God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Giant tribe

The giants of the giants were young and handsome, and they came to the foot of the giant mountain with a group of people. The giant mountains towered into the sky and went straight into the sky. They went to see the sky and could not see the top of the mountain.

On the majestic mountain, there are many spectacular stone houses built, which are much taller than the most majestic buildings they have ever seen. It is like a small mountain, which is very overbearing and gives a strong spiritual shock. []

Looking up at the giant mountain, the group of people all have their own feelings of incomparable smallness. Compared with the giants, they are like little mice, and their height is not as high as the other's calves. They can only admire each other's huge.

The mountains that entered the cloud were shrouded in a layer of invisible strange power. Even Fei Lan, who was in a virtual state, could hardly penetrate the gods and perceive the movements of life inside.

Xiao Man stood at the foot of the giant mountain and let go of his throat: "Uncle, I am back."

The sound is like a thunder.

A rough voice came from the foot of the giant mountain. "Good, so I passed the adult trial so soon, just like your aunt when you were young, haha!"

The louder roaring sounds through the square, a ray of yellowish glare, tearing away from the foot of the giant mountain, enveloping some kind of enchantment of the giant mountain, seems to be cracked by a hard crack.

One of the majestic giants, the big man, is naked and half-length. He only has a large animal skin around the crotch, and his muscles are tangled. The blue veins are like a child's arms, and the body is shining like jade, not golden yellow.

Ferran’s eyes narrowed, and the figure of the old dragon clock trembled quietly, whispering: “Virtual God!”

Although Shiyan’s people had expected it, they were still shocked and looked awkward.

The seven-level life star is rich in energy, and it breeds countless wonderful medicines. If there are souls and martial arts, the realm will never be low.

The appearance of this adult giant Dahan confirmed the previous speculations of the people. Sure enough, the creatures here are indeed very powerful.

The second giant who saw the tribe was a virtual god.

The giant man, who was called aunt by Xiaoban, poked his head from the foot of the mountain, smiled with a face, and touched the head of Xiao Man.

Kindness said: "We are very young, and we are adults."

He has a slight tone of voice, quite a feeling of gratification, but also a bit disappointing. Once he is young, he has to shoulder some kind of responsibility, and he can't live without trouble as usual.

"Uncle, I brought a friend back." Xiao Man was very excited and pointed to his feet. "A small little beast."

The big man of the giant family, listening to him saying this, seems to reflect, looking down at the bottom, a pair of eyes like the size of an adult fist, the glory of the gods, as if the gems of Wei Wei, his face gradually sinks, nodded, but Did not say much, let Xiaoman enter first.

Xiao Man came to the foot of the mountain and stretched his head and looked at Shi Yan and his party.

The big man of the giant family, hesitated a bit, hesitated for a long time, only waved his hand and said: "Come in."

Shi Yan everyone looked shocked, but his face was quite cautious and uneasy, and he entered the giant mountain.

The big man of the Giants looked at everyone, frowned and froze, and sighed, saying: "I don't know where you are from, but my giants will not do things that refuse to go outside. You are here, hoping that it will not bring disaster to our family."

Shi Yan and others are amazed.

The Giants did not explain, and Xiao Man nodded. He said: "You aunt went out, it will take a while to come back. You can't immediately know that you have completed the adult trial. You take your friends and walk around. "

"Good." Xiaoman smiled, and Chong Shiyan and others waved, "Come, go to my house."

Shiyan people did not say a word, be careful to pay attention to the side, silently followed the small man.

At the foot of the mountain, there is no majestic stone house. The big man of the giant family seems to be only responsible for the enchantment at the foot of the mountain, and does not follow them.

A hundred meters wide mountain road stretches out to the mountain. Xiao Man is the first to take the lead on the mountain road. He said: "My family is above, you follow me, don't get messed up."

Next to the mountain road, there are many stone pillars. The stone pillars are all 100 meters in length, some are round, some are prismatic and even square.

The stone pillars are of different materials, some are like iron, some are like jade, but without exception, each stone pillar is engraved with many simple and rough symbols. The symbols are simple and clear, like pictographs, and some are like The wavy ocean, some sharp and sharp, it is easy to guess the meaning.

A stone pillar, all erected on the mountain road, there is an inexplicable energy fluctuation in the column, which is not particularly obvious. Only by deep peek into the gods can we investigate one or two.

"Don't arbitrarily explore." Shi Yan snorted and warned everyone: "It is not fast to attract others, we can't get any benefit."

The desire to let go of the gods to explore the mysterious Jess, Cato and his party, give him such a drink, are all stunned, nodded, said clear.

Xiao Man was in front, everyone was behind, all the way to the mountainside in front of the mountain road.

Along the way, the stone pillars are very dense. There will be new stone pillars every ten meters. After a while, there are majestic stone houses in the distance. Many giants live in the stone houses. It seems that the outsiders came to the mountains and they have probed the brain. Looking over, showing a curious look.

Most of them are teenagers of the Giants. It seems that they have not yet passed the adult ceremony. They are very immature. They have never seen outsiders. Everyone feels fresh and their eyes are full of curiosity.

I don’t know how long it took. In the footsteps of Xiao Man’s rumble, everyone came to a winding road. Xiao Man continued to lead the way and entered the winding road. After another round of rushing, he came to an extremely magnificent stone house. Dozens of stone houses are built on the mountainside, such as the mountains that are separated from the mountains.

One of the stone houses is the most magnificent, and the surrounding areas must be tall and tall, and Xiao Man, with everyone going to that piece.

In other stone houses, the giants of the giants gradually appeared, and they all looked down at the people in Shiyan with surprise. Some of them frowned and worried, while others were indifferent, and more, they were strange.

Xiaoban knows the unknown. He doesn't seem to know what he did wrong. He excitedly came to the most magnificent stone house and said, "My home is here."

A pale giant giant, slowly coming from afar, wherever he passed, all the adults of the giants showed sincere respect and greeted: "Old age."

The old man of this giant family is quite thin, like a dead wood that is about to die. There is no light flowing through his body, and his muscles are shrinking, giving people a feeling of being late and the big tree will enter the reincarnation.

"Grandpa Grandpa." Xiaoman saw the old man coming over and grinned. "I finished the trial." He swayed the collar on his neck and said, "I am faster than Auntie?"

"Good boy." The giants of the giants licked his messy hair like a bird's nest. He said, "You are better than your aunt, and will surpass your aunt in the future."

Xiao Man made a heavy fist and said with a firm statement: "I can help my aunt in the future!"

"Well, you are a real warrior." The giants sighed and nodded, saying: "Become a real warrior, you can't be carefree, you can't stay in the mountains forever, hehe."

"I want to protect my brother in the family!" Xiao Man said in a serious way.

The old man of the Giants sighed again, a little bit helpless, and immediately said to Xiao Man: "Your grandmother is in the back hill, you go to your aunt Dao, let me talk to your friend."

"Well, I will go here." Xiao Man was very obedient, and immediately looked at Shi Yan and said seriously: "You wait for me, I will take you to play for a while, we are all good people here, will not hurt you." ”

Shi Yan smiled. "I know that you are all good people."

Xiaoman smiled and left.

As soon as he left, a soldier of a famous giant family gathered around and stood around the stone rockers, as if they were towering giant trees, and they covered the light.

Everyone was pressured and felt uncomfortable.

Even Ferran, suddenly suddenly became very silent here, frowning and looking up at the huge magical race, waiting for something.

"Where are you from? How come here?" The old man of the Giants finally asked questions, his voice was not loud, but still low and powerful.

"From the flames of the stars, from the void channel into this place." Ferran answered.

"I haven't heard of this star field." The old man of the giants showed a strange color. "Where are the empty passages that you come over? Is it in the forest?"

Fei Lan shook his head. "After we walked through the void passage, it was a forest, but the Tangkong passage that came over could not be found."

The Giants frown, "How much do you know about us?"

"Nothing to know." Ferran continued to answer.

"What purpose do you have?" he asked again.

"I am looking for someone." Fei Lan indulged and pointed to the crowd. "They want to find a better place to cultivate."

"Elder, you, here, besides your family, can you have other creatures?" Shi Yan suddenly interrupted.

"What are the other creatures you refer to?" The Giants did not answer the questions.

"For example, the Protoss, the Mozu, the Yaozu, the Mingzu, the corpse.

The old man's face sank.

Halfway up to Shiyan's words, the interest stopped and he looked at him carefully.

"What is the race in your star field?" The old man took a deep breath. Gas, sharp eyes, asked frowning.

Shi Yan looks at Ferran.

Ferran immediately explained: "The race he said, most of our stars, but not your family."

"My homeland, there are people of your giant family, I have seen it before.

- With a corpse. "Stone rock whispered."

The body of the giants and the old man was shocked. They didn’t look at Ferran again. Their eyes were all collected on Shiyan’s body. “What is your hometown?”

"God is the mainland."

... (to be continued)

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