The idea was simple yet complex at the same time. What I wanted to do was to connect or form a link between Erika and Alex, more like a soul link that allowed them to share their powers with each other.

Normally I wouldn't have even thought about this, but because of the number of unimaginable things that have occurred till now, I think it won't be far-fetched to think that it isn't possible.

"Miya. I have a question for you,"I turned at Miya with a slightly excited and mostly curious look. Hearing my words, she focused on me from the previous focus, which she had on Erika up until now.

"Is it possible to connect, or more like, form a link between two individuals?" I asked directly, making everyone turn at me with slight confusion. I glanced at them for a couple of seconds before turning back to Miya, who was pondering for a few seconds. It seems like she understood what I was trying to do.

"Not in this environment,"she said, observing my expression, which did not change even a bit. To be precise, I could already see the idea being a success with just Miya's statement. But… that's after we deal with those military peoples.

"Angela. I have a question for you too,"I spoke as something else was bugging me a little. It wasn't really that much of a curious thing, as it was already more or less guessable.

"Are you the one responsible for Erika's growth?" I asked. She was doing some laboratory mad scientist type of work down there, wasn't she?

"If you are talking about the Humanised Zombie, then yeah. I was the one responsible for that. A newborn infant Zombie is of no use to me so I planted some Growth Energy inside of her," she spoke with a slight pride in her words and I sighed at her. The others, especially the military guys and Myla, were honestly surprised, to say the least. Their eyes wide open, they looked at Erika first, before their eyes turned to Angela.

"Well. Good job, I guess,"I said, as I didn't really mind it. According to Erika's status, her growth has stopped and she will only grow at a normal Human's pace from now on. A bit faster than that, but that much of a difference could be ignored. Even Alex wasn't bothered by it to say the least.

Later, I discussed the events that happened when I was dealing with Angela and, according to Walter and the others, a battle ensued between my group and Angela's.

Angela said that she collected them for future experiment specimens, including that Medusae and that Slythreen, which surprisingly or unsurprisingly didn't really were bothered about it. In fact, they said that they knew this outcome would happen and had their own contingency plans for later on.

With all said and done, it was a fruitful journey, nonetheless. I gained Angela, the Medusae and the Slythreen. Other than that, I also gained a blessing of which I have no idea how and when it will activate. Plus a few smaller things here and there. The main purpose, that is to meet and find Alex, was also fulfilled so that sums up the whole journey here.

'I wanted to go find White first, but I guess I need to postpone that as well,' I thought as I looked at those military people. To be honest, meeting Myla was lucky here, and finding out about Tyler was even more ridiculous. But I am happy. If I can get to kill that bastard and have some answers, nothing could make me happier right now in comparison to that.

"Since all is said and done, I guess we should leave from here… or not,"I looked at the exhausted faces of the military people and even Irene, George and Alex looked tired. The only ones not tired were Miya and Walter, who were just casually looking around the perimeter.

'I could heal them all back up to normal, but I guess I didn't have a proper break where I talked and enjoyed time with others. And I should bond with Angela too while I can,' I thought as I observed her face.

"All right. Perhaps we can take a break today and start our journey tomorrow," I said, and most of the people had a cheering smile on their faces.

I then pondered a little before

[Second Space!]

I opened the gate to the [Second Space]. While I was trying to keep it a secret, for some reason I trusted my ability to face any kind of situation. Including and not limited to Myla and Angela combined right now.

Looking at the gate, Myla and Angela upped their guard to peak level. Perhaps something like this is still unfathomable, even for them. As for the rest of the people, they just grew tense as they observed the gate.

"It's alright. It's one of my skills that allows me to have a private space of my own,"I said, making everyone dumbfounded. Especially Angela, who also had a similar power to space where she could create an entire world. Though for some reason, her surprised expression looked quite exaggerated.

"Is there anything wrong with it?" I asked curiously and her eyes shifted to me, slowly, having the same dumbfoundedness in them as before.

"There is an entire universe… no multiverse in there… h-how… is that even possible?" her eyes shook as she spoke those words. I observed her carefully for a few minutes and she wasn't lying.

'Well, I guess whoever made the system must be really that powerful too,' I thought as I observed my status for a couple of minutes.

[Name: Michael Aroa

Race: Ethereal

Title: God Hunter ; Gaia's Savior ; The Slumbered One ; WorldWalker

[Gaia's Saviour: Allows the user to interact with Plants and understand their basic functions]

[The slumbered one: The one who has slept for 10,000 Years. He does not find any necessity of food, water or energy. He can survive without anything at all and even breath that should be most necessary to one's life, he can live without it.]

[WorldWalker: You can travel between the world without any restriction.]

Class: Child of the Universe

[All stats permanently increased by 1,000%]

[Whenever the user fights against an enemy, the world shall fight with him, and fight against the enemy. All stats will be doubled and the enemies stats will be halved]

Level: 18 (48,620,112/50,000,000 Exp)

Status: Healthy


Breath of the Night: All abilities have their power increased by 25% during absence of light.


(1) Blessing of the World: After the death of the Last Ethereals, you are the first being that has taken its step to become an Ethereal. Energy will never be a problem for you.

(2) Blessing of the Gaia's Spirit: When around a plant or vegetation, the energy restoration increases by 50%

(3) Blessing of the Charybdis: You have gained the ability to see or hear things that are otherwise not possible

(4) Blessing of the ONE: All hidden paths will be opened to you when you make a choice regarding your existence(Only works under certain conditions).

Health Points: 160000/160000

Time Points: Infinite

Strength: 20(+200)

Constitution: 20(+200)

Dexterity: 20(+150)

Intelligence: 18(+150)

Wisdom: 20(+150)

Charisma: 20(+150)

Stat points: 35

Total Cronas: 2,564,001

Total Dungeons Under Control: 1

Total Portal under Control: 0]

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