[Do you want to start the final god war?] 】

[The test is a god battle of the same rank, and both sides can win over no more than two allied gods to join! ] 】


However, Lin Feng did not open it directly.

Before entering, he opened his Divine Magic panel.

“The two red divine techniques fed back from the little white tiger belong to the same type.”

“It stands to reason that it should be possible to synthesize and advance and upgrade to a golden divine art!”

“You can synthesize a wave first and then see!”

Anyway, the other party’s temple can’t run, this is the birthplace of the other party’s miracles, deeply bound, so Lin Feng is not in a hurry to open it directly.

If it is before launching the holy war, the other party can also directly cut off the root temple and directly leave the transcendent world.

But the result is the loss of the birthplace of miracles and the loss of the group of believers who trust them the most.

A god who has no temple of his own is also called the god of no return.

If you want to come to the transcendent world from scratch and make a comeback.

The only way to do this is by throwing in the statue and then waiting for a long time for the believer to pray and conquer the believer so that the other party can build a temple for himself.

In this way, they can return to the transcendent world again and redevelop their own disciple power.

Of course, even if the Blood Moon God gave up all his courage, he would not be able to do so now.

Because after the holy war is opened, the subsequent divine war will be forced.

Unless Lin Feng chose to give up and start the Divine War.

However, of course, Lin Feng would not give up the Divine War, he just planned to enter again with more certainty.

[Consuming seven million faith powers, the Behemoth Divine Technique has been upgraded to 10 stars! ] 】

[Consuming seven million faith powers, the Angry Beast Divine Art has been elevated to a star! ] 】

[Divine Art Fusion has been launched: Giant Beast Divine Art + Beast Divine Art, detected as the same type of Divine Art Fusion, can improve a stage——]

[Congratulations on obtaining a new Golden Divine Art: Emperor Beast Golden Soul! ] 】

[Golden 1 Star Divine Art: Emperor Beast Golden Soul]

[Blessing effect]: The beast pet given to the believer obtains the road map of supreme evolution, and each evolution will awaken a trace of the bloodline power of the supreme emperor in the bloodline of its own race

[Divine Power Effect]: Let the beast pet under his command evolve into the bloodline of the Supreme Beast Emperor, and directly enter the complete body form, and the full attribute will increase by five hundred times


Obtained the Golden Divine Art for the first time!

Seeing the effect of this Emperor Beast Golden Soul Divine Technique, Lin Feng couldn’t help but feel a little joyful.

In terms of blessing effect, although it loses the effect of even amplification, it has lost its gigantic and furious forms.

But it greatly improves the growth and development potential!

All beast pets can obtain supreme evolution and send 660 to tap all their potential!

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for the future!

Because his beast legion was almost all brought out by ordinary beasts.

But after obtaining this divine power blessing, you can greatly improve the growth efficiency and growth potential of the Beast Legion!

The active effect is obviously stronger than the original giant beast and angry beast!

The giant beast divine art only increases the volume, the attribute does not increase much, it is only suitable for terrain destruction, and if you fight head-on, it is easier to become the target of the enemy.

And now after turning into the Emperor Beast Golden Soul Divine Technique, the increase has become stronger, and there is no speed to reduce this negative effect!

The total attribute has increased by 500 times, which is much stronger than the increase of a few attributes, and the most important thing is the overall enhancement!

[Consuming eight million faith powers, the Emperor Beast Soul Divine Art has been upgraded to 10 stars! ] 】

Once again, the power of faith was consumed, and this golden divine technique was also raised to the highest level.

Let the increase increase from five hundred times to two thousand times!

Then, Lin Feng asked the believers to go to the dark red building to perform the final sacrifice ceremony——

The entrance to the passage of God War opened instantly!

Buzz –

Just entered the land of God’s fall.

Lin Feng noticed that compared to the previous Divine War opened in the Secret World, the boundary of the Divine Fall Land this time was located more distant, and the entire area had become at least thousands of times wider!

The biggest difference is that Lin Feng came in this time, and he actually directly obtained some buff effects——

[Extraordinary Holy War Ritual Blessing]: Your divine power and faith recovery are increased by three times per second, the divine effect is increased by 30%, and the divine power of the incarnation of the Supreme Believer is increased by 30%

[Hint]: This is the side that takes the initiative to open the extraordinary holy war and wins, and can only get the blessing of the God’s Fall

No wonder, the conditions for starting a holy war in the transcendent world are even harsher.

It turns out that it will have an impact on the subsequent God War!

He now has 12 traces of divine power in his divine body, which means that he can restore 12 million faith points in one minute.

Three times up, that’s 36 million!

That is, restore 600,000 faith points every second!

This allowed him to use divine power and divine magic more generously!

At this moment, the high sky, which originally represented nothingness, suddenly hung a blood-colored full moon.

This ability is incomparably familiar.


Not far away came a man’s gloomy sneer.

I saw that he also had the same blood-colored brilliance on his body, obviously the other party’s divine technique had been activated.

It is to occupy the favorable time and place in advance.

“God of Gifts, everyone is a new god race, and I am also considered (CEDC) to be your senior a month earlier, so you don’t need to go this far.”

“One person takes a step back and cancels the divine war, I don’t want that Xuanyuezhu, and I won’t pursue you for destroying the mountain gate of my Blood Moon Sect.”

“If you agree to peace talks, I can give you some additional benefits, how?”

I saw the God of the Blood Moon, the first time he came up, he wanted to ask for peace.

Because in his opinion, divine wars are all tragic.

Even if I can win in the end, I will inevitably pay a great price, if it is not for the victorious me, generally start the God War, it is just to come to the land of God to negotiate and ask for more benefits.

The demigods here in the transcendent world, almost eighty percent of the god wars that opened, the final result was ended through negotiation.

Of course, the most important point is that because of this divine war, Lin Feng is the home field advantage, so even if it is a draw, he can only pay some price.

Lin Feng also knew for the first time that the original divine war could be used as a place for negotiation.

This is important and can later be used as a means to obtain greater benefits.

“What can you give me?”

Since the other party was willing to pay some benefits, then of course Lin Feng would not refuse.

However, the premise is that the other party must pay enough to satisfy themselves.

“How about I give you the power of 80 million faith?”


That’s it?

Lin Feng deflated his mouth speechlessly.

He thought there was something good.

The power of faith can almost be said to be the resource he can obtain with little effort!

The power of faith provided by more than six hundred supreme demigods is higher than the faith value that most high-level demigods can obtain every day!

“So what do you want!?”

The Blood Moon God forced himself to be angry and asked rhetorically.

“Eighty million power of faith, and, leave the Blood Moon Divine Art to yourself, and the other divine arts belong to me.”

Lin Feng said directly.

Because the divine technique obtained by killing the god will only drop the divine technique related to the god’s name one hundred percent, and the rest of the divine art will only be obtained with a probability.

In other words, if you kill the other party, you can only obtain one Blood Moon God Technique with a high probability.

But if the other party takes two divine techniques to come out for peace talks, this gain is better than killing the other party, and it is not unacceptable.

“You want my two magic ???”

The God of the Blood Moon was stunned.

This…… This is also too big a lion’s mouth!

If you have to give it, it is not impossible to take out one to change.

Take both, his strength can be said to have dropped suddenly, and it is even more difficult to develop!

“Don’t go too far!”

“Give you up to 100 million faith powers, plus the fragments of our Blood Moon Sect’s Blood Moon Formation are sent to you, you can take it back and change it to the Xuan Yue Sect into the Xuan Yue Array, this is the same.”

Oh~ It turns out that under the ruins, there is still such a good thing hidden!

When you turn back, you have to let people dig three feet into the ground and dig out all the good things of the Blood Moon Sect Mountain Gate and bring them back!”

Seeing that the things given by the other party were not sincere at all, Lin Feng did not plan to continue negotiations.

“Spear throwing divine technique!”

Lin Feng didn’t say much nonsense, and used ten strands of divine power to condense directly in his hand, forming a spear shining with divine light.

Then it burst out with amazing momentum, locking the position of the Blood Moon God.



The divine power flying spear directly pierced the sky, obviously it seemed that there were still thousands of miles away, but it seemed to cut through the space, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the Blood Moon God.

“Damn !!!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Save me!!!”

And the God of the Blood Moon is not a god who is good at defense.

In the face of this extremely strong single attack divine technique, the Blood Moon God also shouted in panic.

I saw that in front of him, two strong and huge bodies suddenly joined, completely protecting the Blood Moon God in the rear.



The divine power collided extremely strongly, producing a piercing sound of nails scraping glass, and the earth on the ground was also blown up with dust.

But Lin Feng knew that his Divine Power Flying Spear had not dealt an effective blow.

At the same time, he frowned slightly.

“The God of the Blood Moon also has allies?”

As far as he knew, when he came to the transcendent world, there was almost no alliance, after all, everyone developed their own believers, and no one affected anyone.

Unless there is a high degree of resonance between beliefs, they will unite to develop believers and forces.

Boom —

The next moment, the dust dissipated, and two figures appeared.

Seeing the figures of the two, Lin Feng couldn’t help but roll his eyes…

“With my guardian god/bodyguard god here, don’t try to hurt a hair of my employer!”


“You two?”

This time it was Lin Feng’s turn to be speechless.

Didn’t these two guys talk to him about business before the war and let himself hire them?

How did you come to this stage of God War, and you two were hired by each other?

“Hey, hey, buddy!”

“At first, I thought that you would definitely not be able to defeat the God of the Blood Moon, but I didn’t expect that you would be able to force the step of opening the God War!”

“I have to say, buddy, you still have something, thanks to you, we can earn the protection fee of this single god war!”

The god of bodyguards and guardians stand here one left and one right.

But there was no active attack.

Because the God of the Blood Moon only paid them to protect themselves, they did not really participate in the God War.

That’s another price!

“Hmph, God of Gifts, give face not face!”

“Now, you can’t get anything, hurry up and negotiate peace!”

I wanted to spend a little money for peace talks, but I couldn’t get along.

As a last resort, I had to pay a lot of money to hire someone to help with the peace talks.

Of course, the ultimate goal is only peace talks.

After all, he couldn’t afford the Guardian God and the Bodyguard God to pay for him.

So, in his opinion, the current situation is that he can’t help the other side, because this is the opponent’s home field advantage.

But the other party must not be able to help himself, after all, there are three people on his side!


Fierce Wind Divine Technique——

Frost and Snow Divine Technique——

Blight Magic –

Lin Feng directly raised his hand, and three super-wide divine techniques that were enough to change the environment were thrown out.

The wind howled, and every wind was mixed with the wind blade condensed by millions of beliefs!

Frost and snow fall, the surroundings enter the weather of ice and snow storms, slow down!

The poisonous mist spreads, invading the opponent’s divine power body every moment!


“Are you crazy? Do you want to hit three ??? ”

At this moment, it was not only the God of the Blood Moon who was dumbfounded.

Even the smiles on the faces of the God of Bodyguards and the God of Guards gradually disappeared.

In the past, the disputes among the low-level gods, once they intervened, would inevitably be able to prevent the continuation of the divine war.

When they were bodyguards and guards, their strength was extremely strong.

Therefore, it was possible to earn a large amount of employment fees without much effort.

However, this time, they found that the opposite side turned out to be a stunned blue, and when they saw them join the battlefield, they actually had to make a move.

“Hehe, I almost forgot, this god of gifts is not the same as us, just a new god who has just broken through to the extraordinary world.”

“It seems that it is necessary for newcomers to remember for a long time and know our fame and strength!”

The God of Bodyguards and the God of Guards snorted coldly.

The God of Guardian directly opened a divine power enchantment, which was one of the effects of his Guardian Technique.

Within the enchantment range, eliminate 60% of the effects of other divine arts and gain a 300% defense boost.

With this guardian technique, as a guardian god, he was not only trusted by the believers, but also supported by other god races.

He takes orders to protect people, and none of them will get hurt!

The god of bodyguards is the main attack, and raising his hand is to condense a large number of faith powers, and a steady stream of various divine weapons attack the past.

However, they were all resisted by Lin Feng’s easy condensation of faith guardian barriers, and the divine power canceled each other.

The two sides fought each other like this for a long time.

But then, the god of bodyguards felt that something was wrong.

“How did his divine power recover so quickly??”

“As an initial new god without divine power, there should only be 300,000 copies of the power of faith in one minute, right?”

“Even if he has already begun to condense his divine power, how many silks can he condense?”

“How is it possible to attack us for so long and show no signs of weakness?”

“I have condensed fifteen strands of divine power, and I can’t suppress a little new god?”

“Coupled with my ten traces of divine power, even if he has the holy war home field advantage, he can’t recover more than us!”


The total amount of divine power, Lin Feng has long taken into account!

This is one of his greatest strengths!

He knew that the other party had only crossed into the world of gods a month earlier than him!

And the other party, like him, also has to experience the development of the secret world, and then come to the development of the extraordinary world.

Normally, in order to allow the development of forces and believers, he has very little time to go back to the God Realm to condense his divine power.

Therefore, these demigods who preceded him by a month and ten days.

At most, it will squeeze out more than ten days to condense divine power!

Unless, like him, find an opportunity, obtain spirit crystals, and condense divine essence crystals to accelerate the condensation of divine power!

Perhaps the total amount of faith power that has not yet been refined is not as good as the other party, hundreds of millions or even more than a billion.

But with the total amount of pure divine power, Lin Feng did not feel at a disadvantage at all.

Of course, there is another reason for the most important –

And the god of bodyguards and guards is just on display.

“Hmph, it doesn’t matter!”

“We also have a big advantage, which is definitely incomparable to the new gods!”

“Come out, Most High Believers!”

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Including the God of the Blood Moon, the three of them each summoned their supreme disciples to come out.

The five gods of the Blood Moon are the sect masters and four elders of the Blood Moon Sect, although they died in the flesh, but because they reached the saint level, their souls returned to the god domain, and they can still participate in the divine war.

There are ten gods of bodyguards and fifteen gods of guards.

“The Supreme Believers are all Divine Power Booster Packs, and they can directly absorb their Divine Power to use it!”

“My fifteen supreme disciples mean that every minute, I can recover fifteen more divine powers!”

However, at this very time.

Lin Feng also began to summon the Supreme Believer.

Divine power brilliance…

Continuous flickering…

The three people on the opposite side were completely dumbfounded!


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