As the start of the tea party gets closer and closer, the guests who receive invitations also flock to the party – of course, no one dares not come, because as long as the invited guest does not agree, the aunt will directly destroy him!

On the round table where the six kings were sitting, most of these six bigwigs who held the economic lifelines of all the countries in the New World had extremely strange faces!

Because they also noticed that there was an extra table seat at the forefront in front of Auntie, and only two seats were arranged on that table!

This unreasonable place is also very clear – because if it is for the ‘dessert four stars’ of the highest cadre of the bigmom pirate group, then there will definitely not be only two seats!

And as for who the seat is reserved for, among these six kings, except for Feld, who has only risen in recent years as a usurer, the remaining kings are also guessing!

Because their huge information network can bring them a lot of information, and in it…

One of the things they all know is that not so long ago… A terrifying battle on a terrifying scale took place on Cake Island!

‘That location… Could it be…’

Although it was essentially an unreasonable guess, several kings also cared about the person who would sit in that position.

Especially the ‘Queen of Happy Street’ Stussy – this beautiful queen herself secretly is a high-level cadre under the CP0 directly under the world government, and of course she is extremely curious about the distinguished guests who even the aunt has to treat like this!

And it was at this time…

“Huh? It was Charlotte Katakuri and Charlotte Smooge. ”

The first person to spot the two figures from not far away was the ‘Sea King’ Yumit, who mastered the shipping of the New World.

After the words, Feld also watched from a distance as the two strongest children under the aunt guided the two behind him to take a seat in the position that attracted everyone’s attention, but his expression was quite curious: “Who are those two people?” ”

The young man in white and the girl who kept holding his hand… Feld didn’t even know him!

“… Ha, don’t you even know him? ”

“… Interesting. ”


“Seven Wuhai actually came to the banquet of the Four Emperors, it’s really… Interesting. ”

And the remaining five kings who recognized the identity of the white-clothed young man at a glance showed a surprised look, especially Morgans, who knew a lot of insiders, glanced at Stussy – sure enough, the expression of the queen of happy streets at this time was also extremely strange!

As the ‘Grip of Hades’ of the Seven Martial Seas, he actually appeared at Bigmom’s tea party, and was given such a grand treatment – this is not a small thing.

“Ling Yun, why are they all looking at us?”

On the other side, the piercing eyes around him could be clearly felt even by Kerra, let alone Ling Yun.

However, Ling Yun also disliked the eyes of these guys very much, so…


A faint overlord-colored domineering aura pervaded, and then all the people around who moved their gaze to Lingyun instantly felt that their hearts were extremely painful as if they were pinched, and their faces turned pale instantly!

Although this feeling disappeared in the next moment, they also knew that this was Ling Yun reminding them to pay attention to proportion, so they did not dare to look at Ling Yun for a while, but turned their eyes to Aunt – according to the rules of the tea party, Ling Yun’s practice is inevitable that there are some…

“Hahaha! Lingyun boy, it’s a little late. ”

Aunt looked at Ling Yun, not only did she not have the slightest unhappiness, but she was unexpectedly close.

“Just catch up.”

Ling Yun also chuckled after hearing this, and then naturally sat down.

“Are you still used to living with me?”

“Fair, fair—and thank you for the gift you gave Kerra.”

“Hahaha! It’s just a trifle! ”

The casual conversation between the two shocked all the guests who did not know about it around them – even the six kings of the dark world were looking at their aunt with wide eyes at this time!

After all these years, when had they seen this Queen of Totland look so kind?

Heaven pity, even when facing her most trusted children, she never showed this appearance at all!


Especially Stussy, at this time, slowly squeezed his handbag, and his eyes kept flickering.


And at this time, the aunt who had exchanged a little pleasantries with Ling Yun also stood up, and her face instantly became as domineering and obedient as before: “Now… The banquet begins! ”

“Everyone… Let me enjoy the banquet! ”

And with the announcement of the banquet, the guests with different thoughts, regardless of their thoughts, were the first to ‘enjoy the banquet’ according to the aunt’s words – although many of them did not like sweets, they still kept putting food into their mouths!

“La la la la ~ the banquet is so good~”

“La la la ~ For our mother ~ ”

“La la la la ~ the world is so wonderful~”

“La la la ~ enjoy the tea party ~ ”

Homiz played joy, and Aunt also began to eat and stuff – after confirming that the ‘food disorder’ that had accompanied her for most of her life was indeed completely cured, she also decided to eat it a long time ago!

And it was at this time …

“… I’ll leave first. ”

Katakuri, who was slowly serving a piece of cake to his mouth, suddenly said so to Smuji, and then left his table temporarily and came to a secluded place.

“Yo, Katakuri.”

At this time, Ling Yun was already waiting for him there: “The ability to foresee the future is really useful, and I don’t need to call you personally.” ”

“For you, this ability is useless.”

Katakuri, on the other hand, still looked at Ling Yun coldly – although Ling Yun was now a distinguished guest of his aunt, his character decided how close he would not be to Ling Yun.

“Without further ado – what Auntie means, can you reveal it to me?”

And Ling Yun also chuckled – he had made a deal with Katakuri before, as long as he helped Katakuri restrain the aunt who was in a state of longing at that time, then Katakuri would help him give an opinion on one thing in front of the aunt!

“Don’t worry… Mom has already agreed at my suggestion. ”

And Katakuri’s eyes were also slightly sharp: “There is no problem for you to print a historical text, but…”

“About the joint extermination of the ‘hundred beasts’… Mom is still thinking about it, and I have no room to meddle in this matter! ”

Although he said so, even Katakuri was trembling for the idea that Ling Yun put forward to his aunt!

Even though the conflict between Kaido and Aunt has become more and more fierce recently, both sides know very well – it may be possible to gain the advantage, but it is necessary to completely destroy a Four Emperors… That’s almost impossible!

“That’s enough – I’ll tell my aunt about ‘Kaido’ myself.”

And after Ling Yun heard this, he just chuckled, and then his afterlight also glanced in a certain direction…

“But I still have to trouble you to be optimistic about Kerra for the time being—I need to leave the banquet hall first.”


Katakuri was slightly startled, and then followed Ling Yun’s gaze – he saw a woman quietly leaving the banquet venue alone.

Is that…

“‘Queen of Happy Street’ Stussy?”

Whispered – for this woman, Katakuri was also clearly a little impressed.

“You know her?”

However, he looked at Ling Yun with some doubt.

“I’ve heard a little.”

But Ling Yun didn’t answer, just said a word casually, and his figure instantly turned into a breeze and disappeared in place!


Katakuri, on the other hand, squinted in the direction Stussy left, stood quietly for a few seconds, and then turned and returned to the banquet venue.

It’s just that soon after, it is said that the spies of the Aunt Pirates conducted a thorough investigation and visit to the ‘Happy Street’ run by Stussy, as for the specific reason… No one knows.

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