As mentioned earlier, Ling Yun can ‘control everyone’s physical state’ in the medical hall!

That is to say, he is invincible in this medical hall – and this is the biggest benefit that the island ship gives to Ling Yun, as long as this ship is not destroyed, then as long as Ling Yun stands inside the medical hall on the ship, then even if all the strong people in this world come to him for trouble, he is not afraid at all!

Of course, Ling Yun never thought that he could lure Kaido into the medical hall – not to mention whether the body size of the Kaido giant race could pass through the door of the medical hall, just to say that the other party would definitely not be such a brainless product!

Therefore, Ling Yun’s plan from the beginning was what he was doing now….

“You made me kill you?”

“Then I’ll satisfy you!”

And after saying these words, Ling Yun also gave the order in his heart.

“System, strengthen my physical strength and speed and all attributes that can improve combat ability”

[Please express the reinforcement multiplier clearly].

“Highest multiplier – how much strengthened!”

In the medical hall, what Ling Yun could control was not only others, but also his own body!

[Detect the current body strength of the host, strengthen the prejudgment 1000 times… Beyond the world’s tolerance limit, it will be automatically modified to the world’s upper limit].

[Host body strength modified to the upper limit of this world, 170 times].

[Host speed modified to the upper limit of this world, 301 times].

[Host response ability modified to the upper limit of this world, 20 times].

[Modification complete].

And after the sound of the system came, Ling Yun also really felt an incredible huge power gushing out of his body!

The huge Lingyun of this force was completely unimaginable, and even he felt that his casual wave of his hand could completely crush the surrounding trees and rocks!

The surrounding air seemed to be completely controlled by Lingyun, and even the flow of air was so clear!

In this instant… He felt as if he were really God!

Then, Ling Yun gently held Muramasa—even if it was this extremely hard Twelve Crafts Supreme Speedy Knife, Ling Yun was worried that it would be crushed by himself!

And the next moment….

Looking at Kaido, Ling Yun gently swung his sword!

No moves, just ordinary vertical splits!

But there is no doubt that this sword is the strongest sword that the world has ever seen!


Air… Or maybe the space makes a sound that feels like it’s being cut!


There was a huge trilling sound on Muramasa’s blade, as if even this twelve-skill supreme fast knife was somewhat unable to withstand the friction generated by this force swinging the sword!

And after that slash was finally swung in front of him….

An incredibly huge sword qi also instantly shot out from Paradise Lost, flying directly towards Kaido!

“This… What is this…”

And looking at the huge sword qi that had a diameter of at least more than 500 meters after diffusion, even Kaido was instantly shocked!

What the hell is this?

But fortunately, he made the judgment he deserved in the next moment!

“Dragonization Phase 2!”

The pitch-black dragon scales on his body changed again, Kaido even his teeth became sharp, his crimson pupils radiated a blood-red light, and the black hair behind him was even windless!

Dragon Transformation Stage 2 – One of the hole cards that he can’t use on weekdays!

After use, the part of the bloodline belonging to the dragon in the body will produce a lot of activity, and if the bloodline of the giant family is not careful, it will lead to violent departure and have disastrous consequences!

In the past, after the rampage, he even destroyed a country in one day!

But now… He knew he couldn’t stay!

【Hundred Beasts – Dragon Wall】

【Body of a Hundred Beasts and Giant Gods】

The dragon scales instantly completely covered his body, and the muscles on his body were tense to the extreme, even with a metallic sheen – in the past attempts, Kaido knew that in this state, even if the navy’s most lethal large-scale weapon exploded around him, he could be unscathed!


In front of Ling Yun now, that theoretical ‘absolute defense’ is meaningless!


Ling Yun clearly saw that this future Four Emperors had spread a huge wound from the position of his right abdomen!

And the next moment….

His body was almost cut in half by the sword qi – the left shoulder still barely kept his body in two, and all the other internal organs were almost shattered in that sword qi!

A huge amount of pale golden blood sprayed out, and this sea thief fell directly without even saying a word!

“It’s done!”

But Ling Yun’s excitement didn’t even last more than a second.

Because, the next scene made Ling Yun understand….

He seems to be in big trouble!


I saw that after the huge sword qi directly cut Kaido in half, there was no intention of staying at all, but after a moment, it directly hit the ground of the empty island!

And then….

The foundation of the empty island that I don’t know how many years it had existed was directly crushed into pieces under the tearing of that huge sword qi!

“Something has happened!”

And Ling Yun looked at the cracked ground, felt the huge vibration from the Paradise Lost, and also had a premonition of what would happen next!

And sure enough….

I saw that with a huge tremor, the crack on the ground became larger and larger as the sword qi continued to deepen, but after a few seconds…

The sword qi directly pierced the base of the entire island, creating a huge hole of 500 meters!

With a huge feeling of weightlessness, the Paradise Lost also fell directly from the huge opening on the ground.

And Ling Yun didn’t care about Kaido’s situation at all!

He ran directly to the console of the medical hall, and immediately planned to control the Paradise Lost to land on the ‘White Sea’ below the empty island!


“… Something big happened! ”

At the moment when the island fell, Ling Yun looked down through the completely flipped Paradise Lost, and then the whole person was not good!

I saw that the sword qi he had just cut out, after directly penetrating the ground of the empty island, did not stop, but flew directly towards the white sea below, and…

Even the entire vast and boundless White Sea had been briefly opened by a huge hole at this time!

And Paradise Lost is now falling towards that opening!

“System… Keep my body strengthened. ”

But at this time, Ling Yun’s expression was extremely ugly!

To know… It’s 1W in the air!

Fall straight down from here, and whatever you want will definitely be shattered!

And when Ling Yun was thinking of a way, he didn’t notice a thing at all.

That is….

When Kaido’s body was directly cut in half before, a large part of his blood, which had already emitted a faint golden color, was directly sprayed on the base of Paradise Lost—to be exact, it was the body of Jermongard that surrounded the base of Paradise Lost!

And at this time….

The body of Jermongard, which had been dormant and had not moved for a long time around the base of the island….

Moved slightly.

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