God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 871: wake

Forbidden in the soul.

The iron ropes, such as the dragons, tumbling, and the name of the three major forces and the plunderers were turned into flesh and blood, flowing into one side of the stone monument.

One of the stone tablets, the beautiful face that was revealed, was extremely clear, and his eyes closed, and the smile of the cold and the strange, it seemed that the next moment would burst out.

Despair and panic spread, whether it is the predator or the power of the three major forces, are full of horror, do not know how to deal with all this.

In the most fearful and uneasy moments of the people, in front of Shi Yan, in the gap of the blooming space, a sword did not know how far the space came and flew directly to his palm.


The blood-colored rainbow converges, and the power released by the blood-striped ring fades like a tide, leaving nothing left.

The blood pattern ring once again fell into silence, seems to consume too much power, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

The singularity of the shackles of the soul altar is applied to the body of Shiyan, so that his soul activity is affected by the p-bloom, and the power inside the body is stagnant.

However, the sword of the **** of death has been shackled by him.

The Excalibur starts with a majestic evil abilities that infiltrate in an instant and reach a continuous line with the negative forces in his body.

A scarlet horrible **** scorpion, from the **** of the gods, is evil, as if the demon is looking at the world's life in a cold eye, to choose people and to be ordinary.


The iron rope flew and danced wildly, like a snake like a dragon, and the winding entanglement was cut down.

Holding the Excalibur, Shi Yan's face is cold, and his eyes are reddish, and there is a wonderful match between the fierce violent temper and the **** of the gods.

The wrist was shocked, and the sword on the **** enchanting red light Dawei Shenjian, such as the unbreakable edge of the blade, "哧啦" a stroke.


An iron rope was shattered, iron filings splashed, and a hundred-meter stone monument connected to the iron wire caused a strong shaking.

Shi Yan's bloody, shiny, cold eyes, stared at the stone.

call out!

The electric light flashed, holding the Excalibur, and in the case of not using the power of the essence and the stars in the body, he was still strong and powerful, and the Excalibur slammed into the stone monument.

Oh la la!

Such as the sky tears the vain violent sinful splatter to destroy the gods sword two-thirds of the blood eyes open, demon evil, a hundred meters of red training, such as **** thunder, blasted open.


The 100-meter-tall stone monument was hit by a sword, and it burst instantly and smashed.

A demon-like prisoner's demon flower appeared from the stone tablet. One of the skinny protoss men was exhausted, and the vitality was only slightly restored. The consciousness did not recover.

call out!

The skyfire instantly filled the drowning of the demon flower, crazy refining.

Everyone is ashamed.

Whether it is the predators such as Feng Qi, or the three major forces of Fan He, Bitian, Li Yuefeng, etc., all suddenly stunned.

At the moment when the souls of all the people are bound, the power is hard to display. The stone tablets are the things that the Protoss tempered. Even if the power exists, it is extremely difficult to break.

Ke Shiyan, also when the soul altar was imprisoned, with one person and one sword, bursting a stone monument, what kind of power is this?

Everyone suddenly got a little worried.

The amazing move seems to be just the beginning...

Shiyan **** evil light overflows, his face is cold and cold, holding a sword, shuttles through the sky, and his arms are constantly waving and slashing.

A piece of iron rope, once close, was cut by his sword and directly burst.

The 100-meter stone monument along the road, under the bombardment of his sword, appeared to be fragile and violently smashed, and the stone fragments splashed.

The enchanting sorcerer's demon flower, when the stone monument bursts, stands out from it, and is instantly wrapped in the skyfire, and can't find a new stone tablet for a while.

The two kinds of masculine flames, the heart fire and the Suzaku real fire, set off the hot sea, engulf the demon flower, and enjoy the refining and burning.


A piece of stone was broken, and Shiyan stared in one direction and slowly approached.

The beautiful face that was set in the stone tablet, the face with a strange face and a cold smile, I don’t know when it started, it has completely disappeared.

The corner of his mouth showed a heavy color, and he seemed to realize that it was wrong, his face squirming in the stone, trying to leave.

The sword is like a sharp blade. It pulls out hundreds of meters of blood and kills any material. It seems to be splitting the sky!


The blood is thick and bloody, spreads out, and a **** smell makes the scalp numb.


The stone tablet, slammed on the initiative to burst open, the demon flower that entered before, once again appeared! The protoss who were hiding in the demon flower constantly moved, and swallowed the flesh and blood of the warrior in the sky.

Shi Yan’s face was cold and he did not take immediate measures, and he was not deceived. His heart was as tough as a stone.

He was only destroying a piece of stone monument, and forcing the sinister demon flower to be forced to come out, those who could not take the initiative to break away from the stone tablet, and the creator of the demon flower, came out, the activity was greatly restrained, and could not escape the burning of the skyfire.

Only the first Prison demon flower that took the initiative to come out with its own strength, and the protoss who have a clear appearance, can only be filled with strength, and can still move freely under the cover of the skyfire.

Shi Yan did not take care of this person.

He remembered the command of the blood-grain ring and destroyed all the stone tablets in the forbidden place. He was sober-minded that he knew that the stone tablet was a forbidden place and was the foundation of the law.

Once the stone monuments are all bursting and smashing, this forbids the forbidden land of the soul altar and will lose the most wonderful effect.

At that moment, no matter the three forces and the predators, they will regain their strength. They will never be slaughtered at this time, and they will not be able to display them at all.

When the goal is clear, he ignores the foreign objects, and regardless of the most evil genie, the demon devours the predators and the three major warriors. In the sky, he slams and smashes the stone monuments.

I don’t know what level of gods the gods of the gods are, even the stone that cannot be burned by the skyfire, the eyes of the protoss carefully refined, the tough stone, under its slash, the fragile let Shi Yan feels a bit weird.

Any stone monument, no matter how tough, once bombarded by the Excalibur, immediately bursts open.

Soon, a towering stone monument of 850 meters burst into stone debris under his great destruction.

The strongmen in the banned souls gradually felt that the soul rituals had signs of looseness, and they stunned. Huoran understood and looked surprised.

They also realized that the destruction of stone rock is the fundamental of the formation. As long as the stone monuments burst, the power of imprisonment on them will disappear completely.

Once the powers are able to perform, they will no longer be slaughtered, and they will all have a battle.

These people are the elite of the flames, the power is not bound, and the role that can be played will be very impressive.

Shiyan put down the prejudice and knew that only the people were all restored. Only Fengqi and Fanhe, Ogudo and Li Yuefeng also broke free, and they could save themselves in the banned souls and not be transformed into flesh and blood by the protoss.

Crazy destruction!

More than three hundred stone tablets, under his full force, bursting and bursting.

Whenever a stone monument is broken, there will be a sacred demon flower, and the skyfire will spread immediately, engulf the demon flower, and incinerate and refine it with a hot flame.

That only--a flower that can be separated from the sky and the grass, the gods who are wrapped up in the middle of the sacred, are in a hurry, and the mouth is uneasy.

The demon flower continues to swallow the body of flesh and blood quickly, and the sound of the bones in the demon flower buds is becoming more and more urgent. The consciousness of the protoss of the Protoss seems to have reached the most critical moment, and the soul altar will return to normal as soon as the next moment.

Just as Shiyan shocked the last forbidden zone and destroyed the last few stone tablets, the handsome man in the demon flower, who had been closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

The eyes are like a beam of light, bursting out from his scorpion, and the light-pillars are stunned. Several predators are instantly penetrated into the body and killed on the spot.

Several extremely fierce and terrifying forces, oscillating together from the protoss of the Protoss, all of them were terrified in their hearts, and they looked at him involuntarily.

The five elements of gold, gravity, wind, thunder, and light are actually circulated together. This is not the common sense of the flame star. He is not a master of power, but several fellow initiates. It seems that it can be used perfectly.

The Protoss creator stunned the light in the middle of the sky, and immediately converged, dark brown eyes, cold and ruthless, and there was a strong sternness in the scorpion.


The demon flower covering his deity, suddenly received, turned into a bright and bright armor, applied on his body, his body shoulders knees protruding, silver spikes appeared, sharp as a knife, actually hidden gold The magical character of the mystery seems to penetrate everything.

The Protoss, with a gaze, immediately stared at Shiyan, and there was a deep scream in the mouth.

Thunder's power flashed away, and numerous lightnings entangled his body. He seemed to be an electric dragon passing over the heads of the people and rushing toward Shiyan.

Broken stone monument! faster! ”

Everyone was screaming, urging Shiyan to quickly solve the force of the soul of the banned soul platform. Fengqi and Fanhe were all arrogant, and their eyes were gathered on Shiyan.

Everyone understands that the Protoss is bound to be extremely powerful. The five powers that he has revealed in an instant have completely subverted their cognition. This person’s strength is not affected by the forbidden soul. Is Shiyan an opponent?

Only the banned soul platform was completely shattered, and the ability to smash the soul was lost. When they were restored one by one, they could join hands and perhaps have a chance.

However, even though they were screaming, they knew that they could not help Shiyan, and they could only watch them with eager eyes. I hope that Shiro, who has repeatedly created miracles, can give them a last surprise.

The electric dragon smashed, and the fields of the magical gods formed by several kinds of powers spread out. The stone rock soul rituals sent tingles. If they were hit by a spear, they could not move at any moment. The gods burst open, and the blood was like Rain splashes.

A drop of blood, sprayed on the sword, the remaining **** demon on the sword, suddenly shaking.

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