ps: The previous chapter was all changed, not ghostwriting, it was that I was not at home at the time, please my mother helped me send it, she sent the wrong content, I just saw it!


It has to be said.

The Moon Emperor is still very good at being a person.

Although the name of the God of Gifts, there is no way to easily replace the recognition of ~ Yu Yue God in the hearts of the people.

However, the Moon Emperor himself knew Lin Feng's true god name, and he also knew how to properly worship the God of Gifts.

Then he collected nine hundred and ninety-nine girls who were voluntarily sacrificed in the Moon Spirit Dynasty.

In the name of devotion, dedicated to the moon god.

And these nine hundred and ninety-nine girls thought they were going to sacrifice their lives.

Unexpectedly, he came to the City of Divine Grace here, where he was responsible for enshrinement of Lin Feng.

Moreover, Lin Feng found that the woman born from the higher level plane really had to be said to be more beautiful than the female believers in the ordinary transcendent world.

And they all have a trace of the power of the moon god, after all, they are all descendants of the Moon Spirit Clan.

It just so happens that it was also the month of grace recently.

Lin Feng directly took these nine hundred and ninety-nine people to the battlefield of the divine grace together, killing all sides, fighting until the sky was dark, and fighting until exhaustion.

And it turns out.

The rewards for feedback from believers of the Moon Spirit Dynasty are more than the rewards of feedback from ordinary believers here.

For example, feedback items such as the Moon Spirit Stone were previously only available from the Xuanyue Sect's Sunset Moon and Miyue.

But these more than nine hundred races, at least one-third can give back the reward of the Moon Spirit Stone.

It can be imagined that their bloodline level is indeed higher.

This deepened Lin Feng's idea of conquering more high-level world believers.

If you can get the faith of more high-level world believers, you will inevitably become more efficient.

After it's all done.

Lin Feng looked at several new divine techniques that the Blood Moon God had given him.

[Blood Magic (Gold)]: By sucking blood, you can obtain a certain percentage of the target's attributes to strengthen yourself. Active: Become the Blood Demon King, and all attributes are greatly enhanced.

[Soul Sealing Divine Technique (Purple)]: Imprisons the soul of the target and makes it suffer for a long time until it dissipates or unlocks the seal

[Blood Bat Divine Art (Purple)]: Summon blood bats, can be sent out to scout the environment or assist in combat, combat effectiveness is not high, extremely fast, existence time is limited, can extend the existence time by sucking blood

Three divine arts.

The first divine technique, seemingly simple, is actually very strong, because it can grow infinitely.

Lin Feng didn't even want to think about it, and directly descended the blessing effect of sucking blood to strengthen this divine technique into his divine heir legion.

In this way, all his heirs have the point of blood sucking strengthening. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for the remaining two.

The Soul Sealing Divine Technique has little effect, it is completely a tool used to torture the enemy.

Just like those who were killed in the Moon Spirit Dynasty before, and then their souls were imprisoned in their bodies to be tortured.

It is not bad for some evil belief gods, it can effectively deter believers and enemies, so that believers dare not betray easily, and enemies dare not challenge easily.

However, it didn't have much effect on Lin Feng.

For his own people, he has a lot of means to obtain their true faith.

For the enemy, then kill it directly, he does not have this perverted heart that likes to torture the enemy.

What's more, it's easy to roll over.

Like this one.

Sealing the soul was not really dead, which gave him the opportunity to save those more than seven million people.

If Ben Savei knew this.

Lin Feng opened the spring on the spot to save people, and then launched a full-scale counterattack.

As for the Blood Bat Divine Art, it was not bad, he lacked reconnaissance-type Divine Art.

And this ability to summon blood bats, Lin Feng was given to the only blood clan believer Chris.

It allows the other party to move faster with the blood bat as a mount, and at the same time, it can also speed up the efficiency of finding the Blood Moon City with the help of the blood bat.

... Evening....

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