God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Taikoo demon fire

In the age of Taikoo, there were all kinds of powerful Taikoo life, conscious of nature, long life, large size, and powerful power, which is the top of the food chain.

That era was the beginning of the grace of the mainland, and the energy of the mainland and the earth was extremely full, far exceeding the so-called seven-level life star. The Taikoo creatures of that period were also extremely powerful. According to the legend, it seems that they are higher than the Shizu of the latter era.

The ancient times have been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years. The existence of the Taikoo creatures consumed many heaven and earth energy in the mainland. In the end, many Taikoo creatures were far away from the outside world and sought a way out.

One of the dead ancient creatures had a child in the belly. After it died, its life in the abdomen lost its nutrients that became paleontological. Only the soul survived, and the part of the ancient creature’s demon gas was taken into a new life of flame shape. form.

Lack of the nutrients that become paleontology, the source of the source in the formation, become the skyfire, not that is the ancient life, because it was extremely eager for some evolutionary nutrients, so that it has the special ability to absorb the vitality of the monster, it can Grow yourself by absorbing the life of a powerful monster.

It is for the Taikoo demon fire, Tianhuo ranked fourth.

The legend about this kind of skyfire swiftly passed through Shiyan’s mind. He quickly calmed down and smiled lightly. “You and it are in the same beginning, can you know its order? How can it get the recognition of the beginning, you and Who is the inheritor?"

"I got the inheritance, but this is the beginning, and it seems to have a mysterious and refractory connection. I don't know why it can control this beginning, and it will exclude me." Ouyang Luoshuang looked cold and indifferent.

She clearly needs Shiyan to help her deal with the Taikoo demon fire, but there is no hint of words between the words and the demeanor. It is still indifferent and natural. It seems that Shiyan should help her in general.

Of course, Shiyan is never accounting.

He followed all the way, not to see Ouyang Luoshuang, but to come for the skyfire.

He needs a fire.

Known all kinds of skyfire, he is still three kinds, Taikoo demon fire, purgatory fire and chaotic flame, as long as the last three days of fire gathered successfully, he can formally ask the source of the gods, in accordance with the ring, make the soul change.

He believes that the spirit of the ring will never harm his integration of the skyfire will inevitably bring him great benefits. He firmly believes this, and he has never been in a hurry to break through, just to be able to gather the skyfire first.

"It is coming over." Na Xin's soul altar swayed, and the colorful light, such as the radiant rainbow, swayed from the altar, layer by layer, covering the square.

In the soul sacrificial altar of Naxin, there are five great meanings in the Olympiad area. The five kinds of ambiguous coexistence of the golden woods and the fires are not the same as the many warriors on the flames. They are only a kind of master. They are five kinds of ignorance and cultivation. Like the Protoss people who have seen it.

Jin Mushui, the fire and the earth, the five elements of the ambiguous volatility of each other reinforced, and Na Xin thoughts that the sea, the Oyi area, and the virtual soul are all in the virtual world. The virtual world exists independently in this foreign domain, such as a colorful cloud, Huaguang overflows.

The layered Huaguang is covered from the colorful clouds and shrouded towards the green soul.

In the green soul of the sea, the green faint flames stretched out, the green sea water was boiling and uneasy, and a huge group of shadows in the middle, such as the Qianlong Dragon, suddenly appeared on the green soul sea.

Such as a giant mountain in the form of a giant mountain, there is a giant horn, floating in the green sea, Zhang mouth screaming into the sky, the mucus in the mouth is a green scent.

Its dark green body has a layer of scales, as if it is a small shield. This fierce object has a tail, such as a giant python, a few tens of meters long, constantly slaps the green soul sea, and the tail is faintly visible. Zhang ghostly soul-like face.

As soon as the fierce objects appeared, a fierce and fierce atmosphere suddenly rose into the sky and merged into the gaps of the sky.

A chilly corpse of the Dark Spirit tribe was shaken from the sky, and it was swallowed by the whale as a water, and it was chewed continuously.

"Condensing the entity!" Na Xin people in the five elements of the virtual world, suddenly lightly drink: "Don't let it condense successfully!"

Shi Ruo’s face was shocked.

He has already discovered that although this fierce object is so sultry, it looks like a living, as if it is real, but it is just an illusory form, and there is no flesh and blood.

However, when it roared in the sky, from inhaling the icy body of the Dark Spirit, the illusory form of the body gradually became rich, and there was a strong **** and fierce breath, which made his soul uneasily uneasy.

It is extremely difficult for the fierce object to condense the entity from the virtual tire. Its bull-like giant horn flashes with evil green light, and the scales tremble, the painful sighs, and the real sound waves rush into the sky. Let this exotic green soul sea boil.

When it condenses the entity, the vast green sea of ​​souls seems to be gradually sinking and becoming shallower.

The thick green sap, if extracted quickly, merges into its gradually condensing entity, which seems to consume all the green souls as it actually forms.

"It was born from the deadborn of Taikoo, and now it has to break the rules of the heavens and the earth and die again!" Na Xin eclipsed and said: "Our forcible entry, especially your tearing void, seems to have given it Some hope for success, be careful!"

Shiyan has not answered yet, Ouyang Luoshuang has made a decisive shot.


There was a crisp sound in the ice peak of the kilometer, and the figure of white clothes like snow, like a dream, the wonderful luster, a glorious and ice peak to achieve a wonderful connection.

The luster is filled in the ice peak, and suddenly, the ice peaks in the middle of the river, as if the boring and mysterious spider webs are formed, the sleek look seems extremely tough, and the ice peaks are linked together. Gradually, that cold force Such as a series of crystal dragons, shot from the ice peak.


A strip of crystal ice dragon, like a real, extremely cold and bones, stimulating the body that gradually condenses the object.

The body of the fierce object, the ice cubes are sputtered, and the innermost ice cubes contain amazing cold power inside. When they fall into the green sea, they must at least freeze the area of ​​dozens of acres.

Ouyang Luo cream is standing inside the ice crystal enamel, his eyes are cold and cold, his attitude is dignified, and the cold scorpion is constantly flashing.

A trace of extreme cold, contains the moon and the innocent, the artistic conception is far-reaching and mysterious, it seems to be able to infiltrate the power of the extreme cold in a better way, quietly sinking into the soul of the fierce soul, the mystery is very.

Today, she seems to have insight into the power of a certain kind of power, the magic of the law, and the gestures of the hands and feet, then the meaning of the righteousness.

The life form of the fierce object is a green faint flame, and the outer layer has a circle of gold. It is the form before the real fire of purgatory. The skyfire is the essence of the life form of the fierce object. It is imprinted with a certain nature of the fierce object, and it is inherently evil. Sexually prey on all kinds of monsters.

The ancient demon fire, the absorption of the beastly vitality plus the strange power, this demon fire seems to have obsessive, because it is a stillbirth, failed to complete the transformation of Taikoo, and there is always regret in its nature.

It has always absorbed the vitality of the monster, it seems to be the ultimate transformation, the instinct for its original form and entity.

Taikoo Shengling is a powerful creature that existed in the ancient times. It cannot be classified into a race. They are often extremely large, like mountains and seas. They are born with consciousness, as if they were born in accordance with the rules of heaven and earth. When they are born, there will be infinite wonders.

Once the Taikoo demon was completed and transformed, the entity was condensed and no one knew what would happen.

At least, in this era, no strong person understands the mystery and magic of Taikoo's life.

Na Xin does not want to see it complete the transformation, Ouyang Luoshuang is not like seeing, stone rock, naturally the same.


He extended his left hand, the index finger and the **** together, and a void.

A crystal space crack, which appears with the extension of the finger, in which the streamer spurts, such as a stream of stars.

A flame slammed into the air, bringing the heat of the sky, covering the void.

"Eight order!" Suzaku said in a fire. "It also fits into the real fire of purgatory, and it echoes the faintness of this world. It is extremely difficult to deal with. Here, it is like its territory..."

Shiyan’s eyelids hurt, “eight orders!?”

"Eight order! Extremely powerful guy!" Suzaku is very sure of the fire. "It seems to be doing some kind of wonderful transformation. The life form is changing rapidly, and it is incredible. This change does not seem to go to the ultimate in skyfire. This is ...this is a condensed spirit!"

"Condensed spirit?" Shiyan was foggy.

"I am a soul for Suzaku, Suzaku is one of the four holy beasts, and the four saints are also derived from the blood of the Taikoo creatures. When the Taikoo was born, the first step from the mother's birth, the first step What you do is to condense the spirit!" Suzaku really fired quickly.

call out!

Another flame appeared.

It is a nine-soul soul flame.

"Don't give it a condensed success!" In the void, Na Xin sipped, "Kid, use your flame to deal with him."

Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes are cold, and the whole body is cold and overflowing. It floats slowly together with the ice peaks. After reaching 10,000 meters, it crashes down. The sharpness of the ice peaks, the ice-cold dragons are vivid, and the white crystals of the cold are spewed out together. Spears, rushing to the bottom of the ancient demon fire.

Na Xin bodyized a colorful cloud, the virtual star changed a bit, such as a colorful ocean, when the empty cover came, violently wrapped in the Taikoo demon fire.


In the green soul of the sea, countless seawaters have risen and emerged as if they were a water dragon, and they are going upwards.

The entity of the ancient smoldering fire, the slick spurt of a sinister fire, such as electric light, flashed away, and instantly entangled the nine secluded soul flame, quickly dragging towards the center of its life.

The nine secluded soul flames are struggling fiercely, no matter how hard it works, they can't break free. They are anxiously sent to Shiyan for help.

The same is Skyfire, although it is still ranked higher, but because of the lower order of several layers, it seems that instead of the opponent of the ancient demon fire, it was suddenly bound by power.

Shi Yan looked at her face and no longer thought about it.

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