"Hahaha. You're truly great!" Maya's laugh echoed inside the room.

Theo, who was opening the door to Bernard's office, paused for a moment and looked around to find Bernard.

After coming back from the other side, the Lowe Organization and the military kept apologizing to them because they would have been exterminated due to their lack of information.

The two of them couldn't even do anything if the Starry Group didn't turn the situation around. That was why none of the people who participated in that war could raise their heads high like how they looked down on Theo.

The Lowe Organization suffered more than half of its number, and the military sustained similar damage. Only the Starry Group managed to escape with only a few people dying.

Obviously, the people from the Starry Group looked at them with contempt and returned to America with that pride.

Now that they had returned, Theo went straight to the Star Group office to finalize the agreement of his stay for the next few months.

And to think Maya would be joining them, Theo was startled by her loud voice.

"I'm satisfied with your performance in this mission. I was skeptical at first since there should be no reason to send you there, but I guess that was a good decision." Bernard turned his chair around and chuckled. "Good job."

"Any bonus for me?" Theo smirked.

"Before that, let me give you these first." Maya handed him a few books and explained, "These are the breathing techniques of our companies. You can see which one suits you the most."

"Oh." Theo nodded with a serious expression. "Though, I wonder what kind of bonus you're planning to give me… I have saved your people. Even you won't escape unscathed if you lose all those people, especially with the additional conflict that will happen with these two organizations."

"Indeed. I don't want to admit it, but fighting against the Lowe Organization and the government is not a wise thing to do. And now, you come back with a big bonus for me. I can take advantage of the situation to squeeze them dry." Maya nodded in understanding.

"For that, how about I give you a set of the armor you wanted back then? I heard it from my father." Bernard asked, interjecting their conversation.

"Ah." Theo thought for a moment and nodded. "I guess I can accept it. Two billion Zils worth of equipment… Well, I don't mind it being a bonus."

"Of course, I'm not going to treat you badly since I can get more than ten times that amount. At least ten percent of it belongs to you… So, if you have any requests, you can just tell me," said Maya while wondering what kind of item Theo wanted. She thought about getting more A Rank Cards, but Theo hadn't mentioned anything about it recently, so she hadn't bought them yet.

"In that case, I have two demands. Firstly, I want your cooperation. I will tell you the details later. As for the second matter… Can you use the rest of the money to get some information about a certain person?" Theo asked, thinking this was a good time to check the guy Felix mentioned.

Agata and Felix would give him some information, but he wouldn't reject more information. After all, he needed to make sure they could be trusted.

"Ho? Who's that guy?" Maya squinted her eyes before glancing at her father, who was more adept in information gathering.

"He's an information broker as well." Theo shrugged, fully aware his request didn't make sense.

"The information about an information broker…" Maya asked her father, "I think it's hard for me since my information network isn't as powerful as my father…"

"Sure. I don't really mind." Bernard nodded, accepting the request. "That kind of money can give you all his information unless he's an important person. I'll just allocate the amount to my people."

"Okay." Theo was satisfied with the arrangement.

"Now that I have thought about it, didn't you want to go to Australia to find out their fighting style? Why did you come back with the rest of the group?"

"Don't worry about that. I already got what I wanted." Theo waved his hand nonchalantly.

"What you wanted…" Bernard squinted his eyes and took a random guess. "Your own group?"

Theo smiled. "As expected from Sir Bernard."

"Looking at your appetite, a small Supreme Rank Expert surely couldn't pique your interest. In that case, your real reason to go to Australia was to recruit a Mythical Rank Expert."

"Is that a problem?"

"Not really. You are affiliated with this company, but we won't restrict your action. Of course, if you have two jobs, you need to prioritize the company."

"Yes. I don't really mind that. Also, I want them to stay with me in that mansion. Is it possible for you to arrange it?"

"I can help you with the green card. As for the mansion, you can invite anyone you like, even some girls from the street. As long as you are affiliated with us, that mansion is yours."

"Okay. Thank you for the help."

"No problem. I should be the one thanking you."

"Eh? Maya aside, why do you need to thank me?" Theo tilted his head in confusion.

"Well, as a father, I need to take care of my darling daughter, including her company. But… we made a bet when you were in Australia. Since she has lost, hehe…" Bernard chuckled while glancing at Maya with a sly face.

It was clear from his face that he already had a plan for the bet.

"Ahaha, I'm not going to meddle in your family business." Theo took a step back and said, "If we're done here, I should return to my mansion as soon as possible. I can't afford to have anyone following me after all."

"Okay. I will send everything to your mansion later. As for the stay, you can chill in your mansion until March."

"Got it." After saying goodbye to them, Theo left the room, heading straight to his mansion.

And as expected, he could feel some gaze on him even though he was inside the car. But luckily, nothing happened until he reached his mansion.

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