Three years ago.

The Forest of Nature was dealt a fatal blow.

A group of vicious otherworldly tyrants invade the forest.

In the beginning, those people just killed the beasts in the forest, killing some fallen ~ fallen beasts that were also harmful to the forest.

At first, the elves thought that the other party was coming to help them-.

As a result, after killing the murderer.

These people began to target their natural tribe.

Attack in a big way.

These uncivilized elves who have not yet awakened the bloodline of the elves are naturally not opponents.

In the end, the Eternal Divine Tree that they had provided for generations was directly knocked down and taken away.

In the end, it took another three months to plunder all the resources available in the entire secret world.

Leaving only a ruined wasteland-like world for these elves.

Without the Eternal Divine Tree, one loses the breath of life necessary for the survival of the natural elves.

The elven race originally had a population of more than 5,000.

Today, there are less than a thousand people left.

All the elves fell into a state of extreme debilitation, and almost every day, the lives of their clansmen were lost, and they turned into life elements and returned to the earth.

The rest of these elves, basically… No, all of us have lost their thirst for life.

Everyone lay flat and waited to die.

Wait for the moment when your life is gone.

Until this day.

It’s still an ordinary day.

However, something extremely unusual suddenly appeared.

A large number of rich breaths of life fell from the sky.

All the weak elves, like fish that have been dehydrated for a long time, suddenly returned to the clear water.

Countless people showed expressions of disbelief.

They wondered if they were too eager for the breath of life, and hallucinated.

Or maybe you’re actually dead, it’s just the afterlife.

What’s more, it is only the luxury of their own pre-death that they return to the light to feel the breath of life.

However, as the life energy became more and more intense, the noise outside became more and more intense.

This is simply impossible for a village that has been silent for most of the year.

Subsequently, more elves who were lying flat at home dragged their heavy steps and walked out of the house.

At that moment…

Their eyes were instantly filled with light –

“Oh my God!!”

“Breath of eternal life!”

“Could it be that those wicked people returned the Eternal God Tree to us?”

“It’s not! Look at the above—”

“This is a… What does a human being? ”

“Nope! This is God! This must be the god sent by heaven to save our elven race! ”

“You see what he is holding in his hand is the eternal branch of our natural elf family!”

“Ah~ no, I haven’t felt the breath of life for more than ten months, and suddenly it came to my face, and I have some weakness to make up for it~”

“Thank you Tenjin!!! Thank God for pitying us elves woo~”

At this time, the surviving elves of the entire elf tribe all noticed the huge and majestic shadow above.

Not only that, but they also found a large number of breaths of life descending, so that the surrounding wasteland, which could not even survive a single grass, suddenly grew a lot of green grass and began to gradually recover its vitality!

For the elves, the breath of life is the most important thing!

Seeing this scene, their hearts are also instantly filled with reverence for the phantom that appeared in the sky.

Lin Feng, who was hovering above the elf tribe, continued to radiate the breath of life for almost two minutes.

See these pale-faced lifeless elves below.

After gradually returning to blood red, even his face became extremely flushed because of his weakness.

Lin Feng was slightly relieved.

Because before, he saw these elves, one by one, as if the wind would fall, and he was really worried about whether he had bought a big pit.

If these elves die before they can transform into believers, then he will lose blood!

Although it is a secret realm sent for nothing, psychologically I also feel a blood loss!

Fortunately, he had prepared the Eternal Branch to bring with him in advance.

Of course, just a single branch is naturally not comparable to the original entire Eternal God Tree.

But fortunately, he still has the magic of spring!

Although it is used in the City of Charism, it is mainly to increase the probability of winning the lottery for a certain act.

But if used here, the effect can only be said to be more significant than expected!

Not only did he save these elves, who were almost all in a dying state.

It can even be said to save the life of the entire area!

At the same time, it also gives them a very high sense of identification with their own image.

Before he could speak, the other party had already acquiesced to the god of his race coming to save their clan.

“It is worthy of being specialized in the transfer of believers, and there is indeed a set of means that allows buyers to easily take over the faith of these people.”

Lin Feng suddenly understood why the other party had to search so cleanly.

Indeed, only the greater the despair, the more profound the impression will be when salvation comes.

Just like these elves below now, the eyes that look at themselves are completely different.

The time for forced manifestation without anchors is almost over.

At the last moment, Lin Feng directly let go of his hand and let this Eternal Tree branch slowly fall.

At this time, he slowly spoke:

“My name, God of Gifts!”

“This and the branch of eternity are the way of salvation given to you!”

“Live and become strong, I will lead you to hope!”

After speaking, Lin Feng’s image slowly dissipated, leaving only a trace amount of energy, which was protecting this eternal branch from falling slowly.

However, these three words made the nature elf instantly burst into excitement and excitement.

Feel that the eternal branch is real before their eyes.

The nature elves immediately knelt down one after another, bowed in the direction where Lin Feng disappeared, and bowed.

“Thank the God of the Great and Eternal Gift!!!”

“We, the Nature Forest clan, will worship the god of grace as the patron saint of the elven race for generations to come!”

Even if Lin Feng’s phantom shadow still dissipated for a long time.

But the elves below are still haunted for a long time.

“God, the God of Gifts is so merciful!”

“None of us have called on the name of this great god, but the God of Gifts has already given us with the branches of the Eternal Tree!”

“This god must be a good god worthy of our eternal follow!!!”

“Yes, our elven ancestors, whom we have believed in for generations, did not come out to save us when we were killed, nor did they help us when we lost hope.”

“Instead, this god of gifts took the initiative to save us!!”

“The God of Gifts also said that He would lead us to hope! We will definitely be able to get out of this miserable environment! ”

“It has been decided that in order to repay the gift of the God of Gifts, we must strive to live so that generations of elves will make offerings to the God of Great Gifts!”

“Let the God of Gifts receive a steady stream of sacrifices to show our loyalty and faith in the God of Gifts!”

With a new life energy infusion, these natural elves who feed on life energy have regained their vitality and vitality at an incredible speed.

And the people of the entire tribe did not think anything, and agreed to let the god of gifts replace the previous elven ancestors and become the gods they worshiped.

Next, it’s time to build a temple and welcome the god of gifts into the throne!


【You got the Nature Elf Pu believer x224】

[You have obtained the Nature Elf Deep Believer x628! ] 】

[You have obtained the Nature Elf True Believer x107! ] 】

[You have obtained the Nature Elf Devout X8! ] 】

Nine hundred and sixty-seven new believers were added at once!

Moreover, even the vast majority of them have been directly elevated to the level of faith of deep believers.

There are also a small number of them, reaching true believers and devout believers!

Normal cultivation of believers raises such a high level of faith.

It’s hard to do it in ten or eight years! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even those who believed in his Baili Clan and the Beast Taming Tribe from the beginning.

It has been several years before and after, and most of them are only staying at the level of deep believers!

Only those female believers who were eligible to receive Lin Feng’s divine grace, after intimately experiencing Lin Feng’s greatness in the process of being conquered by Lin Feng, would it be easier to improve their level of faith.

“Give them the eternal branch, and they will not die for at least a while.”

“And the plunder of the secret realm opener before, although it is indeed brutal, it has to be said that all the monsters in the secret realm are killed.”

“Now it can also avoid the danger of the elves encountering foreign enemies.”

“Next, I just need to wait for them to build a temple for me and officially call my god’s name for sacrifice, and I can truly descend to the essence god.”

This time will not be too long, two or three days at most.

This time was nothing to Lin Feng.

Later, he took out another secret realm.

This is the Black Snake Secret Realm with a population of 4500+, which is a snake tribe living in a relatively primitive jungle swamp.

Although these snake terrans are said to have the bloodline of the sacred beast Medusa.

However, the bloodline development of the half-orc race is generally more difficult.

Coupled with the existence of primitive beliefs in the snake race itself, that is, the god of Medusa.

Although this is a fictional deity that does not really exist, it can also make it difficult to convert to faith.

This is also why the demigod who plundered the secret realm also gave up wooing the snake race to become a believer.

However, Lin Feng didn’t care, he mainly wanted to see it.

Nengcheng said that if he could not achieve the power of 40 million beliefs, it would be regarded as the cost of buying the elven secret realm, after all, the elven race was a very important believer for him.

[Activate the secret realm key, the entrance to the secret world has been opened——】

Buzz –

Another similar entrance appeared in front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

However, the moment he stepped into the secret world this time, a prompt sounded in Lin Feng’s ears——

【Ding! Warn! You’ve found the trail of the evil god! Fall Evil God believers who know the secret realm, kill the body of the Evil God, and prevent the Evil God’s body from coming, and you will be rewarded richly! 】

【Ding! Due to the will of the evil gods in this world, you have unlocked all the restrictions of the divine arts, and you do not need to open the holy war, and you can directly use the full effect of the divine arts! 】

0 ask for flowers

[But your divine art can still only be used to deal with the evil god consciousness body, and cannot directly deal with the believers of the evil god, so you need to let the believers kill the body of the evil god sacrifice before you can force out the evil god consciousness body! ] 】

[Warning: Although the evil god is not a true god, because the evil god naturally masters the ability to collect the power of faith, the effect will be increased to the level of no less than the divine art by injecting the skills used by the power of faith! ] 】

Groove ????

How did you encounter an evil god?

Lin Feng was shocked.

Bought a secret world casually, but encountered the invasion of evil gods?

Most importantly, doesn’t the Seller Earth Dragon God know?

“By the way, the Earth Dragon God said that this secret realm had already been brushed once a year ago.”

“Obviously, the evil god invaded within this year!”

This extremely low probability was hit by him, I really don’t know what to say!

The most important thing is that the reward of the evil god, he clearly remembers, the minimum guarantee has ten primary divine essence crystals!

This is equivalent to spending 40 million beliefs to directly buy ten divine essence crystals, which can represent a full thirty strands of divine power that can be quickly refined!

Before I heard everyone talk about evil gods, they all felt that it was a rich reward, and they did not regard evil gods as danger.

It proves that although the name of the evil god seems powerful, in fact, it is only powerful against mortals.

After all, it can be forcibly brainwashed, unable to get out of the control of the evil god, and forcibly give the evil god the power of faith continuously.

But these means are useless for the true Protoss!

As long as it is stronger than the other party in the power of faith and the profound foundation of divine power, it is not a big problem.

However, after all, it was the first time that he encountered the existence of a fallen evil god.

He decided to observe before speaking.

He first browsed the world situation of this Black Snake Secret Realm.

The area is not too large, and it is not even far from the secret realm of the barbaric land that he started.

There is only a swamp and a dwarf bush.

Soon, Lin Feng found a tribe that was already dilapidated on the edge of the swamp.

And here, there is a group of snake people.

The skin of the snake race is different shades of brown, the lower body still retains the snake body, and the upper body is human, but it also retains the rather characteristic split long tongue of the snake letter.

Although it is the same as the secret realm of the elven race, the entire world was plundered a year ago.

It’s just clear that the snake people didn’t lie down and die like the nature elves.

Perhaps because the life of the nature elves over there has been very peaceful for generations, they do not hesitate to war, and they have been avoiding the world for a long time, so they cannot withstand major blows.

On the contrary, it is the snake warriors on the side of the snake race, although the resources of the entire world have been plundered.

But the snake people soon rebuilt their tribe and struggled to survive.

However, Lin Feng saw the snake tribe below and counted the total population, but found that there were only less than two thousand, which was more than half of the number!

“Good fellow, say a good 4500+ population, the result is less than 2,000!”

“Just dare to sell me four thousand faith powers?”

Fortunately, this secret realm refreshed an evil god, and it can be regarded as making up for it!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn’t pursue the other party.

Lin Feng did not show up directly.

Mainly because it is different from the situation with the nature elves.

He first needs the specific experience of the snake race and knows the needs of the other party, so that he can accurately grasp the desire of the other party’s heart through a short manifestation.

So that the snake people recognize him as a new god, and let himself replace the original snake god Medusa that the snake people have admired for generations.

He explores the world with his mind while patiently waiting for the encounters and changes below.


Over time.

The snake tribe that originally seemed calm suddenly exclaimed.

At the same time, there was a big movement in the jungle in the distance.

I can find that in the distance, a huge figure is constantly approaching.

Boom —

The snake tribe also responded quickly.

The Snake Terrans, who were weak in battle, immediately hid in the only building that had apparently been reinforced dozens of times.

There are about two hundred real snake warriors left, armed with spears, blades, tomahawks, bows and arrows and other relatively primitive weapons to resist the front of the tribe.

The only one of these snake people is holding a staff and chanting some secret words of the ancient snake people.

In an instant, a red light extended from the staff, and then turned into two hundred red dots, merging into every snake warrior.

I saw that the snake warrior received the blessing, and his momentum also soared.


However, it seems like a safe situation.

When the enemy really landed, more than thirty snake warriors were swept away by the huge tail in an instant.

I saw that the enemy was also a snake.

It’s just not a snake man, but a huge python!

[Fallen Believer]: Giant Python Demon Serpent

[Degree of faith]: Frenzy

[Strength]: Extraordinary first-order

This is, believers in the evil god!?

Lin Feng didn’t expect that he would encounter it so quickly!

… Above….

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