God Of Soul System

Chapter 31 One-shot, cremation!

in the field.

Roja held swords in both hands, facing Drake's storm-like offensive, and after simply waving his sword to resist, he slashed down with a fierce sword, and there was a silvery white light on the sword's edge.

The sword pressure is guided and released, and the long-range attack is the sword qi. If it condenses and does not emit, it gathers on the sword edge, which is the sword light.

Ding! ! !

Derek didn't care too much. In the face of Roja's move, he directly placed the sword in his left hand and the four-edged axe in his right hand in front of him, collided with Roja's sword, and let out a loud cry.

In the sparks, a slight crack appeared on Drake's sword and four-edged axe, but the crack was not big, and it was far from completely destroying the sword and four-edged axe.

Looking at the tiny gap cut by Roja's sword on his sword and four-edged axe, a strange color flashed in Drake's eyes, but he shook his head again and said.

"It's really good swordsmanship, but... it's a pity."

"Although your strength and speed have increased tremendously in the past two months, but... the gap between me and you is too big, and the two months is too short, although you have narrowed the gap a lot. , but not enough to reverse.”

As he spoke, Drake swung his two-handed weapon forward.

Whoosh! !

Roja retracted his sword and stepped back, standing a few steps away.

Looking at Drake, in Roja's tone, there was suddenly a hint of incomprehensible charm, and said: "Two months...is it really short?"

Drake raised his brows slightly. He didn't know what Roja meant. In his opinion, if Roja could maintain this terrifying growth rate, he might really surpass him in another two months.

Looking at the unknown Drake, Roja suddenly chuckled, and the corner of his mouth raised a sinister arc, saying:

"Do you know... why would I be the first in the actual combat assessment?"

This sentence finally made Drake frown.

The actual combat assessment was a month ago. If the current Roja may surpass him in the actual combat assessment and achieve the first place in the entire battalion, then Roja a month ago could not do it at all!

Even, taking 10,000 steps back, even if Roja had his current strength a month ago, he could really achieve this level, but... What happened to Tina's second-place finish in the entire battalion? !

That's exactly what Drake has been puzzled about.


Looking at the frowning Drake, Roja suddenly showed a slightly enchanting smile on his face. He didn't speak, but placed the Yanyue Sword gently in front of him.

"because this!"

At the moment when the light words fell, a flame suddenly appeared in Roja's eyes. This flame seemed to originate from the soul, as if it contained a power that was enough to destroy the world. Roja held Yanyue lightly with both hands, Drake, who was in front of him, suddenly swung his sword down.

One-shot, cremation!

boom! !

I saw a red flame suddenly emerged from the sword body, surrounded the sword body, and then fell with Roja's sword, and crashed towards Drake.

The crimson flame seemed to condense directly into a huge flame sword of several meters. In an instant, the surrounding air felt a sense of anxiety, and before it fell, the hot breath had already swept in all directions.


Derek was still a little surprised a moment ago, but his expression changed abruptly the next moment. Looking at the swept flames, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

flame? !

Could it be flames?

Could it be that... the forest fire in the actual combat assessment was...

When Derek, who was horrified, reacted, the flames had come to him. Although he subconsciously wanted to retreat, it was too late.

The flame swept the entire front, and spread out to a range of ten meters in an instant, forming a fire curtain that swept in. Facing this flame that had already fallen, Drake could only wave his weapon vigorously, trying to hit Scattered flames.

Boom! !

The crimson flames swept through like a landslide, directly wrapping Drake in it, swallowing it directly, and at the same time setting off a heat wave, rippling in all directions.

When this flame appeared, almost all the recruits outside the field could not believe their eyes, and their faces showed a look of horror.

The sword... actually swung out flames? !

Even outside the arena, a heat wave could be felt, making the surrounding air suddenly filled with anxiety, and the recruits standing at the front involuntarily backed away.

Looking at this fiery flame, some of the terrified recruits suddenly thought of something, and their faces suddenly showed an almost unbelievable look, their eyes widened again, and they stared at the flames in the field.

"No! No! This flame... that forest fire..."

A recruit remembered, and immediately there was a second, a third...

All the recruits in the same team as Roja, almost at the same time, remembered the forest fire that almost affected the actual combat assessment of their entire fifth team a month ago!

At that time, I felt that the forest fire appeared extremely suddenly, and it expanded to an uncontrollable and huge range almost instantly, which was a bit confusing.

And now it seems that the forest fire was actually caused by Roja's power? !

No wonder!

No wonder Roja's performance was the first in the battalion. It wasn't because of internal tampering with the results, or because of luck, he hunted and killed many beasts in a row, but because of the forest fire that nearly swept through the small half of the island, he killed him. Countless beasts!

The expressions on the faces of these recruits who want to understand are already dull, and they only feel that their minds are roaring like thunder, and their minds are blank.

Recruits from other teams reacted slightly slower than those from Team 5, but looking at the flames soaring into the sky, they quickly thought of the 'accident' that occurred during Team 5's actual combat assessment.

The audience was shocked!

All of this was said too soon, and it was almost what happened in a few breaths. At this time, the rippling flames in the field had gradually extinguished, or they were completely burning around a core.

That core is naturally where Drake is.


Under the raging fire, a sudden roar came, and a wave of air suddenly erupted from the center of the flame, pushing all the flames around.

At the same time, a figure jumped out of the flames and landed on the ground in the distance.

This figure is Drake.

At this time, Drake was already extremely embarrassed, with many burn marks on his body, scorch marks and sparks all over his clothes, and even a few faint flames continued to burn.

"Now, do you still think two months is too short?"

Roja stood with the sword, the flames on the sword body were surrounded, and it was burning like a god who controlled the flame!

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