With the addition of the elven race.

The City of Grace has become even more lively.

In addition, the residents who migrated from the city of fire before have now completed the settlement work in the city.

Today, the population of the City of Divine Grace has increased to ~ 80,000.

Race types are the largest number of Terrans.

Other races are not in the minority.

With the addition of the natural elf race, Lin Feng arranged them to the forest area to live with the flower fairy elf, the deer race, and three races.

And a large number of nature elves turned into natural warlocks.

These three races are responsible for producing food and maintaining food and clothing for the people in the city.

Originally, after the population grew, it would have been somewhat difficult to rely on the flower fairy alone.

It was even necessary to send caravans to other cities to buy food to maintain it.

However, since Bailiru was promoted to the rank of Divine Deer Spirit, food production has increased dramatically.

With the passage of time, more and more Deer Terran bloodlines awakened and transformed into the Deer Spirit Clan.

Now there are natural spirits joining, coupled with the blessing of spring magic.

Staple foods can be maintained in abundance or even surplus.

Coupled with the Roche beast trainer led by Little Lori, a large number of ordinary ferocious beasts and beasts are domesticated as a source of meat.

These four forces alone are responsible for it, which is enough to support the food of at least half a million people.

The excess can also be shipped to other cities for sale, improving the city’s economy.

Or it can be used to recruit more displaced people to join the city of charisms and expand the population.

The Tiger Race among the half-orcs of the Baili Clan acts as a city defense team to maintain law and order in the town.

Now that everyone in the Baili Clan has completed the evolution of their bloodlines, it is not a problem at all to deal with the regular enemies of the extraordinary world.

The dependent force Xuanyue Sect is also thriving, constantly cultivating more extraordinary cultivators for the City of Divine Grace.

Of course, the most important combat power is still dominated by Lin Feng’s heirs.

The Divine Heir Legion is the highest combat power of the City of Divine Grace.

After the optimization of the divine technique, Kaede also completed the career transformation for his goddess.


Lin Feng established the Month of God’s Grace for All People.

Spend three months each year receiving prayers for charities from all believers in the city.

Because those who want to be believers in charism, every time they have completed a childbirth, they can’t wait to receive a new gift.

And if he didn’t want to be, no matter how long Lin Feng waited, it would be difficult for the other party to change his mind.

Expectations are waiting one after another, and one or two come from time to time.

It’s better to meet everyone’s needs at once, outdated.

With the time limit, it made some wavering believers firm their inner choices, so they seized the time to seek divine grace from Lin Feng.


Even so, Lin Feng was the busiest year this year.

More than three thousand people from the natural elf tribe, and more than a thousand fanatical believers who were born later.

Ever since Lin Feng led them out of the secret world and came to the City of Divine Grace.

The level of faith of those elven girls was directly full.

Almost ninety percent of the elf girls were willing to sacrifice everything for Lin Feng.

Plus more than sixteen hundred people in the snake race.

There are more than 300 flower fairies.

There are more than 400 tiger deer orcs.

There are more than 600 female cultivators of the Xuanyue Sect.

There are more than 1,400 ordinary city residents.

Since the beginning of this year, the number of charismatic believers willing to become his has reached eight thousand!

The good news is.

His Spring Spirit Divine Technique was elevated to golden quality.

The probability of lieutenant general has increased dramatically.

Unless the other person is not a believer, or is a special existence such as the body of a sub-god.

The probability of entering the soul has reached 100%.

No more repeated gifts to win, saving a lot of time.

Let Lin Feng treat every believer more attentively.

Instead of swallowing dates as before.

In order to increase the probability of winning, he could only shorten the time and increase the number of times, which made him lose a lot of fun in appreciating beauty.

At the very least, in this way, the satisfaction of these charity-based believers in receiving charities has increased significantly.

The three-month month of charisman has become the most anticipated day of the year for all charisman believers.

【Congratulations! You and the Deer Spirit believers have a descendant of the gods! Reward Green Extraordinary Elixir x3000! 】

【Congratulations! You and the human believers have the descendants of God! Reward Green Extraordinary Building Blueprints x10! 】

【Congratulations! You and the Gengetsu believers have a descendant of the gods! Reward Blue Extraordinary Beast Material x100! 】

【Congratulations! You and the Fire Spirit Clan believers have a descendant of the gods! Bonus Blue Extraordinary Fire Spirit Stone x1000! 】



A steady stream of winnings.

Get a steady stream of rewards.

And, although those ordinary believers do not give as much feedback as the closest believers.

But every time a divine grace is given, these believers receive a certain improvement.

So that the next time you give feedback, the richness of the reward will gradually increase.

In the beginning.

The average human believer gives the least reward.

Most are exceptional rewards for white, even gray quality.

And there are not many of them.

But this time, almost all the rewards surpassed white and came to the green quality level.

Even some transcendent races have gradually improved to the blue quality.

The newly joined Fire Spirit Clan is from the City of Fire.

The most surprising thing about this race that surprised Lin Feng was that they were born with a fire extraordinary race, and the rewards they brought were very good.

Moreover, the heir born is very suitable for changing careers to become Yanlong Actual or Fire Mage.

Of course, their passionate attitude and deep experience like a furnace also made Lin Feng feel fresh and enjoyable.

After three months of universal charism.

Lin Feng’s supreme disciples soared again.

Some of them are one or two litters, and the snake people still maintain the amount of ten litters.

Today, there are 22,000 unborn heirs.

With the addition of the original heirs, the number of god heirs has increased to 60,000!

These are the Most High Believers!

All of them are Lin Feng’s strongest combat power!

The fourth month has arrived.

Mei’er in the God Realm also helped Lin Feng complete the condensation of 15 traces of divine power.

Plus the 5 silks obtained in the God War.

The task of 20 new divine powers requested this month has also been completed.

Of course, the task of 200 million beliefs was completed on the tenth day.

Moreover, this is all mortal time.

In fact, the time in the Divine Realm had only been more than a day. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No doubt.

The other Divine Races, who were also second-order demigods, would simply not be able to catch up with Lin Feng’s progress.

The eight missions with treasure chest rewards were all covered by Lin Feng alone!

A red treasure chest and a green treasure chest that Lin Feng got again, all of which Lin Feng used to feed to the treasure chest of greed and gluttony.

The current energy reaches 75.1%.

According to the previous experience of devouring treasure chests.

Lin Feng also basically figured out the rules.

Red Chest 50% Energy, Orange 30% Energy, Purple 20% Energy, Blue 10% Energy, Green 5%, White 1%, Gray 0.1%.

0 ask for flowers

“If you don’t want energy to spill and waste, it’s best to feed a purple chest and a green chest.”

Of course, the premise is that you can get the chest.

At the current position, Lin Feng only knew that completing monthly tasks could stabilize the treasure chest reward.

If you pass through the Uncharted World, you can occasionally get treasure chest rewards.

As for the rest, it is up to believers to brush monsters to drop treasure chests.

Then the believers would sacrifice the chest to him if they wished.

However, the drop of mortal monster chests is extremely low.

So far, it’s only a few drops of white treasure chests.

And basically nothing can be opened.

Lin Feng issued an oracle, and the treasure chests below the blue can be kept by themselves, and there is no need to sacrifice them.

After the mortal affairs are dealt with.

Lin Feng returned to the Divine Realm and personally condensed his divine power.

At the same time, let Mei’er return to the mortal world, the child in her belly has been several years in Lin Feng’s opinion.

However, because he has been spending time in the Divine Realm, the actual time has not yet reached the production period.


Time flies by.

Three years have passed in mortal world.

Lin Feng’s heirs reached 100,000.

Eight divine classes, plus two template classes, Snake Demon Warrior and Snake Demon Mage.

10,000 jobs for each occupation.

At the same time, Lin Feng’s strength increased at a rate of about three silk every year.

After three years, it finally exceeded a hundred silks, plus the original divine power, it had reached one hundred and thirty strands of ordinary divine power.

Subsequently, Lin Feng also fused that hundred strands of divine power into a complete drop of refined divine power.

The total amount of divine power is two drops of refined divine power, as well as ordinary divine power.

As for the power of faith, it has reached 13.6 billion.

Now, after the birth of the third batch of heirs, the power of faith can increase by 4800w every day, so that he does not lack the power of faith at all.

What is missing is only more time, time to transform the power of faith into divine power.

But even so, the requirements of the third-order demigod are getting closer and closer.

During the month of charisms in the fourth year.

Lin Feng stayed in the City of Divine Grace.

Continue to give a new round of gifts to believers in charity.

I thought it would be another year of stable development.

But it made him find a clue.

Recently, the number of caravans traveling to and from the City of Grace has increased significantly.

And they were all very large caravans.

However, these caravans came not to sell things, but to buy.

And a large amount of grain produced by the city of charisms is purchased.

Because of the cooperation of the three major forces of the natural elf tribe, the flower fairy tribe, and the deer spirit tribe, the food output of the city of grace has become increasingly famous.

Many towns around that are short of food will come to the city of charisms to buy them.

There were also many other town residents who had been short of food for a long time, and directly abandoned the original city and joined the city of divine grace to settle, so that Lin Feng harvested many new believers every year by relying on grain.

But this time.

He felt something was wrong.

There are too many caravans coming to buy grain in a short period of time!

Within this month, he saw a full eight large caravans from different forces.

In the past, there were only one or two large caravans a month.

“Let Xiyue and Miyue send Xuanyue cultivators to be high Xuanyue disciples to track these caravans.”

“Let the Dream Warlock follow, take charge of cover!”

“It is important to find out which forces these caravans belong to!”

Lin Feng made a decision immediately.

If something goes wrong, there will be a demon, and if he does not investigate and clear it, it will be difficult for him to feel at ease.

… Small….

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