he swept a smack in the predator. "If you want to live, give me a little bit, otherwise I will not blame me." polite!"

No one dares to answer.

Even Feng Feng, who is temporarily silent, understands that here, if there is a conflict with the rock, there is only one dead road.

Soon, Bi Tian Xia entered the fire sea built by Shiyan. At the end of the big command of Bitianla, he hesitated. He rushed to the crane and shook his hand. Sorry, "I am sorry, I want to give the following people a living, you... Ask for more blessings."

Then, the last one of Bitian entered the sea of ​​fire, and he stood down with him.

Fan He, Li Yuefeng, Tuo Hai, Monica, and Ogudo are all ugly, but they don’t say much.

Although Bi Tian’s practice does not speak loyalty, it is understandable. If you are willing to open a road to them, they will also come to the bottom of the people and give themselves a safe way to live.

Although they are not good, they also know the difficulties of Bitian. It is the most sensible thing to know that Bitian has only the past.

"Bitian predecessors, what happened to the outside magic array?" Shi Yan suddenly asked.

Bitian was bitter and slightly relaxed. "There are many unknown beasts outside, extremely terrifying. They are preying on the outside, pretending to be **** and cruel, and we... many people are killed in an instant."

"When we came in, there were no vicious beasts? Have you ever met?" Shi Yan was amazed.

Shaking his head, Bitian said: "When we came, we didn't touch it. After we returned to the illusion, we found a lot of beasts in a short time, most of them at level 11, maybe ... There are also twelve levels of beasts."

"Twelve levels? Can be compared to the virtual world?" Shiyan stunned.

"I didn't see it, but listening to the screams of terror, this is a great possibility. But the fierce beast of the eleventh level, I saw it with my own eyes! Those fierce beasts are not demon, they seem to be heterogeneous, not in our flames. It’s been terrible!” Bitian’s face was stunned. “What about the demon flower? What happened when we left?”

"It is also suddenly coming out, breaking free from a broken stone. According to Jester, it seems to be a prisoner, what can the seniors know?"

"I am not a refining pharmacist, I don't know."

"What about you? Arad."

"My refining chemistry is not high, I have limited knowledge and I don't know."

"I know the Prisonlor Flower!"

Outside the flames of the Van Gogh, the president of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce suddenly screamed, his face looked blank and his eyes were gloomy. He said: "If it is a prisoner, I think... you should let us in, otherwise, you will not want to live well. !"

The words of Fan He’s words are categorical.

Shi Yan frowned. "What is the relationship with letting you enter?"

Fanhe is the president of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. He is one of the most peaks of the flames. He is naturally extraordinary. He knows that the things of the imprisoned demon are not beyond the expectations of Shiyan.

When Shi Yan and Bitian spoke, the sound was deliberately enlarged. It was to let the people of the three major forces hear it, so that he could help him figure out the hidden secrets of the Prisoner Flower. I did not expect it to have achieved results.

"Prison demon flower is a protoss!" Van Gogh said a word.

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