The so-called ‘big ship group’ actually refers to an organization that is produced by the conventions among the pirates!

But any pirate who drinks the ‘Wine of the Righteous Son’ for someone will join the other party’s command to serve the other party, but not fully join the other party’s team!

Such a situation generally happens to some pirate groups that already have a lot of climate!

Once there are many pirates who are willing to serve him because of someone’s kindness, then they will form this so-called big ship group, and the person they are willing to swear allegiance to is the ‘leader’, and they are the ‘part’ of the big ship group!

They will continue their voyages as their own pirates, but if the Leader needs it, they will immediately come to help from anywhere!

The most famous practice in the New World is the ‘Whitebeard Pirates’ – in addition to the captain of the 16th team of Whitebeard’s main formation on the Mozambique, Whitebeard also has a full 43 New World Pirate Groups, and the total number of pirates under his command is as high as tens of thousands!

And now, the number of 16 captains of the ‘Hades Great Ship Group’ who swore allegiance to Ling Yun also had a huge number of more than a thousand!

That is to say, in the future, once Lingyun encounters any trouble and needs their help, then they will immediately rush from anywhere in this sea!

“It’s really…”

And looking at the 16 pirate group leaders who directly left after setting the name of the ‘Hades Great Ship Group’ without authorization, Ling Yun could only be speechless.

Even though he can destroy mountains and mountains, he can’t control people’s thoughts!

Obviously, these guys gathered here today and did not intend to get his approval.

The reason they are here is just to drink a glass of ‘Wine of the Righteous Son’!

“… Forget it – it’s not bad. ”

However, the entanglement was only short-lived after all—because Ling Yun also felt that such a situation was not bad.



The 16 captains who were driving their ships to leave suddenly found that Ling Yun’s voice sounded in their hearts.

And the next moment…


The huge pockets wrapped around the medicine bottles flew to their ships under the drive of the wind!

“Red medicine can save lives, gray medicine can strengthen combat effectiveness!”

Ling Yun looked at these guys who called themselves ‘subordinates’, and also gently raised the last glass of wine on the ground and drank it: “Don’t die too easily!” ”

And after hearing Ling Yun’s words, the 16 captains and the pirates under their command also laughed out loud!

“Of course – leader!”


Five days later…

A thick mist drifted over the dark sea, and the white moonlight was hidden behind the clouds and could not illuminate the sea.

This is the ‘foggy night sea’, a sea where few ships will actively set foot on!

But at this time… In this sea, however, there is a huge island ship sailing at a very fast speed.

“Really… Obviously while saying that he was going to miss it, he hid in the house again! ”

In the medicine field, Kerra, who was constantly popping up with trees around him, looked at Ling Yun’s room with a pout and dissatisfaction while familiarizing himself with his own power.

“Obviously I said that I would accompany others to practice swordsmanship today…”

And for the girl’s dissatisfaction, Ling Yun, who was nestling in his room, said that he didn’t know anything, and even Yahuazi wanted to laugh!

In fact, it took Ling Yun a lot of time to determine the route and accompany Kerra to figure out her ability in these five days, but fortunately, the surprise brought to him by the latter was also huge enough!

First of all, Ling Yun first determined that Kerra’s ability to control the grass and trees could indeed act on the herbs in the medicinal garden!

And you know, the output of Lingyun’s ancient healing potions and iron army potions is all linked to the number of herbs!

The faster the herb growth rate, the more it can increase his drug production, and it can also increase his point acquisition speed – the veins involved in this can really affect the whole body!

Therefore, under the effect of Kerra’s ability, the speed of herb maturation has accelerated by at least 5 times, and the stock of medicines that Ling Yun has gradually bottomed out due to the large consumption of the navy has also begun to rise again!

And these medicines Ling Yun did not plan to sell to the navy immediately, but stored it for later use – because as he deepened into the new world, he also had to think about how to deal with Kaido, an enemy who was obviously impossible to reconcile with him!

Although the answer to this question is inconclusive now, no matter what the time comes, it must be a good option to leave such a batch of potions as inventory!!

In addition to the impact on the medicine garden, the strength improvement brought by the wood fruit to Kerra was even beyond Ling Yun’s conjecture!

The huge cannibal flower and the huge wooden spear formed by the flash steel wood that may rise from the ground at any time, combined with the extremely fast speed, are simply unstoppable!

Although Kerra’s achievements in domineering and swordsmanship were not enough to pose too much threat to Ling Yun, Ling Yun also had to admit that if Kerra’s current strength went all out, it might be a little worse to deal with him, but it was still not a problem to mix a bounty of about 200 million on the sea!

Especially now that Kerra’s body has grown to more than 20 years old, the ‘Enhancement Potential Elixir’ she took before has been completely absorbed by her, and the rate of growth in all aspects of her strength is still improving at a high speed!

Ling Yun felt that if she was given more than a year, maybe even he would have to show a little strength to defeat Kerra!

And after helping Kerra familiarize herself with her abilities for a few days, Ling Yun, who finally began to count her harvest, was also really pleasantly surprised.

“Earned over, earned over!”

【Giant Force LV.3】【Blacksmith Forge LV.5】【Dwarf Force LV.3】【Giant Martial Arts LV.4】【Knight Marksmanship LV.3】【Boxing LV.3】【Nautical Technique LV.6】…

Looking at the sudden addition of a large list of skills in his skill bar, as well as his strength to be improved again in every aspect, Ling Yun felt that if he was allowed to kill Eldritch a few more times, he might really be invincible in the world!

You know, just the moment he killed that guy, he was equivalent to curing thousands of people at once!

And those who heal are not small characters such as smelly fish and rotten shrimp – among them, the giants and dwarves are each a powerful character, and those pirates are also characters who have experienced the baptism of battle in paradise and crawled all the way to the new world!

Therefore, just this treatment, although a lot of repetitive skills were extracted, but the skills, system points and task completion obtained by Ling Yun… It can already be said to be appalling!

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task of treating S-class powerhouses 20/20]

[The host now holds system points of 498/500]

The fourth stage of the mission, which he had thought would be an extremely long process, had already been completed!

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