In the empire.

As the war reports from the front continued to come, everyone’s hearts became heavier.

They were terrified and looked forward to victory in the war.

However, the results of repeated explorations are always unsatisfactory.

“Is our great empire about to be destroyed?”

“Even those Celestial God Warriors can’t protect us…”

“Great Sun Disk, please give me the strength to defend against those enemies!”

“May the Celestial God warriors return safely, may they return victorious…”

All prayed and called.

However, as time passed, there was no good news about the war.

Everyone’s hearts are heavy.

Until a message was delivered by soldiers at the front.

The empress died in battle, defended the glory of the empire with her life, and successfully repelled the enemy!

When the news came, the people wept.

The fall of the empress immediately spread a wave of sadness.

Even the victory in the war did not ease the mood of the people.

“Her Majesty… Defended the peace of the empire with his life! ”

“We will always remember her, always…”

“It was Her Majesty’s life in exchange for the victory of this war…”

Everyone is constantly lamenting, almost a national grief.

And at this moment, some former legion leaders felt an inexplicable call when they were sad.

That call kept ringing in their hearts.

“Her Majesty the Empress died in battle, but the empire cannot be ownerless, otherwise there will be chaos!”

At first, thoughts began to appear in the mind of a corps commander.

Soon after, almost everyone came to this understanding.

However, the people they want to nominate are basically themselves.

From this beginning, one war after another broke out in an instant within the empire.

As former Legion Warriors, their hearts have begun to be gradually occupied by ambition.

It didn’t take long for the empire to change hands.

When the new king ascended the throne, he immediately announced a blockbuster news to everyone.

Now at the imperial defense line, those former Celestial God warriors have fallen into madness and are fighting!

They are no longer the glory of the empire, but no different from those monsters.

“Those uncontrollable forces are the greatest threat to the legitimacy of my imperial throne…”

The newly enthroned king sat on a high platform, thinking to himself.

When he learned the news of the empress’s death in battle, he was truly saddened for a long time.

However, after receiving that call in his heart, his yearning for power swelled even more.

Relying on the legion he previously controlled and the means of power struggle, he successfully ascended to this throne.

For him, the biggest threat at present was naturally those Celestial God Warriors.

As long as he is eradicated, his imperial throne will be unbreakable!

“Lying groove, Dagon’s ability is so easy to use?”

Su Yu sighed with emotion, and was a little surprised in his heart.

After growing to the upper limit, Da Gon was already a little close to the old image in Su Yu’s heart.

As for its new capabilities, it is even more incomprehensible.

Old whisper.

Regardless of distance, as long as you are in the same world, you can receive the call from Dagon.

These whispers will continue to erode people’s hearts, at first, to infinitely amplify the negative emotions in their hearts.

Violent, greedy, fierce…

If they can’t control it, after a while, they will either turn into old believers or fall into madness.

The previous Celestial God warriors began to kill each other because of this ability.

And now, the newly ascended king is even more unable to control his greed.

In front of the fortress.

This fortress, located on the border of the empire, turned into a real war machine in an instant, mobilizing all its forces.

And what made them like a great enemy was only a man under the city wall.

“Why is that?”

The young warrior was a little puzzled, and quickly asked.

“I’m not an enemy, those monsters have been temporarily repelled!”

“I am a Celestial Warrior of the Empire and have been recognized by the Sun Disk!”

“Why do you put on a posture of approaching the enemy?”

On the fortress, a legionnaire gently raised his hand and signaled everyone to wind their arrows.

“The Celestial God Warrior has decayed and is no longer the glory of the Empire.”

“I was ordered to guard the pass, and if you dare to forcibly step forward, shoot and kill!”

“This is the order of the new king.”

Facing the extremely powerful Celestial God warrior in front of him, every soldier felt a heavy sense of oppression.

The hope in the young warrior’s eyes was completely wiped out at this moment, and his emotions almost collapsed in an instant.

“The new … King? ”

It’s not that he covets power.

The Empress has fallen, and it is understandable that a new king has been elected within the empire.

It’s just that…

Why do they do this to themselves?

At this moment, some confusion appeared in the young warrior’s eyes.

He was supposed to be a hero, a hero who repelled foreign enemies and calmed the war.

He should be a legend of the empire.


“Drop the arrow!”

Some cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the legion general, but he still commanded.

In the face of this Celestial God Warrior, they did not dare to relax in the slightest.

This is the most powerful force in the empire!


Arrows continued to pass through the young warrior’s body, penetrating him completely.

He did not resist.

“The Celestial God warriors were not corrupted, but all died in battle, leaving me alone…”

He didn’t want to tarnish the reputation of his comrades who had fought side by side.

“Count me asking you to let me enter the empire, I have urgent information to make public…”

“Enemies will appear, and there will be more.”

His voice was extremely weak, and under the continuous battle, even the Celestial God Warriors would be tired.

Looking at the bloody Celestial God warrior in front of him, the fortress general finally couldn’t bear it.

“Come, tie it up, send it to the capital!”


Empire, among the royal palaces.

“Did you send it?”

The newly enthroned king straightened his clothes and asked.

“The last Celestial Warrior didn’t resist, and he didn’t seem to have any intention of resisting, you see…” asked the legionnaire on the side.

The king shook his head, and a flash of color flashed in his eyes.

He turned his head and looked at the historical official beside him.

“Do you know how this history should be compiled?”

The historical official quickly knelt on one knee and said tremblingly: “The imperial chronicle will be determined by your will. ”

“The enemy came from the void, all the Celestial God warriors resisted, but they were gradually corrupted, and then, in a worldly manner, you killed those Celestial God warriors who resisted…”

Hearing this, the king nodded in satisfaction and looked at the warrior beside him.

“You should know what to do with him, right?”

The legionnaire nodded, “Order of the king.” ”

In prison.

The young warrior trapped by layers of chains did not resist, and these chains could not trap him.

One iron gate after another was slowly opened, and many noisy footsteps were heard.


“Did you see me?”

The young warrior raised his head, he already knew a little about what had happened during this time.

A hundred legionnaires quickly stepped forward without a word.

“Sorry…” a centurion sighed softly, raising his weapon.

It undoubtedly takes a lot of courage to strike at the glory of the former empire.

However, he had no choice.

“You guys are…”

The young warrior looked at this scene in front of him, and the despair in his heart was already indescribable.

He recalled when he had just accepted the Ascension Ceremony and joined the ranks of the Celestial God Warriors.

“We, once the most proud warriors,

We are loved and we are revered as Celestial Warriors.

Although those inexplicable monsters covered the earth, they were still repelled by us.

We are legends of the Empire that should have been celebrated for a thousand years…”

He watched the weapon in front of him get closer and closer, and smiled bitterly.

At this moment, he no longer resisted the call in his heart.

“With me…”

“Let’s rush into destruction together!”

In an instant, the power of ascension was added, and this young Celestial God warrior instantly opened his strongest form.

However, the aura emanating from his huge body was not that solemn and majestic divine aura.

Rather, it carries a vast power of countless destruction.

The source of these forces seems to be…

Those monsters he killed with his own hands?

That doesn’t matter anymore, though.

He is no longer a Celestial God Warrior, and he is no longer a legend who guards the empire!

Under just one sword, the entire prison was shattered, and countless soldiers died tragically in an instant.


The young warrior’s heart was not half touched, but he continued to enjoy the killing.

Endless power was born in his body, and at this moment, he just wanted to destroy this world.

“I am…”

“The Terminator of this World!”

On this day, the imperial capital fell into the flames of war, the new king died tragically, and the sun disk fell into ruins.

The glory of the empire also faded.

Since then, there are no more Celestial God warriors in people’s hearts.

In his place was a warrior with broken wings on his back and a dirty and terrifying body.

He seems to have been born sinful and comes with endless hatred with the intention of destroying the whole world.

He was known as…



(This chapter is mainly intended to briefly describe the horror capabilities of the old days.) There is also a fusion of a character I like very much, I think everyone can see who it is, think about it, the darkborn is infected by the old days, this bridge is quite sensual… )

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