
A mighty force descended on the battlefield.

Cover every beast.

Directly let the beast’s original is just a simple fury aura covered by thousands of thousands.

Replaced with a completely new and different effect ——

[Divine Technique, Bloodthirsty Fury]: The overall combat power is increased by 100%-3000%, ignoring the pain, not afraid of death, the heavier the injury, the higher the increase, until the life withers before it falls


“This is my true divine technique!”

A more powerful active effect than a blessing!

If it wasn’t for the start of the holy war, he wouldn’t be able to use it easily!

The God of Fury looked at the battlefield with a sneer.

After ignoring death, these beasts became more and more courageous.

Even if he is beaten to vomit blood, or even if his internal organs are broken, he will not fall down easily.

Instead, they will get a stronger boost and become more angry because they are injured heavier.

Baili Crisp also found this problem.

Although she has received the most powerful promotion and reached the tenth order of sublimation, she is at least a combat power at the top of this world.

But, after all, two fists are difficult to fight with four hands.

In a world without any cultivation system, no matter how strong a person is, he also needs to consume physical strength and fight with one punch and one kick.

Especially after these beasts became more difficult to kill.

Even the eleven people who received divine grace began to drop sharply in killing the enemy.

This is especially true of other believers who are not so high.

Although the individual strength after the beastization is still stronger than most fierce beasts.

But physical exertion is still a big problem!

The God of Rage naturally saw this.


“In a world without a cultivation system, quantity is absolute combat power!”

“No matter how strong a person is, even if he can fight with one hundred, he can’t fight with one thousand!!”

As long as it is consumed, his army of beasts will be victorious sooner or later.

This holy war.

He won!


Right at this time.

The sky changed suddenly——

The wind howled.

The sky suddenly turned fiery red.

So strange.

Immediately, the beast trainers and the god of fury looked upwards.

But just one more look.

Their minds suddenly exploded and they lost the ability to think.

Divine Fire Meteor Shower!


I saw a huge area above the sky, covering an entire hilly jungle around it.

There were meteorites burning with blazing flames, falling in the direction where the beast tide gathered.

The sky above the Baili Clan.

It was Lin Feng’s tracking perspective.

When he saw the hole card of the God of Berserk, he immediately let go of his heart.

The other party’s fury divine technique.

Neither the blessing effect nor the active effect is the type of active attack.

In this way, Lin Feng would not have any worries!

The army of beasts is not stronger than its own believers?

Then let the number of beasts on the other side be reduced!

The Heavenly Fire Meteor Shower, under the guidance of Lin Feng, all smashed into the direction where the army of beasts gathered.


Prosperous~! Prosperous~! Prosperous~!

Every explosion of the Celestial Fire Meteor will surely take away at least thirty fierce beasts.

If the other party is more dense, directly blowing up the white head is just a blink of an eye.

Hundreds of celestial fire meteors fell.

In the end, only the beasts on the edge, as well as those that had contact with the tribal warriors, survived.

But the remaining number is already less than five hundred!

In an instant, ninety percent of the number of beasts was removed!

The so-called bloodthirsty fury was barely like a joke in the Celestial Fire Meteor Shower.

Not afraid of death, not undead!

And seeing this is like a miracle.

The beast trainers who survived were also instantly shocked.


“We surrender !!!”

Almost all the beast tamers were conquered by the divine art displayed by Lin Feng at this moment.

Originally, these people’s belief in the God of Rage was only a pan-believer.

They have absolutely no pressure to convert!

In this world, it is just an instinct to pursue greater power and follow more powerful gods!




“How is this possible??”

The God of Rage was speechless.


The legs trembled slightly.

The other party’s divine technique turned out to be so terrifying?

“Isn’t he a beast god?”

“How could he possibly master two different divine arts?”

“Could it be that before he met me, he had already killed other gods and obtained other people’s divine arts, so there were more than two divine arts?”

He panicked!

All his followers ran!

The believers who survived the Skyfire Meteor Shower all turned to the opposite camp of faith!

He even took the initiative to bring those people from the Hundred Mile Tribe to accept the remaining tribesmen!

Under normal circumstances, the God of Fury does not panic, and it is a big deal to change a group of believers.

But the problem is!

The other side started a holy war.

In other words, when he invaded the temple he was bound to, he could start the subsequent divine war!

If the other party did not attack the divine technique, he was not afraid, and everyone could not help each other.

However, just now, the other party showed a terrifying attack divine technique!

And he, there is no means of confrontation at all!

The God of Fury instantly despaired.


He was left with only the only means of survival.

The God of Rage immediately opened the Channel of Gods.

Started to consume some extra faith points, made @ everyone’s bold and black shouting speech –

[@所有人, which big brother who launched a holy war against me, no, dad! ] Can you let me go! 】

[@所有人, I was wrong! I shouldn’t have let my tribe get you in trouble!” 】

[@所有人, don’t start a follow-up god war, give me a chance, I promise not to provoke you in the future!] 】

[@所有人, in this way, let us discuss peacefully, I surrender to you, and all the believers I will receive in the future will be considered good to you? 】

[@所有人, can that daddy come out and come back, I’m so panicked! ] 】


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