“… Lingyun? ”

When Kerra finally woke up from her slumber, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Ling Yun sitting by the window of the main hall of the medical hall.

“Oh? Good morning. ”

“Well? Kindness… Good morning. ”

And seeing Ling Yun greeting her with a smile, Kerra also responded in confusion.

“Nope… Wait a minute! ”

However, the little girl is not a fool after all, but after waking up, she directly discovered that something seemed to be wrong!

She clearly remembered before…

‘So… Miss Doll, please come back to Mary Joa with me! ’

That guy… It is only right that it has appeared again!

“I put breakfast on the table in your room, I’ll go back to my room first.”

“Well… Good. ”

However, looking at Ling Yun’s bland performance, Kerra was a little confused.

‘Did I have a nightmare?’ ’

Watching Ling Yun return to his room, Kerra also blinked his watery eyes, and then walked towards his room.



When she walked to the table, she suddenly found a newspaper.

‘Mary Joa was attacked, the attacker is unknown! ’

The place where Kerra is located in the photo below the huge caption is very familiar – because she spent a long time there!

And on the photo … That Mary Joa, who is like ‘hell’, is burning!

Dilapidated houses, collapsed walls, an invisible appearance and outline flew among the clouds.

But… Kerra, who often sits on its head and plays, can certainly recognize what it is!


Muttering softly, the scene before the coma seemed to be slowly recalled.


Kerra suddenly turned his gaze back to Ling Yun’s room!

Then, she seemed to understand something.


“It’s really…”

In the room, Ling Yun, who had already felt Kerra’s reaction through the system when he returned to the room, could only shake his head helplessly.

However, he did not intend to hide this matter, or he could not hide it if he wanted to!

Mary Joa was attacked—a message like this is almost impossible to cover.

So instead of how to hide it, Ling Yun directly let Yemengard return to the sea to hide after returning to the Chambord Islands, and he himself returned to the medical hall first to take care of everything!

First of all, he first went to find Rayleigh, who had finished coating the Paradise Lost, and Renly was quite surprised after hearing what he had done!

Make a fuss about Mary Joa – this kind of thing, even Renly and the former Roger have never done!

After all, Mary Joa’s location is at the top of the Red Earth Continent, and if you want to go to Mary Joa, you must pass through the sea where the naval headquarters is located, in addition to passing through many checkpoints on the road!

And except for Lingyun, who flew directly with the help of ‘Jermongard’, or Tiger, who climbed the world’s first super perseverance emperor with his bare hands, other people who tried to raid even reached Mary Joa was a luxury!

However, while appreciating, Renly also knew that Lingyun seemed to have to leave the Chambord Islands – because referring to Tiger knew that the person who made trouble with Mary Joa was bound to be wanted!

And for this, Ling Yun did not deny it!

So on the second day after returning to the Chambord Islands, Ling Yun combed through all the things he had obtained from this operation in the medical hall – thinking about his next plan while counting the loot, which had almost become his habit!

And after combing, Ling Yun can only smash the bar and smash the mouth.

Logically, he also made a fuss about the world’s most noble place ‘Mary Joya’, and it stands to reason that he should at least harvest a bunch of treasures or legends

Is it the ‘gold of the sky’?

But in fact, the answer is ‘no’!

In addition to three pieces of historical texts that are suspected to come from O’Hara, the only things he has gained are the ability ‘Battle Experience LV.6’ from ‘Peach Rabbit’, and finally the skills he got from the yellow ape – special skills [Awakening LV.1] and [Shining Fruit Scattered Gene Fluid]!

Among the two, Ling Yun was originally extremely excited about being able to extract the skill of ‘awakening’—after all, the yellow ape’s combat power after awakening was quite threatening even for him, and the existence of this ability might be more useful to him than the shining fruit itself!


【Awakening LV.1 (not available)】

To be fair, when he saw the three big words ‘unavailable’ behind the skill icon, Ling Yun felt that he had an MMP sentence in his heart that he wanted to say on the spot!

And the system also gave an explanation in the end.

[The Devil Fruit gene chain in the host is not complete, if you want to use this skill, you must use it after the Devil Fruit gene research in the ‘Gene Lab’ is completed]

There is a reason, Ling Yun can’t refute it!

As for the final ‘Shining Fruit Scattered Gene Fluid’ – in view of the previous experience, Ling Yun was naturally ready to use Yemengjia at the first time, but considering that he might face trouble in the future without Yemeng’s help, he also temporarily postponed this plan.

In addition, Ling Yun also had to face a topic that had already been mentioned before – that is, he must leave the Chambord Islands immediately and officially become a pirate!

And this undoubtedly means that Ling Yun will lose a large number of patients from the world government and navy, and his original plan to use ancient healing potions to mix the points of the system must be readjusted…

At least before seeing the newly baked newspaper this afternoon, Ling Yun thought so.

However, a newspaper that he accidentally bought during the purchase before going to sea made Ling Yun temporarily dispel the idea of going to Fishman Island immediately!

And the reason is because of the report that Kerra saw in the newspaper!

‘Mary Joa was attacked, the attacker is unknown! ’

The attacker is unknown?

Why is it ‘unknown’?

For Ling Yun, it seemed to silently give him some information!

“Knock Knock”

And just as Ling Yun was thinking so, his door was suddenly knocked.

So Ling Yun also walked to the door and opened the door, and…


He saw Kerra’s determined eyes.

“I want to be stronger.”

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