[Walter Ignis's POV]



"Now with that done… Walter.. I have a job for you. You are gonna love it."

I looked at the face of the man who was smiling at me as he spoke something that even in my wildest dreams, I wouldn't have imagined…

"Destroy the entire organization from inside out. Also, about your sister, she is still alive from what I have heard. You can take these three with you, they will be working for you for now… use them, throw them, it's all on you,"he spoke with a bright smile giving me two of the three things that I was desperate for… as for the third thing,

"As for beating Papa Brown and Grandpa Brown… Can you wait for a couple of months? I don't think we can touch them for now."

He had a regretful face as he looked at those three and smiled with a smile that sent chills down to their very last cells,"you guys will help my friends, won't you?"

With rapid nods, all three of them agreed in an instant. As for that Slythreen guy… he was just looking at Sir Michael for now.

"You can go, you know? I will meet you if fate wants us to meet,"he spoke before ignoring his existence completely. His eyes then looked around for a few moments as he opened up his smartphone to transfer the rest of the money to Iverice as promised.

"When she wakes up, tell her that she can take my help if she wants. I liked her loyalty towards us," he spoke before looking at George, Adam, and Blake.

"Go help him… No need to hold back. If anything goes wrong, I will come there immediately," he said with a confidence that made us feel secure beyond what we can imagine. Then he pondered for a few more moments before speaking,

"That is all from me for now. Do you guys have anything else to say?" I looked at him for a few moments as I moved forward, in front of him, and bowing my head, I could only speak,"Thank you, Sir Michael. For both the past and the present… and perhaps… thank you for the future, too."

After a brief moment, I could feel him patting my head as he said,"it's okay. You would probably have done the same thing if you were in my place. So, I guess it's fine," removing his hand. He continued,"since most of the things are done here, I don't think there would be anything that would require my direct involvement. I will be taking my leave now. See ya."

And thus he vanished from there as if he had never existed. 

Raising my head, I found the campus of Atlanta high school, filled with sleeping gangsters on the ground. My eyes turned cold for a few moments as I looked at the three men whom Michael asked to help me.

"You guys can fight?" I asked and looked at me with a slight confusion at first, those three then smirked at once. I guess that's a yes.

"Break their hands and legs… all of them," I ordered them and…


Those three vanished before anyone could realize… reaching the first set of men as…




It was a single attack, was it? Then how come all four limbs of the men they hit were broken at once?

'They are strong too… not as monstrous as the other guy, but still…' I understood their power at once as I looked at Adam and Blake.

"Let's go help them," I spoke, and those two snapped out of their stupor as a maniac-like smile appeared on their faces as they too ran to hit them with all they had. 

'Truly… we are all alike…' a maniac-like smile appeared on my face as I ran towards them,"George," I spoke as I found George joining the fray as soon as I spoke. It was as if he was too waiting for the command.

And just like that, the massacre of the Brown Gang started. Left and right, the sound of breaking bones began echoing like a melody. Let this be the day when the entire Meria country knows that an entire gang, which stood still for a decade, was brought down by a bunch of kids… no, in essence, it was brought down by a single man.

'This is the first step,' I thought as I continued breaking those men left and right. The next step was to find my sister, then destroying the workshops and hubs where these guys have more of their worker men stationed. And then finally destroying the rest of the leftovers which they have in different cities.

'Not like I have anything better to do,' I thought as I chuckled lightly while breaking the last remaining ones here.

A few minutes later…

"So. Do you know where this girl would be?" I asked as I looked at that white-haired man, Wesker, as he observed the picture of my sister on my smartphone. 

"Yeah, she is one of the lab subjects down in the basement of the Browns," he spoke as he recalled her face. Hearing those words, my blood boiled as I lost my smile and composure that I got from beating these scums.

"Take me there," I ordered and Wesker nodded as he spoke,"we will need a car." I nodded at him before turning to Iverice who was shocked to see such a phenomenon in front of her.

"Long story short, Michael gave you his number and said that you can ask for a favor from him. He also transferred the money… and we need a vehicle,"I spoke, summing all the important points which I could think of as I looked at her.

She was still in her daze as she muttered,"you can… take our bikes." Hearing her words, I nodded as I looked at those men, who were dazed as Iverice. Though they politely took out the bike keys and passed it on to us.

"Seems like I got a really powerful ally,"Iverice spoke, giving some thought to it. Her words made me think a little…'perhaps you have gained the strongest man in this world as your ally.'

"Take us there," I said as I looked at Wesker and he nodded before taking one of the bike keys. The other two with him took a key of their own, while George, Adam and Blake were going to drive with me in George's car.

Moving out of the campus, I took one last look at the place where I used to work. It was a bittersweet memory to be here… While it did make me go through hell that I had been through… at least I was able to meet Sir Michael because of it.

I looked at Iverice as she and her men helped my father to the nursery. George had already explained most of the things to Iverice and she was going to pass it on to my father. I don't know how he will react… but hopefully he will be able to live peacefully with it.

With those thoughts, I got in the car and drove towards the place where my sister, Milim Ignis, was. Fortunately, nothing wrong with her happened as she was put in a hibernation phase with some other kids. Though… Many other kids were going through some inhumane experiment which made all of us angered, beyond which we could control. The result? We ended up killing the entire place without any mercy. According to George, he will reveal everything that was happening here to the outside public and let the people be the judge of what to do with these types of people. Not that any of them would be alive to be able to meet the public, anyway.

With that out of the view, we then started hunting for the rest of the places where those bastards were hiding. Mercy was no longer an option. Each and everyone of them had to die at this point. 

And just like that, the day passed as the entire Brown Gang was obliterated from the planet in a single day. It was surely going to send a sensation to the entire country after they learned of what has transpired here.

By the end of the day, I was sitting in the hospital room with my sister unconscious on the bed as my father sat beside me with a guilt-ridden face while I looked at the bright full moon through the window.

"I… don't-"my father tried to initiate the conversation, but honestly, it wasn't just him that was finding it difficult to talk about everything that happened.

"It's fine. I am sure you must have had your reasons. You suffered for decades just so that we can live peacefully. Don't worry, I believe you,"I spoke with a smile, making his eyes widen as he looked at me. He then slowly walked towards me with his watering a little before he hugged me tightly…

"I am… sorry… for being such a pathetic father…"he spoke as he broke down and finally started crying like a baby. I was strong.. I had been through many things and it was rare for me to cry but… I was crying right now… the day that started with a smile that didn't come from joy, it ended with tears that were filled with happiness that didn't feel satisfying. 

In a way… I was empty… I… 

'What should I do next?' I thought about looking at my father sleeping in my lap while my sister slept on the hospital bed… 

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