No wonder, the divine will at the beginning reminded.

Faith is the most important necessity that the Protoss seeks.

Divine magic is secondary.

Divine magic is just a means to gain faith.


Because his divine arts can obtain the Most High Believers through special means.

And the greatest benefit that the Supreme Believer brings to him is the extremely efficient accumulation of the power of faith!

Lin Feng came to the place where the God of Fury fell.

The other party’s divine body had completely disintegrated, and there was not a single thing left.

Only pure divine energy was left here.

Lin Feng did not hesitate and directly guided this energy to begin to integrate into his body.


The energy was turned into three filaments that were swallowed and absorbed one after another.

Just these energies made Lin Feng a little surprised.


“It turned out to be the power of 300,000 beliefs!!”

That’s right!

Although the God of Rage himself did not master more of the power of faith.

But the body of God itself is the same existence as the power of faith!

No wonder the impact of his 120,000 faith power condensation failed to kill the other party in a second.

It is because the opponent’s body itself carries the defense of the power of 300,000 beliefs.

However, when the successive divine power impacts continued to dissipate, it was finally too late to recover, so that the whole was disintegrated little by little.

And now these 300,000 faith powers can be completely absorbed by him and turned into his own!

“Haha, no wonder it is said that the holy war and the divine war are the battles with the greatest gains!”

Jihad can gain a large number of believers, and God War directly harvests a large number of beliefs!

These 300,000 power of faith alone made him earn blood.

And this is only the most basic part of all gains.

When Lin Feng completely fused these divine powers.

In front of him, another group of divine power light appeared similar to but different from divine power.

When he concentrated his attention and used his divine power to unfold this group of energy, the essential content was revealed——

“This is…”

“Divine magic!?”

[Berserk Divine Art (Blue 1 Star)].

[Blessing Effect]: Gives believers aura seeds, so that believers can open the fury aura at any time.

Berserk Aura: +30% attack, +30% bloodthirsty, +30% speed, +30% attack speed

[Divine Power Effect]: The overall combat power is increased by 100%-3000%, regardless of pain, not afraid of death, the heavier the injury, the higher the increase, until the life withers before it falls

[Rising Star]: Costs 40W of Faith Power (up to 10 stars, but cannot change the blue quality).


“The biggest gain of God War!”

Lin Feng was also a little excited.

This is the real magic of magic.

His [Many Sons and Many Blessings] is just a system of illusions, and even the introduction page is a little different.

Ordinary divine arts actually have an additional choice of ascending stars.

“It turns out that ordinary divine arts can be upgraded from 1 star to 10 stars, thereby improving the effect of divine arts.”

“Is it because gray-white-green-blue, blue ranks fourth, so each ascension requires 400,000 faith powers?”

Lin Feng can’t verify it yet, but that’s probably the case.

[Does it melt blue 1-star quality and berserk magic?] 】

“Can it not be fused?”

Lin Feng was stunned.

Then he was prompted by divine providence.

[Divine arts can also be traded as commodities in exchange for the power of faith.] 】

[Multiple full-star divine arts of the same type can be superimposed and fused, which can be upgraded to higher quality divine arts. 】

[Different types of adapted divine arts are superimposed and fused, and divine arts that can also produce abnormal evolution divine arts. For example, the Wind Divine Art + Sudden Rain Divine Art = Storm Divine Art. 】

“So it is.”

“If it is gray quality, white quality, these more garbage and unwanted divine arts, you can sell it.”

“However, this Berserk Divine Art is actually very good.”

Lin Feng didn’t think much about it, and soon decided to fuse it himself.

After completely wrapping this energy and integrating it into your own body.

[Hint: You have obtained a new divine art, do you want to change the god name?] 】

[Please note that frequent changes in the name of the god can easily lead to the dispersion of believers’ faith. 】

“No replacement!”

For this, Lin Feng did not consider it at all.

The God of Gifts is His essence.

All the other divine arts were just to help him win over more believers!


[Alternate Protoss]: Lin Feng

[God Name]: The god of gifts

[God Order]: A first-order demigod

[Divine Art]: Many Sons and Blessings (Supreme), Berserk Divine Art (Blue 1 Star).

[Divine Power]: 0 points

[Power of Faith]: 42w8540 (+220 per hour).

Total number of believers: 629

[Primary believer]: Pan-believer (266).

[Intermediate believers]: deep believers (316), true believers (23).

[High believers]: devout believers (2), fanatical believers (11).

Most High Believer: Messenger of God (11).

[World Influence]: Level 1 Shard World

[Sublimation Equipment]: Skyfire Staff (Orange 4 stars).


In addition to the power of magic and faith.

The biggest gain was the addition of more than two hundred new believers from the beast taming tribe.

Although he was still only a pan-believer, Lin Feng was still very confident in conquering these people.


After this holy war, all the general disciples of the Baili Clan were promoted to deep believers!

Uncharted World.

Wild Land.

Outside the beast taming tribe, the people of the Baili clan are still waiting here respectfully.

The flow speed of the Origin God Realm and the Secret Realm World is different.

Outside, it was already the time of the second day.

The temple in front of him erupted with a vast momentum, directly breaking through this temple.

With a “boom” a loud bang.

The whole building turned into dust and shattered to the ground.

This also means that the furious god who once sheltered the beast tamer family has completely fallen!

“My God lives forever!!!

Seeing this scene, the warriors of the Baili Clan roared with excitement and excitement.

And the captives of the beast taming tribe were dead and completely aware of this fact.

However, most of the captives, instead of despairing, felt that they had been redeemed by the true gods.

Such a powerful god, as long as he converts to the other camp, he can also obtain powerful blessings.

This is what the captives thought.

It is also the result that Lin Feng also wants to see.

Jihad was a resounding victory.

In addition to Lin Feng, the tribe itself was fruitful.

Brought back a lot of resources and various loot from the tamer tribe.

And after the big victory.

Naturally, there was to be a grand priesthood.

In addition to the customary sacrifice of flesh and blood.

This time there are also many human sacrifices.

At Lin Feng’s request, among the human sacrifices offered this time, the one with the most noble status among all the captives was the one who had the most noble status

The patriarch of the beast tamer tribe, the daughter of the strongest beast tamer~!


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