Divine power accelerates——

It can consume divine power, affect local areas, and accelerate the passage of time.

Multiple uses of the same world will affect the stability of time, so the consumption of each use must be superimposed.

The first time you use it, you can consume a trace of divine power, and you can immediately advance for a year.

Two filaments for the second time, four filaments for the third time, and so on.

At this time, it is the greatest effect of divine power.

Because although Lin Feng had more than two million power of faith, as long as he was not transformed into divine power, he could not consume the power of faith to use this special function.

And he now has three strands of divine power, and after using it, he will also recover on his own with time.

Lin Feng immediately gathered his divine power and began to use the special abilities of his God Race——

[Accelerate the divine power for the first time in the region, consume 1 trace of divine power! ] 】


A year long, but in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, all kinds of prompts are overwhelmed——

[Congratulations, your god heir has been successfully born! ] 】

[Congratulations, your god heir has been successfully born! ] 】

[Congratulations, your god heir has been successfully born! ] 】


[Your 2,777 believers have been promoted to universal believers! 】

[Your 331 believers have been promoted to universal believers! 】

[You have 44 believers elevated to deep disbeliefs! 】

For believers in the secret world, those who have received divine grace have already experienced October pregnancy.

And Lin Feng also got 80 gods again.

Not only that.

Those sick and weak believers who were healed by Lin Feng also gained a whole year of peaceful development because of this divine technique.

Under the shelter of the acceleration of time, it did not suffer any enemy invasion.

The disease in the body was not detonated again.

Even almost everyone has been eradicated from the disease problem and has become healthier than before.

Therefore, those half-believing believers have also strengthened their faith at this moment.

At least, it has also reached the level of a universal believer.

Lin Feng felt it through his divine thoughts.

In the past, because they were all small tribal settlements, the speed of development and expansion was very slow.

But nowadays.

Lin Feng gathered a total of more than 3,800 believers into the Hidden Flower Valley to develop together.

The half-orcs of the Baili clan are responsible for the defense of the city.

Roche’s beast trainer trains an army of fierce beasts for the tribe, taking into account large-scale patrols and hunting.

The flower field of the flower fairy can be made into high-end food to meet everyone’s needs.

Later joined, there were also ordinary tribesmen, primitive people, or other half-orcs of the bloodline of ancient beasts, etc., and they also played their own skills.

Now the Hidden Flower Valley can be described as thriving.

However, this is not enough, the construction is only one year, just beginning.

Lin Feng thought about it and decided to accelerate for a year.

Until then, though.

He descended to the tribe before God and found the people with the highest reward——

Baili Crisp, Bailiru, Luo Li, Xiao Wei, Xiao Yao five people.

Attack it again as long as you can, and then come back to continue your divine power acceleration.

“Or because the divine power acceleration is a local influence, I have to stay out of the matter to take effect.”

“Otherwise, if I can stay there and accelerate together for a year, I will definitely take down those more than a thousand people together!”

But he can’t do that yet.

The main reason was that he knew that the god of the epidemic must have set off.

He needs to complete acceleration before the other party comes, so he can’t stay in the uncharted world for too long.

Once there is some contact with the outside world, local acceleration is not possible.

Of course, another is also because most believers do not have a high level of faith.

If you win it directly, the reward will be less, and it will also affect the other party’s degree of faith in themselves.

When the God of this epidemic is solved, he will have enough time to give God to all suitable believers.

[Accelerate the divine power of this world for the second time, consuming 2 strands of divine power! ] 】





“Lord God has issued an oracle!”

“Let’s gather all the clansmen and unite the barbarian tribes to set off together!”

“Go to the Hidden Flower Valley and destroy the pseudo-god forces that robbed the believers of the gods over there!”

A rat-Terran covered in gray-green short hair let out a sharp cry.

Originally, because he was not good at frontal, he was often attacked and killed by fierce beasts.

But since receiving the protection of the God of Epidemic, the Rat Terrans have obtained the attack of the poisonous attribute, and their combat power has skyrocketed in an instant.

That is why, although those out there believers are of low rank.

But the Rat Terrans’ belief in the god of the epidemic is indeed extremely high.

After a year of development, they have basically reached the level of at least deep believers, and they will not change their beliefs easily, and they are also extremely advocating the god of epidemics.

Therefore, the rat race was also very angry with the believers who learned that other gods had plundered the god of the epidemic.

As for the other tribe that traveled with them, it was the barbarian tribe.

They are no different from humans, but they are naturally powerful, protected by the god of spear throwing, and have obtained precision spear throwing.

With the cooperation of the two races, there is no pressure at all for this crusade against a group of sick men, and the victory is in hand.

“It’s just a bunch of guys whose vitality is about to wither.”

“We barbarians have no problem with a single brush!”

The barbarian warrior was also not to be outdone.

The believers on both sides added up to about eight hundred people, and they set off towards the Hidden Flower Valley.

But because that place is really secretive.

It took them two days to reach the Great Rift.

Then it took another day to bypass the big crack and come to the outskirts of the Flower Valley.


Before you go in.

The barbarian warriors and rat-Terran warriors were a little dumbfounded.

“Huh? Is it really the front? ”

“Didn’t the oracle say, let me go and clear a chaotic concentration of sick men?”

“What’s going on…”

In their imagination.

Because this is a temporary concentration of more than ten tribes, it will inevitably cause chaos in management and make this side in tatters.

But I didn’t expect it.

The Valley of Flowers is orderly and prosperous here!

From a distance, you can see the staggered, but well-arranged, balanced houses in the distance.

The blooming flower field by the river.

What kind of camp is this, this is completely paradise!

And they couldn’t see any sick men at all, every villager was full of vitality, his face was full of joy, and there was no discord between the villagers because they originally came from different tribes.

What’s more, every villager is guarded by a fierce beast!

“Brother Rat? Are we really in the right place? ”

The barbarian chieftain already somewhat did not want to move forward.

A large tribe of more than four thousand people… No, it’s no longer a tribe, but a village!

And the army of beasts….

There are only 800 of them!

Take the head?

At this moment, a loud voice exploded——

“Haha! Lord God really expected things like God! ”

“We’ve been waiting for you here for two years!”


ps: Because the first time I wrote this genre, plus I was not full-time, I cried as a handicapped party~ But the author is really trying his best to code! Finally, don’t begging for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes~!

After sorting out the follow-up outline and ideas, at least five changes a day, and I have a lot of words in each chapter, more than two thousand words, and generally the chapter of the book before it is on the shelf is only one thousand and five words~!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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