God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 891: origin

Several kinds of skyfires are under the mystery of some unknown law, and they are pulled into the mysterious and unclear land together with the ancient demon fire. No one can enter, and no one can detect the mystery. Chinese website

The stone rock that has a soul connection with Tianhuo can only rely on the soul of the skyfire to volatility, and faintly aware of one of the anomalies, but the naked eye can not see, only the gods can capture a little...

The land of the unknown, the strength of all kinds of heaven and earth is very strange, and the traces of circulation are obvious. It seems that it is serious and meticulous in it, and it is easy to know the true meaning of a kind of righteousness, and it is extremely thorough to the understanding of the Olympics.

There, all kinds of powers are expressed in an unknowable and wonderful way. If there is a soul falling in, and following the way of evolution, we will be able to understand the truth of the righteousness. The most profound realization of the realization.

The most suitable place for practicing the military...

His eyes are bright, his heart can't help but look forward to it, and he can't help but appreciate the vision of the spirit.

"It’s hard to get involved in the mutual devour of the skyfire, you can’t participate.” Na Xin glanced at him and said sincerely: "But... It is said that you can overdraw the soul of life and help the skyfire to strengthen the power. If it is true, you don't want it. Retain, I am um... you must also get great benefits from it."

"Why do you seem to be extremely familiar with the skyfire?" Shiyanyan was puzzled. "You never returned to the ancestral land. According to the legend, only the ancient continent with its origins is born with such strange life." How can you be so clear?"

Na Xin was silent for a moment, his face was a bit complicated and difficult to understand. After a long period of indifference, he said quietly: "I have been infinitely close to a kind of skyfire..." Shi Yan squinted at the big eyes.

That Ouyang Luoshuang also came to the spirit.

In her exchanges from Shiyan and Naxin, she was extremely curious after she learned that Na Xin was not a strong native of the mainland. Na Xin said that she had been infinitely close to a kind of skyfire and really made her serious.

"Yes, the ancient continent with its origin can give birth to the skyfire." Na Xin looked at Shiyan and explained it earnestly: "Not only the ancestral land is the ancient continent with its origin, but also in our star field. The star has its origin. When I was young, I used to travel. It was very dangerous and terrible. It was totally different from the ancestral land. I found a wonderful flame with life consciousness. I wanted to capture it. It was hit hard, and the soul altars almost burst, oh..."

Na Xin shook his head with a sigh of helplessness. "At that time, I was too young, I knew nothing about Tianhuo, and I acted recklessly. So I knew about Tianhuo and today, maybe the result is not necessarily."

“Why?” Shiyan was amazed.

"I want to force the fusion, but underestimate the life level of the flame, and it is calculated by it. First.. "Naxin smile" was sneaked by one person when I was against the soul of Tianhuo, and Tianhuo was easily captured. And I... almost fell."

Na Xin didn't want to continue to say more. When he got here, he took the initiative to avoid it. "You are lucky, the amount of fire that has been harvested... I can't believe it."

Shi Yan smiled lightly. "It really works."

Ten kinds of skyfires existed on the mainland, and now there are seven kinds of souls that live with him in his altar. It is a source of strength for him.

The skyfire that ordinary people can hardly reach for life, he does not have one kind, is this not the luck?

"I hope you can succeed."

Na Xin nodded and said: "You and Tianhuo are not in a fusion form. If your fire is defeated, you will not be dispelled by the soul. But it is inevitable that it will be inevitable. Be careful."

"I will." Shi Yan immediately stopped talking, sitting quietly beside Na Xin and Ouyang Luoshuang, closing his eyes and using his knowledge to make a shuttle.

He is a bit confused. ... The heart fire did not return.

At this extremely critical moment, if the heart of the fire is greeted by his soul, should he respond actively?

But he did not notice the breath of the heart.

Will there be any accidents?

The thought changed a bit, and his fingertips were filled with red blood like a jewel, suddenly splashing and bursting, and a **** blood was turned into a blood bundle, and it shot at the gap in front of the void.

Searching for the heart of the fire with undead blood, it takes a drop of undead blood, and with the subtle connection of the soul, it is only a moment, in Shiyan’s knowledge of the sea, a burst of light is suddenly heard.

Shi Yan's face is cold, and his heart is a glimpse. The whole body changes and forms the realm of space god.

The exquisiteness of all kinds of space and mystery quickly passed through his knowledge of the sea. In a short time, his mind showed a hint of enlightenment and quietly pointed his finger to a point.

At the fingertips, the spatial fluctuations suddenly and fiercely, and on the space barrier covered by his god's field, slowly reflected a blurry to clear picture.

Space reflection, a subtle use of space.

The picture gradually became bright and clear, and the fluctuations were obvious. A red flame of the group was in the picture.

Not long after, the picture stopped the fierce vibration, showing a hot flame magma, that a heart fire through the magma, galloping all the way to the center of the earth, as if there is some wonderful discovery. The center of the earth is not thick and has no gaps.

On the contrary, in the reflection of the space of the stone rock god, there are many fine cracks deep in the center of the earth, passing through the magma layer. When you go deeper, you can see a lot of huge crystal blocks, but only those that are not needed. Energy flow in Zhejiang.

The thick ingots seem to fill every corner of the earth's heart, and the heart fires like a shuttle in the glacier, and it is getting harder.

Finally, it passes through the massive ingots and slams into a floating flame vortex. The flame vortex has very warm and peaceful energy fluctuations inside, and the smoky milky white splashes like a dream. Scattered, showing countless magnificent and mysterious scenery.

Within the flame vortex, light, shadow, smog, and smoke are lines, which seems to depict a shrinking world.

Looking at it carefully, Shiyan’s eyes were stunned.

That narrows the world, and Iran is the continent of God!

The ocean and land sections, such as the land of the clouds, the endless sea, and the land of China, have been reduced by a million times, shrunk into the size of the ball, and swirled in the flame vortex.

The flame vortex bound the shrinking and pocket-sized world, constantly extracting some of the power, making the world more and more blurred, with a milky white sparkle splashing into the flame vortex.

Na Xin and Ouyang Luoshuang were also fascinated, staring at the reflection of the space that he reflected, his demeanor, and thinking seriously.

"Chaos Holy Fire!"

Daddy, the glimpse of the heart of the fire, released from the depths of the distant earth, directly blasted in his mind.

After a shock, Shi Yan looked horrified and could not help but scream: "Chaos Holy Fire! It is a chaotic sacred tip!"

"It is also a fire?" Na Xin confused and asked.

Shi Yan looked solemn, point to the flame vortex of the reflection of the space, Shen Sheng: "It is the chaotic flame, the gods on the mainland, the first rank of Skyfire"

"Where is this?" Na Xin stunned and hurriedly asked.

"The land of the gods of the mainland, the deepest underground!" Shi Yan drink low.

Na Xin was shocked and looked at the pocket world of the flame vortex in the face of the flame whirlpool. "The source! It is the origin of the ancient continent! The fire of that day is the power of the source! No wonder the speed of the disappearance of the energy of this continent." It will be so fast!"

Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang suddenly sluggish.

"I have never seen this source, but I have heard it. The source is the center of the ancient continent, such as the reduced form of the continent, very mysterious, the origin of the mysterious mysterious, has many functions, but the most critical point, there is the existence of the ancient The mainland can spontaneously gather extra-territorial energy. The source contains the underground center of the ancient continent. After hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, it can bring the ancient continents to the amazing world. The origin of the ancestral land is small and small, but now It’s no wonder that energy is so exhausted by the power of the chaos.

Na Xin's face is dignified.

“How is the source formed? Will it be consumed gradually?” Shi Yan is also shocked.

"No one knows how the source is formed. It does consume energy in the process of gathering the energy of the heavens and the earth. God has been in the mainland for so long, the energy of the heavens and the earth was once extremely rich, and the source naturally consumed a lot. The power is absolutely extremely difficult to deal with!" Na Xin took a deep breath and said sincerely: "You are in trouble."

"I have trouble?" Shi Yan stunned.

The next moment, he knew what Na Xin meant.

The heart of the fire rushed into the flame vortex, only to have a message, was wrapped in the flame vortex, was pulled into the vortex.

Immediately, this chaotic sacred fire and the earth's heart fire together, under the influence of some kind of heaven and earth rules, rushed into the unknowable land.

That can only be a region where God perceives one or two. At this moment, it finally gathers all the skyfires on the mainland of God!

The source of the flame vortex is lost, such as the fist-sized sphere, which is still swaying in the drip, and is suspended in the thick crystal block, which is reflected by the space projection of the stone rock.

"Where did the skyfire go from, where did it reach the source?" Ouyang Luoshuang suddenly asked.

Shi Yan stunned.

Na Xin was slightly frowning.

"You don't want to get the source? The energy of God's grace is going to be exhausted. Such a small source exists, and its role is not great. It is better to give us the wonderful things." Ouyang Luoshuang seriously looked at Shiyan. "According to my inheritance, if you have the source of the source when you enter the source god, the source of the gods will be extremely mysterious and can also be transformed..." can be called divine power! ”

"The little girl's ambition is not small." Na Xin snorted.

"You are in a virtual state, the source can be tempered by you, but you can't integrate into the soul. You are a giant. You shouldn't be able to do this." Ouyang Luoshuang whispered, cold scorpion Inside, an amazing beam of light flashes.

For the source, she seems to have a strong impulse to get.

"If the source is integrated with the scattered firepower of the source, one day, perhaps it will enable the gods to regain their vitality." Na Xin looked at Shiyan.

"This way." Shi Yan nodded and said to Ouyang Luo Frost: "Sorry, it seems to fall on my hand, maybe the future can be completed in this continent, falling on your hand, can only fulfill you, and in this case, I will You are welcome."

As soon as the words fell, Shiyan tore the void and sprinkled it away.


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