Chambord Islands, Area 41.

“Hey… See that island ship? ”

The huge island ship standing in the distance is naturally quite eye-catching, and around the island ship is a large group of onlookers gathered at this time!

“That’s the island ship of Doctor Lingyun in the Seven Martial Seas, right?”

“I really didn’t expect that I would be able to see one of the Seven Martial Seas as soon as I came.”

A young man with a spear on his back looked at the island ship with deep respect – he was a newcomer who had just arrived in the Chambord Islands today, and he was also the kind of little pirate who had not even mixed up the bounty along the way, and he was naturally full of respect for Ling Yun, a legendary big man who had recently plunged the whole world into discussion!

“Hey… You must not know one thing about the new arrival, right? ”

An ‘old-timer’ on the side smiled at the newcomer.

“What’s going on?”

“Lord Lingyun is the one who made a big fuss about Mary Joa a month ago…”

“Really fake? Is it true that Mary Joa was invaded? ”

And looking at the shocked look of the ‘newcomer’, the ‘old-timer’ also chuckled and was ready to continue to show off his knowledge, but at this time, the ‘newcomer’ looked at him with some doubt: “This is impossible, right?” That’s Mary Joa after all…”

“Of course it’s true! I saw Mr. Ling Yun and that sea king flying onto the Red Earth Continent with my own eyes! ”

“Sea kings?”

“Well, there are at least 1,000 meters of super-large sea kings!”

It is said that people unconsciously exaggerate what they say when showing off, and this ‘old-timer’ is obviously exaggerating – because he can’t judge how big Jermengar is.


And the ‘newcomer’ just laughed after hearing this: “How is this possible, not to mention that sea kings over 1000 meters are impossible here, and how can sea kings fly!?” ”


“Do you have proof? Have you really been to Mary Joa? ”


And the ‘old-timers’ were also a little unsustainable while saying – after all, although almost everyone present at the time could confirm the facts about this matter, after all, it was indeed in the guessing part!

“If you don’t believe me, there is no way!”

So in the end, he who showed off his failure could only snort coldly and then leave negatively, and the ‘newcomer’ who remained in place also snorted proudly coldly, saying in his heart that ‘rumors stop at the wise’.

And this is the current situation about the Mary Joa incident – the insiders are pitifully small compared to the size of the incident, and a large part of the only group of insiders are only hearsay, and the words of the hundreds of people who were really on the scene at the time are simply unconvincing.

It is precisely in this situation of ‘people who understand speak and others do not believe’ and the world’s newspapers and periodicals are deliberately treated coldly, with the news of the establishment of ‘His Majesty the Seven Wuhai’, which directly leads to the fact that things about Mary Joa have been completely ignored by most people!

And for Ling Yun, he personally didn’t have any spare time to pay attention to this matter!

The size of fame does not mean much to him, and he is not interested in how the navy and the world government will completely eliminate the impact of this matter!

All he cares about is…

“Kerra, set sail!”


With the small figure of Kerra suddenly jumping down from the trees in the center of the ‘Paradise Lost’, the huge sails of the ‘Paradise Lost’ were also pulled away in an instant!


The bulging sails drove the movement of the island, and at this moment…


At the end of the huge chain below the island, Yemengart, who was dragging the chain, also began to exert his power in an instant!

It’s just that unlike before, the goal it wants to advance this time is not the ‘sea surface’, but… Seabed!

“Let’s go!”

The corners of Ling Yun’s mouth outlined a smile – after a long time far beyond his expectations, a little excitement really rose in his heart when he was about to set sail again!


And with the huge sound sounded, the huge figure of the ‘Paradise Lost’ was also instantly poured under the surface of the sea!

And it was at this time that Area 13 ‘Xia Qi’s Ripping Bar BAR’.

“Aren’t you going to see you off?”

Xia Qi looked at Reilly, who was sitting in his seat drinking, and also chuckled – according to Reilly’s previous practice, when he saw the junior who matched his heart go to the new world, he would go to see him off to some extent.

“Send-off? Lingyun that kid? ”

After hearing this, Renly just raised the wine jug and poured a sip of fine wine into his mouth.

“He doesn’t need me to see him off.”

He will see off the ‘seeds’ of the new era that he recognizes, because he knows that most of the imps of the new era will be buried in that dangerous sea forever.

But Lingyun is different.

His strength determines that he is not a ‘little ghost’, but a strong person that Reilly really recognizes!

So instead of sending him, it’s better …

“Just have a drink with him when he comes back next time.”


Meanwhile, Malinfodo.

Sengoku is busy with various things recently—whether it’s the preparation and recruitment of Nanabukai, or the still grievances about Mary Joa’s side of Draco, the responsibility is piled up on him.

But even so, the marshal still has a sunny smile on his face recently!

“Marshal! The pirate group entrenched on Minmoro Island has been wiped out! ”

And while he was processing the documents, the naval soldiers outside came with news again!

“How many soldiers did we sacrifice?”

“Eliminated 593 enemy pirates, our side killed only 12!”

“Pay attention to their family’s support work!”


And after watching this navy leave, the smile on the face of the Warring States became more and more intense!

“Sure enough… There was no wrong choice. ”

You know, the pirate group ‘Black Doka Pirate Group’ entrenched on Mingmolo Island is an extremely fierce pirate group.

On weekdays, if you don’t send naval masters to fight, just rely on ordinary navies to fight, then the casualties in the battle will be at least more than 250!

But this time the naval casualties were only 12, and you know… This is already the Navy’s 5th success this week!

And the biggest reason why the navy has been so able to fight recently is precisely because the first batch of ‘ancient healing potions’ and ‘iron army potions’ provided by Ling Yun finally arrived not long ago – after personally testing, these two potions were simply more helpful to ordinary soldiers in battle than expected!

The only pity is…

“The number of medicines provided is still too small!”

Thinking of the pitiful amount of potions in the naval armory, Sengoku also felt an itch in his heart.

He couldn’t wait for Ling Yun to make potions for them around the clock, and then send them over through special channels specially provided for him, even if the price was doubled!

“… Marshal of the Warring States. ”

“Dr. Vegapunk still needs 30 samples of the potion…”

And at this time, there are still people who want to disturb the interest of the Warring States.


Warring States also widened their eyes after hearing this: “Didn’t you just give him 100 copies each?” ”

“.. Dr. Vegapunk said that the principle structure inside the batch of drugs is very unique, and he needs more samples to study. ”



So ten minutes later, Malinfodo’s underground.

The sound of countless machines and gears continues to sound in this dark underground area, and the man-made technology facilities are undoubtedly the world’s top level.

No one could have imagined that there was such a huge scientific research area under Marinfodo.

In the center of the scientific research area, a man’s face is difficult to see thoroughly in the thin light, but the curiosity of his pupils is difficult to hide!

Men are curious about the unknown – that’s the most important thing as a scientist!

And when it comes to his name, it’s even more deafening.

The developer of scientific and technological weapons of the world government and navy, the most direct user of sea lou stone, the pioneer of devil fruit research, and the scientist who has been leading the world for 500 years!

He is Vegapunk.

Unique Vegapunk!

“Interesting, so funny!”

At this time, he was looking at the ancient healing potion that was placed on the experimental table, and made a childlike cry.

“Perfect molecular structure and drug ratio – even if you know the formula, the possibility of preparing this perfect agent is very small.”

“In the end…”

“How the hell did you do that? That one… The guy called Lingyun. ”

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