[Alissa's POV]



So, do you know that there are plants that lay traps to catch the insects despite being immovable? It's not just about the plants being immobile or the insects being agile, it's about planning the right way and doing the right way.

In essence, you can say that I function the same way. My plans are near immobile but function perfectly. I have a way to tackle almost all and every situation, no matter how hard it is… 

'Though… what is this?' I thought with a wry expression as I saw my rival in love, Caroline Escarte, helping me out as if I were her best friend.

'It's not a trick… She is doing it with the freedom of her own ability, she is helping me with a good heart,' I could more or less see through people who are simpleton and despite being a high end manager genius, this girl was pretty simple to read.

"Hey!" I spoke a little loud enough to make her stop cleaning the place and look at me. 

"Can you tell me how exactly the relation was between us in your past regression?" I asked with a bit of curiosity as I observed her.

She was stumped a little before she began to ponder a bit more than she spoke,"It wasn't good in the beginning, as we were dealing with things more professionally. Actually, we both slept with Michael on our first meeting," she said as she turned shy, making me look at her blankly…

'Hard to believe honestly,' I thought as I just waited for her to continue.

"After that, Michael… didn't wake up for… forever, I guess?" She hesitated as I focused on those words. "What do you mean by not waking up forever?" I asked

"Hmmm… it's a little confusing, but Michael was trapped in a bubble right after the first night. He was locked up there sleeping in a baby position and no matter what we tried, we couldn't break through the bubble… it was harder than anything we have seen,"Caroline spoke, recounting each and everything they did.

"To be honest, you and I, and also Myla and a few others, were confused about what to do. It certainly did not look like he was in pain. More like he was just peacefully sleeping,"she added.

I pondered over it a little,"It could have been a protective mechanism by that system of his? He did use the word 'Hibernate for 6 months' when explaining his story." 

She nodded as she agreed with me,"this is what we concluded last time as well, and continued doing whatever we did as we waited for him to wake up again…"

She paused in between as she looked at me before asking,"Should I continue or should I tell you about our friendship that happened in between?"

I looked at her blankly for a few seconds before I realized the first question I asked her before, and pondering a little, I said,"Tell me about our friendship. The way you looked at me yesterday and the way you look at me now is quite creepy, to be honest. I would like to know what exactly triggered our friendship to the extent where you are taking care of me as if I were your elder sister."

She chuckled a little as she nodded before explaining,"Well. After the first night, we were worried about Michael, obviously, but in the meantime, we also tried to fulfill our duties as part of the people there. Since my ability to see things at a rapid rate allowed me to go for a high end combat and your ability to sense dangers allowed you to have us a plan, we started going on a duo teams more often. It was strategically good and for some reason, our coordination was naturally good."

I could understand why the coordination was good. Most probably me being able to read her movements… and the reason I took her with me is probably because of Michael. Hmmm.. I seemed to have developed a pity for her during that time, especially when I shared my first time with both Michael and Her.

"After that, even though you were a hard nut to crack, I was still able to initiate conversation between you and me many times. There were also times where we both had to go all out and give each other the best support, many times risking our lives on it, which I think was one of the driving factors for our friendship. In the end, I don't exactly remember, but I started trusting you blindly as an elder sister,"she spoke with a bright smile as she looked at me.

'Too bright,' I thought as I closed my eyes before sighing deeply. Well, that answered the first question. I guess it does make sense to partner up on a war front.

"Sad that you were kidnapped 2 months later,"she sighed as she turned around to further clean the floor.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What do you mean by kidnapped?!!" I asked with a stupefied expression as I looked at her and she stood there still before a sudden realization hit her,"Ah! Michael left the part about you!" 

Intrigued by her behavior, I further pressed her more than I spoke,"Hey! Tell me! What do you mean by kidnapped?"

This is no joke! I should be prepared 100% for whoever was trying to kidnap me. Was it my sister? Or father, perhaps? Who was it?

"The Plants,"she turned to me and looked at me with a knowing expression. Though that only made me more confused,"Plants?"

She nodded. She pondered a little before speaking,"I don't fully understand it either, but supposedly like everyone had Zombie Powers; you developed a certain power that allowed you to carry traits of both Zombies and Plants. It was awesome, to be honest."

"Tell me how I was kidnapped,"the mere thought of someone or something kidnapping me was creeping me out. For some reason, I wanted to know everything about that incident.

"Well. Like our usual drill, we were fighting Zombies, but unlike normal days, the zombies were quite stronger than the others and were also quite numerous. It was hard but not impossible, so we were managing it somehow. But as the fight progressed, we somehow ended up reaching a point where we too were cornered,"she kept speaking as she paused in between. Her eyes closed, she tried to think as deeply as possible.

"Then a certain light. I believed it was your ability? Anyway, that light just showed brightly, like the brightest green out there, and started killing all the zombies left and right. As for you, you were knocked unconscious by the same light as it killed all the Zombies. Didn't take even 10 seconds before all the Zombies were dead.

After that, sadly, the light started creating more and more plants around us as it healed me, while creating vegetation, as a fairy-like plant lady made up of pure wood and leaves, formed out of the green light. That lady took you up in your arms as she moved towards a certain tree that engulfed you both as a whole, leaving the empty trees behind."

She gave a really sad look as she narrated this part before turning at me,

"I tried my best to save you, but… I was too exhausted to fight."

Regret filled her eyes as she continued to wipe the floor again. I stood up with a slight smile on my face, moved towards her in slightly hurried steps and hugged her as tight as possible. Finding me close to her, she smiled as a couple of tears fell from her eyes. She was about to break as I patted her head,

"It's all right. It wasn't your mistake. If I saved you, then it was my own decision and based on the story, I probably wasn't dead, was I?" I consoled her with a sweet voice and even though I could feel the tears on my chest, I kept quiet as I kept patting her.

'Didn't expect things to go this way,' I thought as I kept patting her. Maybe I should have waited to ask this story a bit later… or maybe not? I wonder what Michael was thinking when he heard of this story… Was he coming to save me? He probably was. 

"It was hard, Alissa. I… am sorry,"she spoke with the best of her ability as she tried to control her tears and I continued to pat her. I whispered words like 'it's okay' and 'it would have been fine' but honestly, I totally understand what it means to lose someone you care about so much.

"After you went, I was silent for a few months before another news was dropped on us by Myla,"she continued as she hugged me for a while.

"The military planned to drop an atom bomb in the area where we were… Alissa.. Sister.. You are hurting me… " she spoke as I let her go. Perhaps it was the mention of the Military doing military shit again, I got angry beyond words right now. I kept myself quiet for sometime before she calmed down too.

"It was devastating for many reasons. We couldn't move Micheal. You were gone. The place we built so hard was about to blow into smithereens and that was too within the next week. The fact that if Myla hadn't informed us about it, we would have died without even knowing what hit us made us suffocate a little worse than we were already doing," she spoke as she looked at me with pure hatred for the Military.

"Tell me everything that happened,"I asked as my eyes turned real serious as well.

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