

It turned out to be a quality that did not appear in the introduction, and it belonged to a divine technique that was even more advanced than the Golden Ten Stars!

Although the effect of this magic is a bit strange.

But it didn’t prevent Lin Feng from quickly thinking of the power of this divine technique!

Most divine arts have only two effects.

But there are four kinds of divine arts!

Effect one and effect three are the manifestations of action on believers.

The first can greatly improve believers.

The third one is stronger, equivalent to an absolute blood lock, no matter how seriously injured the believer who has received the blessing will lock the blood and not die!

The second and fourth effects are on him.

The second hundredfold feedback reward alone can give him countless benefits!

The last one means that as long as you have a god heir, you will get a highest-ranking believer by default.

As long as you work hard, you can harvest more believers of the highest level of faith!


[Congratulations to all Protoss candidates for completing the extraction of the initial divine art! ] 】

[Protoss Test, about to begin! ] 】

[All Protoss are randomly assigned to the small forces of the Tier 1 Secret World and become the guardian saints of that force. 】

[You need to develop this force into the birthplace of your miracles, and make the people of this force your most loyal believers!] 】

[When you become stronger by collecting the power of faith of this force, you can respond to the prayers of more forces, even more different worlds, and freely develop more believers! 】


[Hint: Thousands of worlds are divided into different levels of secret world and final origin world, and you can only respond to the corresponding prayer according to your world influence. 】

[When your god name is determined, the world will spread out in various forms of chance, and it is known that the higher the divine power, the greater the degree of praise. 】

[Please start determining your god name, and then immediately start the month-long Protoss test——].

[Mission 1 (Introductory): Harvest the power of one million faith! 】

[Mission 2 (Medium): Develop ten believers into fanatics! 】

[Mission 3 (Extremely Difficult): Lead at least one faction to develop and enter the Level 2 Shard World! 】

[Everyone needs to complete at least one task, otherwise they will be severely punished! ] 】

[The first person to complete each task will be rewarded richly, please all the Protoss candidates to work hard to develop their own believers! ] 】

[Final test: You must become a true god within one year, you need to be promoted from the first level of demigod to the tenth order of demigod, and then complete the breakthrough of the god level, the loser, lose all divine power, and the divine soul dissipate! ] 】

A succession of prompts sounded.

All of a sudden, many Protoss candidates felt great pressure and urgency.

[Oh my God! Are there any tests when they become gods? 】

[Attention upstairs, you are just a Protoss candidate! ] Not really God yet! 】

[Divine soul dissipated! ] This punishment is also terrible! 】

[It’s over, my garbage divine art feels that I can’t receive believers~ cry! ] 】

[Haha, fortunately, what I drew is a healing technique! ] 】

[Groove! ] Envy upstairs, this kind of divine art is most suitable for being a divine stick to trick more believers into entering! 】


And at the same time.

Lin Fengfa suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, a chaotic silver starry sky.

Among these countless stars, he seemed to vaguely feel that some noise was coming out continuously.

“Ask the great gods, send down divine punishment, and punish those damned demons!”

“O ancient and great god of war, please give us courage!”

“Save our tribe, O God of mercy and healing. Our tribe has suffered from the plague and cannot be solved! ”


There are many voices of supplication.

And they all come from a variety of different secret worlds.

At present, Lin Feng, who was only a first-order demigod, was unable to respond to these people’s prayers.

But fortunately, the assessment directly arranges the initial benefits for everyone.

Everyone can directly have a small force as the initial birthplace of faith.

Know according to the prompts of God’s will.

God’s name must be related to power, but it is not permanent.

For example, those who awaken the talent of thunder can be the god of thunder, the god of thunder, the god of thunder, and so on.

And god names can also be repeated, so similar or even exactly the same god names, not thousands or hundreds of is normal.

If you pray to the god of the same name, it is to see who is superior.

However, as the ability increases, or the ability is mastered.

If you first have thunder and later water, you can combine to become the god of thunderstorms.

Or at the same time master wind, water, thunder, electricity, etc., and can also be promoted to the god of celestial phenomena and so on.

The name of the god will automatically spread to thousands of worlds, and under various coincidences, it will be learned.

And people will also guess the ability to guess according to the name of the god, and choose the god they need to pray.

Before that, he must first identify a god name for himself.

Lin Feng thought about this divine technique of his own.


Send the son….

It can’t really be called Guanyin or the god of sending children, right?

That’s right!

It’s a life-giving process!

It might be nice to call the God of Life!


There must be quite a few god names of this type.

He saw on the channel of the gods that many people had drawn healing divine techniques, and he would definitely think of this name.

The god of life is easily confused by believers as the type of milk man.

In this case, it is very likely that only those who are unhealthy or injured will want to pray to this god’s name.

Lin Feng then thought for a while.

Soon he thought of another correlation of his abilities.

“Come to think of it, my original god name is-”

“God of Gifts!”

“This multi-child blessing originally belongs to a kind of gift effect for believers, and then it is given back to oneself.”


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