God Of Soul System

Chapter 35 Elite Camp

After Roja came off.

The battalion-wide battle assessment on the field is still going on, and new recruits are constantly challenging, and even many battles have broken out among the top ten recruits.

Tina failed to keep the second place, was pushed to the twelfth place, and then stabilized at this position. After all, her strength is not weak. In the fifth team, except for Roja and Drake, the She is the strongest.


As the number of challengers became less and less, until there were no more challengers, this battalion-wide battle assessment finally ended.

In fact, it was beyond the instructors' expectations that it would end so quickly. They thought it would take at least two or even three days to end.

This whole battalion battle assessment is basically a stop-and-go. Except for Roja’s crescent moon, which was too powerful, it defeated Drake in an instant and caused him to suffer a little injury. There were basically no casualties.

Seeing that no recruits continued to challenge, Zefa nodded and announced the end of the battalion's battle assessment. At the same time, according to the ranking and performance, a total of fifteen people's names were named from top to bottom.

These fifteen people are the candidates to be promoted to the elite camp this time.

Roja is naturally the first among these fifteen people, followed by Drake and others, and Tina is also one of the fifteen.

"The above are the candidates for promotion to the elite camp. If you click on the name, follow me."

After Zefa finished reading the selected list, he spoke in a deep voice to the recruits off the field, and after Roja and others came out, he took Roja and others out of the square directly.

The training ground of the elite camp is completely separate from the ordinary camp.

Once you join the elite battalion, compared with the ordinary battalion recruits, it is completely two worlds. The instructor of the elite battalion is Zefa, and the targeted guidance of Zefa is far from the training of those rear admirals.

The recruits in the rear watched Roja and the others leave with great envy, and then dispersed under the command of the major generals and instructors.


Zefa took Roja and the others, and after walking through the square, they walked directly into the huge fortress of the Navy Headquarters.

This huge naval fortress has the office of the Admiral Sengoku on the top floor, the high-level meeting room of the naval headquarters, and then the offices of the admirals and vice admirals.

All the way down, there are agencies such as the Intelligence Department.

Up to the second floor of this huge fortress, this floor is where the elite battalion recruits carry out various targeted practices. At the same time, Zefa's office is also here.

It is not the first time that Roja has stepped into this huge fortress.

After all, he is Garp's nephew, and he has been to this naval fort several times, even to the office of Admiral Sengoku.

I have also seen the Sengoku Sengoku, who once galloped the sea in the era of the great pirates, and now he is above the admiral of the navy and the highest authority in the navy.

speak up.

Perhaps because Roja's soul is far stronger than ordinary people, and his will and mind are much stronger than those in this world, Roja did not feel any sense of oppression in front of the Warring States.

At first, Roja could still feel a sense of oppression in the face of Karp, but later, this sense of oppression seemed to be gradually offset by his power derived from the soul, the majesty and momentum of anyone, in the It seemed completely useless in front of him.

I just don't know whether he can be immune to the power of overlord's arrogance.

Zefa took Roja and his party all the way to the second floor of the naval headquarters fortress unimpeded. All the admirals and colonels encountered along the way, after seeing Zefa, respectfully saluted Zefa.

After passing through several corridors, the group came to a wide hall. There were many recruits from the elite battalion in this hall, who were carrying out their own practice, and some were even fighting with each other and conducting battle training. recruits.

After Zefa came to the hall, the recruits from the elite battalion all looked over and gave a respectful salute to Zefa.

"Now there are more familiar characters."

Roja glanced at the field roughly, and a look of interest flashed in his eyes.

He saw a lot of familiar figures in his memory, such as Smog, Ain, and others. Although there were no impressions of others, he felt a little familiar, and most of them were characters from the original work.

While Roja and others were observing the 'veterans' of the elite battalion, the veterans of the elite battalion were also observing Roja and others.

"Well, is the newcomer finally here?"

"Mr. Zefa brought it here. It should be correct, but it doesn't look very good."

Someone looked at Roja and the others with a light smile.

The other person next to him also smiled and retorted: "No, don't underestimate them, I've heard of them, others are nothing, but this year there is a very strong recruit named Drake, you may not win. I don't know which of them it is."

"Che, are you kidding me? I can't win a newcomer? It's almost the same if you let them go together!" The veteran of the elite battalion laughed and shook his head in disbelief.


"This is where you will stay in the future, and your place of residence will also be moved here later. In the future, you can call me Teacher Zefa, and you don't have to call the instructor again."

Zefa nodded at the veterans of the elite battalion to indicate that they continue to practice, then turned to look at Roja and others, and spoke to Roja and others.

"The elite battalion is different from the ordinary battalion. All of you who come here are the elites of the navy. Although you are still recruits in name, you are actually a graduate of the official navy!"

"What you will face next is not only my special training, but also a real combat mission. It is not a training or assessment, but... a real battle with the pirates!"

These words were very solemn, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly became serious.

It's been a long time.

Zefa finally spoke again, his tone softened a bit, and he began to briefly introduce the differences between the elite camp and the ordinary camp to Roja and others, focusing on the graduation rules of the elite camp.

The graduation rules of the elite camp are completely different from those of the ordinary camp. They are not divided according to the class. After graduation, a new class will be replaced. It is a free application.

Apply for graduation, participate in the graduation assessment, and graduate after passing.

Generally speaking.

If you want to pass the graduation assessment of the elite battalion, as long as you have the strength of a colonel of the Navy headquarters, it is almost no problem, and the rank after graduation will be ranked according to the results of the graduation assessment.

As long as they can pass the graduation assessment, they can get the rank of major even if they perform poorly. If they perform well, they can be directly awarded the rank of captain of the navy.

"When you apply for graduation, you are completely free. It all depends on your own ideas, but ... no more than three years at the latest!"

"If you haven't applied for graduation in three years, or you haven't passed the graduation assessment, then you will be forced to graduate, and you will not be awarded a military rank, and you will directly become the lowest-ranking sea soldier. This is also a disguised punishment."

When Zefa said this, he paused for a while, and then said lightly:

"However, since I established the elite camp, so far, there has never been anyone who has stayed here for three years and failed to pass the graduation examination. I hope that in the future, they will not appear among you."

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